Minutes - Beverages Licensing - 4/19/2000CITY OF BOULDER BEVERAGES LICENSING AUTHORITY ** *MINUTES * ** WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19,2000, 1:00 P.M. BOULDER CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS V / MUNICIPAL BUILDING - 2 nd FLOOR 1777 BROADWAY, BOULDER, COLORADO 0 • NAME OF BOARD /COMMISSION: Beverages Licensing Authority DATE OF MEETING: April 19, 2000 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Sonya Oster - Deputy City Clerk (303 -441 -3010) NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: Board Members: Tom Sanford, Steve Wallace, Phil Graves, Mary West- Smith, Patrick Mulligan Staff Present: Sue -Ellen Harrison, Assistant City Attorney, Sonya Oster, Deputy City Clerk, Officer Jenny Paddock and Officer Brent Curnow, Boulder Police Dept. WHAT TYPE OF MEETING (CIRCLE ONE): [REGULAR] [SPECIAL] [QUASI- J JUDI!P OUTLINE OF AGENDA (USE ONE ADDITIONAL PAGE IF NECESSARY): WHAT WAS DISCUSSED, TABLED; WHICH ACTION WAS TAKEN; PROVIDE VOTE TALLY OF ANY VOTES TAKEN: 1. Swearing In of New Member, Roll Call, Appointment of Chair and Vice - Chair. Patrick Mu1L_ gan was sworn in as a new Authority member. Roll call was taken, all members were present with the exception of Member Wallace. There was a quorum. 2. Approval of Minutes (03- 15 -00). Graves moved, seconded by West - Smith, that the Authoritapprove the minutes as submitted. Motion passes 3 -0 with Member Mulligan abstaining from the vote. 3. Public Hearing and Consideration of a February 22, 2000 Application from Armadillo Club, Inc., d/b /a Armadillo Restaurant, 1675 28'h St., Joe Lucio, 13954 Lipan Ct.,Westminster, CO, Pres., Lucy Lucio, 1354 52 °d Ave. Ct., Greeley, CO. Sec. /Tres., William Dellenback, 1404 43 "Ave., Greeley, CO, for a Transfer of Ownership of a Hotel- Restaurant type license currently held by Flying Burro New Mexico Cafe. The Board Secretary informed the Authority that the Preliminary Findings Report needed to be amended. The Board Secretary was provided with a report from the Boulder Police Department that would indicate that the proposed Registered Manager, William Fryberger, neglected to disclose two criminal history records. Alan Dill, attorney for the applicant, requested that the Authority give the applicant five (5) days to remedy the situation. West -Smith moved, seconded by Graves, that the Authority postpone the Transfer of Ownership of a Hotel - Restaurant license until the Registered Manager issue is resolved. Motion passes 4 -0. • • • 4. Public Hearing and Consideration of a February 23, 2000 Application from Albertson's Inc., d/b /a Albertson's Food Center #843,1850 30' St., Gary Michael, 2010 Silvercreek Ln., Boise, ID, CEO, John Boyd, 3986 S. Suntree Way, Boise, ID, V.P. /Tres., Kaye O'Riordan, 1750 Shaw Mountain Rd., Boise, ID, V.P. /Sec., John Carley, 2375 N. Towerview Ln., Boise, ID, Director, J.B. Scott, 501 Baybrook Ct., Boise, ID Director, for a Transfer of Ownership of a 3.2% Off Premises type license currently held by Leever's. Member Wallace was present for the beginning of this agenda item. Sanford moved, seconded by Graves, that the Authority approve the Transfer of Ownership of a 3.2% Off Premise license with the conditions that all managers and sellers attend the Boulder Police Department's alcohol training course within 6 months of being hired and that the license be issued with a non - automatic renewal. Motion passes 5 -0. 5. Public Hearing and Consideration of a February 23, 2000 Application from Minh Vien and Anh Truong, d/b /a Saigon Grill, 1635 28' St., Minh Vien, 10075 Depew St., Broomfield, CO, co- owner, Anh Truong, 10075 Depew St., Broomfield, CO, co- owner, for a Transfer of Ownership of a Hotel- Restaurant type license currently held by Sin Tung Restaurant. The Board Secretary informed the Authority that the Preliminary Findings Report needed to be amended. The Board Secretary was provided with a report from the Boulder Police Department that would indicate that one of the proposed owners, Anh Truong, neglected to disclose a criminal history record. Mr. Truong explained the situation to the Authority Sanford moved, seconded by Graves, that the Authority approve the Transfer of Ownership of a Hotel- Restaurant license with the condition that all managers and servers attend the Boulder Police Department's alcohol training_ course within 6 months of being hired. Motion passes 5 -0. 6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a March 6, 2000 Application from Elgiad Venture, LLC, d/b /a EnVie, 1738 Pearl St., Ste. 104, William Daigle, 2342 20 St., Boulder, CO, Managing Member, Wendy Daigle, 2205 Bluff St., Boulder, CO, Member, for a New Hotel-Restaurant type license. Sanford moved. seconded by Graves, that the Authority approve the New Hotel- Restaurant license with the condition that all managers and servers attend the Boulder Police Department's alcohol training course within 6 months of being hired. The Deputy City Clerk also requested a written statement from the licensee describing the patio and "commons area" control of premise. Motion passes 5 -0. Member West -Smith left the meeting at the conclusion of Agenda Item #6. 7. Public Hearing and Consideration of a March 6, 2000 Application from The Nutty Irishman, LLC, d/b /a The Nutty Irishman, 770 28" St., John Brennan, 805 29' St., Apt. 104, Boulder, CO, Managing Member, Pierce Fox, 805 29t' St., Apt. 104, Boulder, CO, Managing Member, Killian Shaw, 805 29 St., Apt. 104, Boulder, CO, Managing Member, for a Transfer of Ownership of a Hotel- Restaurant type license and a Request to Change, Alter or Modify the Premises currently held by Fanatics. Member Wallace recused himself from this item due to a conflict of interest. The Board Secretary informed the Authority that the Preliminary Findings Report needed to be amended. The Board Secretary was provided with a report from the Boulder Police Department that indicated that one of the proposed owners, Pierce Fox, had a driver's license, when he indicated on his Individual History Form that he did not have one. Mr. Fox informed the Authority that he had a motorcycle instructor's license. Sanford moved, seconded by Mulligan, that the Authority approve the Transfer of Ownership • • • of a Hotel- Restaurant license with the condition that all managers and servers attend the Boulder Police Department's alcohol training course within 6 months of being hired. Motion passes 3 -0. Sanford moved, seconded by Graves, that the Authority approve the Request to Change, Alter or Modify the premise of a Hotel - Restaurant license. Motion passes 3 -0. 8. Public Hearing and Consideration of a March 6, 2000 Application from NHK, Inc., d/b /a Sushi Tora, 2014 10 St., for a Request to Change, Alter or Modify the Premises of a Beer and Wine type license. Sanford moved, seconded by Graves, that the Authority approve the Transfer of Ownership of a Hotel - Restaurant license with the condition that all managers and servers attend the Boulder Police Department's alcohol training course within 6 months of being hired. Motion passes 4 -0. 9. Public Hearing and Consideration of a March 8, 2000, Application from OMT, Inc., d/b /a 14`b Street Bar & Grill, 1400 Pearl St., for a Request to Change, Alter or Modify the Premises of a Hotel - Restaurant type license. Sanford moved seconded by Graves, that the Authority approve the Transfer of Ownership of a Hotel - Restaurant license. Motion passes 5 -0. 10. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Renewal Application from Ginger's Drive By Liquor, LLC, d/b /a Ginger's Drive By Liquor, 3053 28"' St., Paul A. Wallace, Managing Member, and Douglas J. Forbes, Member, for a Retail Liquor Store type license. Sanford moved, seconded by Mulligan, that the AuthoriLq . approve the renewal of a Retail Liquor Store license. Motion passes 4 -0. The licensee asked the Authority for leniency with being required to have two employees on duty at all times. Graves moved, seconded by Mulligan that the Authority modify the original request to only require two employees from 4:00 - 8:00 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Two people will be required to be on duty from 4:00 pm - 12:00 am on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Motion passes 3 -1 with Member Wallace dissenting. 11. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Renewal Application from D & M Young, Inc., d/b /a 23" Street Market & Liquor, 2299 Pearl St., David Young, President and Monalisa L. Young, Treasurer, for a Retail Liquor Store type license. Graves moved, seconded by Mulligan, that the Authority approve the renewal of a Retail Liquor Store license with the following conditions: 1) The licensee will be required to submit monthly reports for the remainder of the year. 2) The reports are to be submitted on the first of each month beginning February 1, 2000 and ending December 1, 2000. 3) If the first of the month falls on a weekend, the report will be due on the Mowing Monday 4) If the first of the month falls on a City holiday, the report will be due on the next business day. 5) The reports are to contain a list of all owners, managers and employees involved in the sale of alcohol at 23r St. Market & Liquor. their date of hire, date of birth, date of attending the Boulder Police Department's alcohol course and a copy of their certificate. • • 6) All owners, managers and employees involved in the sale of alcohol at 23" St. Market & Liguor are required to take the Boulder Police Department's within three (3) months of date of hire. 7) The reports should be clearly marked as to what month they pertain to. 8) The reports are to be filed with the City Clerk's Office by 5:00 pm on the due date. The licensee should try to submit the reports to the Deputy City Clerk first, if she is unavailable, then the report should be submitted to one of the receptionists in the CLq Manager's Office. The report will be date and time stamped when they are submitted. 9) If the licensee fails to submit a report on the due date, the liquor license will be immediately revoked. Motion passes 4 -0. 12. Matters from the Deputy City Clerk - The Deputy City Clerk presented a curriculum outline of the TIPS program from the Colorado Restaurant Association. 13. Matters from the Assistant City Attorney - None 14. Matters from the Boulder Police Department - None 15. Matters from the Chair and Members of the Authority - None Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. TIME AND LOCATION OF ANY FUTURE MEETINGS, COMMITTEES OR SPECIAL HEARINGS: 1:00 PM - 3" Wednesday of Every Month ATTES Sonya Oster, Deputy City Clerk •