Minutes - Beverages Licensing - 9/20/2000V
** *MINUTES * **
NAME OF BOARD /COMMISSION: Beverages Licensing Authority
DATE OF MEETING: September 20, 2000
(303- 441 -3010)
Board Members: Mary West- Smith, Steve Wallace, Phil Graves
Staff Present: Sue -Ellen Harrison, Assistant City Attorney, Sonya Oster, Deputy City Clerk, Officer Jenny Paddock,
Officer Brent Curnow, Boulder Police Dept., Bob Keatley, Boulder Police Dept. Legal Advisor,
1. Roll call.
There was a quorum with Members Mulligan and Sanford being absent.
Approval of Minutes (06- 21 -00).
This item was tabled to the October 18 meeting.
Approval of Minutes (07- 19 -00).
Graves moved, seconded by Wallace, that the Authority approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passes 3 -0.
Approval of Minutes (08- 16 -00).
This item was tabled to the October 18 meeting.
2. Public Hearing and Consideration of a July 21, 2000 Application from Duke & Long Distributing
Licensee, Inc., d/b /a Everyday Store #5003, 1275 13' St., Kathleen Callahan - Guion, 6 Hackberry Lane,
Houston, TX, Pres. /Tres., Thomas E. Gerrity, 23206 Wellington Court, Spring, TX, VP /Sec., for a Transfer
of Ownership of a 3.2% Beer Off Premise type license.
Graves moved, seconded by Wallace, that the Authority approve the application for a Transfer of Ownership
of a 3.2% Beer Off Premise type license with the condition that all managers and servers attend the Boulder
Police Department's alcohol training course within 6 months of being hired. Motion passes 3 -0.
3. Public Hearing and Consideration of an August 8, 2000 Application from East Lake Catering, LLC, d/b /a
East Lake Catering, 5660 Sioux Dr., Meals on Wheels of Boulder, Inc., Member, Francea Phillips, 3712
Oakwood Dr., Longmont, CO, Managing Member for a New Hotel - Restaurant type license.
Graves moved, seconded by Wallace that the Authority approve the application for a New Hotel- Restaurant
type license with the condition that all managers and servers attend the Boulder Police Department's alcohol
training course within 6 months of being hired. Motion passes 3 -0.
4. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the 3.2% Beer Off Premise type liquor license held by Pretty
Good Groceries, Inc., d/b /a Lolita's, 800 Pearl St., should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Mr. Keatley stated that he had come to
an agreement with the licensee that the license be suspended for 15 days. 3 days will be served. The date of
suspension will take place on October 5, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 8, 2000 at 12:00 am. Graves
moved, seconded by Wallace, that the Authority accept the stipulation and agreement. Motion passes 3 -0.
5. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the 3.2% Beer Off Premise type liquor license held by Sky
Petroleum, LLC, d/b /a Conoco #6433, 5500 Arapahoe Ave., should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Mr. Keatley stated that he had come to
an agreement with the licensee that the license be suspended for 15 days. 6 days will be served. The date of
suspension will take place on October 5, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 11, 2000 at 12:00 am. Graves
moved, seconded by Wallace, that the Authority accept the stipulation and agreement. Motion passes 3 -0.
6. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Hotel - Restaurant type liquor license held by Chang Hong
Sun and Lien Dong, d/b /a K's China, 1325 Broadway, #201, should be suspended or revoked.
The licensee's attorney faxed a letter to the Deputy City Clerk requesting a continuance to the October 18
hearing. The Authority granted a continuance until the October 18, 2000 hearing.
7. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Brew Pub type liquor license held by Walnut Brewery, Inc.,
d/b /a The Walnut Brewery, 1123 Walnut St., should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Wallace moved, seconded by Graves,
that the license be suspended for 15 days. 3 days will be served. The date of suspension will take place on
October 3, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 6, 2000 at 12:00 am. Motion passes 3 -0.
8. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Beer & Wine type liquor license held by AFR, Inc., d/b /a
Abo's Family Restaurant, 2761 Iris Ave., should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Mr. Keatley stated that he had come to
an agreement with the licensee that the license be suspended for 15 days. 3 days will be served. The date of
suspension will take place on October 5, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 8, 2000 at 12:00 am. Wallace
moved, seconded by Graves, that the Authority accept the stipulation and agreement. Motion passes 3 -0.
9. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license held by Holy Sushi, Inc.,
d/b /a Japango,1136 Pearl St., Ste. 103, should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Mr. Keatley stated that he had come to
an agreement with the licensee that the license be suspended for 15 days. 5 days will be served. The date of
suspension will take place on October 5, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 10, 2000 at 12:00 am. Wallace
moved, seconded by Graves that the Authority accept the stipulation and agreement. Motion passes 3 -0.
10. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license held by The Hapa
Group, Inc., d/b /a Hapa Sushi & Sake, 1117 Pearl St., should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Mr. Keatley stated that he had come to
an agreement with the licensee that the license be suspended for 15 days. 5 days will be served. The date of
suspension will take place on October 1, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 6, 2000 at 12:00 am. Wallace
moved, seconded by Graves, that the Authority accept the stipulation and agreement. Motion passes 3 -0.
11. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license held by The Nutty
Irishman, LLC, d/b /a The Nutty Irishman, 770 28` St., should be suspended or revoked.
Member Wallace recused himself from this item, therefore, the Authority was without a quorum and this item
was continued to the October 18, 2000 hearing.
12. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license held by Iguana MR,
Inc., d/b /a La Iguana Taqueria, 1301 Broadway, should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Graves moved, seconded by Wallace,
that the license be suspended for 15 days. 5 days will be served. The date of suspension will take place on
October 1, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 6, 2000 at 12:00 am. Motion passes 3 -0.
13. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license held by Cicala, Inc.,
d/b /a Bacaro, 925 Pearl St., should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatlev presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Mr. Keatley stated that he had come to
an agreement with the licensee that the license be suspended for 15 days. 3 days will be served. The date of
suspension will take place on October 5, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 8, 2000 at 12:00 am. Wallace
moved, seconded by Graves, that the Authority accept the stipulation and agreement. Motion passes 3 -0.
14. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Hotel - Restaurant type liquor license held by Naryan's
Restaurant Boulder, Inc., d/b /a Naryan's Nepal Restaurant, 1124 Pearl St., should be suspended or
The licensee's attorney was present to request a continuance. Graves moved, seconded by West- Smith, that
the Authoriticontinue this item to the October 18, 2000 hearing. Motion passes 3 -0, with Member Wallace
15. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license held by Half Fast, Inc.,
d/b /a Planet Sub, 1215 13` St., should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Mr. Keatley stated that he had come to
an agreement with the licensee that the license be suspended for 15 days. 5 days will be served. The date of
suspension will take place on October 5, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 10, 2000 at 12:00 am. Wallace
moved, seconded by Graves that the Authority accept the stipulation and agreement. Motion passes 3 -0.
16. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Retail Liquor Store type liquor license held by Do Sook Kim,
d/b/a Williams Village Liquors, 655 30` St., should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Mr. Keatley stated that he had come to
an agreement with the licensee that the license be suspended for 18 days. 5 days will be served for this
violation, plus 3 days that were held in abeyance from a June 2000 violation for a total of 8 days served. The
date of suspension will take place on October 5, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 13, 2000 at 12:00 am.
Wallace moved, seconded by Graves that the Authority accept the stipulation and agreement. Motion passes
3 -0.
17, Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Brew Pub type liquor license held by Col -Han, Inc., d/b /a.
The Oasis Brewery, 1095 Canyon Blvd., should be suspended or revoked.
The licensee's attorney faxed a letter to the Deputy City Clerk requesting a continuance to the October 18
hearing. The Authority granted the continuance.
18, Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license held by La Estrellita
Enterprises, Inc., d/b /a La Estrellita Restaurant, 1718 Broadway, should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Mr. Keatley stated that he had come to
an agreement with the licensee that the license be suspended for 30 days. 11 days will served for this violation,
plus 6 days that were held in abeyance from an October 1999 violation, for a total of 17 days suspended. The
date of suspension will take place on October 5, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 22, 2000 at 12:00 am.
Wallace moved, seconded by Graves that the Authority accept the stipulation and agreement.
Motion passes 3 -0.
19, Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license held by Hungry Toad,
Inc., d/b /a The Hungry Toad, 2543 N. Broadway, should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Mr. Keatley stated that he had come to
an agreement with the licensee that the license be suspended for 15 days. 6 day will be served. The date of
suspension will take place on October 5, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 11, 2000 at 12:00 am. Graves
moved, seconded by West -Smith that the Authority accept the stipulation and agreement. Motion passes 3 -0.
20. Show Cause Hearing concerning whether the Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license held by Ritz Brothers,
Inc., d/b /a The Sink, 1165 13t St., should be suspended or revoked.
Bob Keatley presented a stipulation of facts agreed to by the licensee. Mr. Keatley stated that he had come to
an agreement with the licensee that the license be suspended for 15 days. 3 days will be served. The date of
suspension will take place on October 4, 2000 from 12:01 am until October 7, 2000 at 12:00 am. Wallace
moved, seconded by Graves that the Authority accept the stipulation and agreement. Motion passes 3 -0.
21, Matters from the Deputy City Clerk
Alternate Board Members
Sheriff's sting report results
Illegal Pete's discussion
7 -11 #19948 manager issue
22. Matters from the Assistant City Attorney - None
23. Matters from the Boulder Police,Department - None
24. Matters from the Chair and Members of the Authority - None
Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
1:00 PM - 3` Wednesday of Every Month
Sonya Oster, Deputy City Clerk
Mary Wes ith, Vice -Chair