Minutes - Beverages Licensing - 3/15/2000•' - P, • • • CITY OF BOULDER BEVERAGES LICENSING AUTHORITY ** *MINUTES * ** WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 2000, 1:00 P.M. BOULDER CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL BUILDING - 2° FLOOR 1777 BROADWAY, BOULDER, COLORADO NAME OF BOARD /COMMISSION: Beverages Licensing Authority DATE OF MEETING: March 15, 2000 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Sonya Oster - Deputy City Clerk (303 -441 -3010) NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: Board Members: Tom Sanford, Steve Wallace, Phil Graves, Mary West- Smith, Jack O'Neil Staff Present: Sue -Ellen Harrison, Assistant City Attorney, Sonya Oster, Deputy City Clerk, Officer Jenny Paddock WHAT TYPE OF MEETING (CIRCLE ONE): [REGULAR] [SPECIAL] (Q ASI- JUDIGIALI OUTLINE OF AGENDA (USE ONE ADDITIONAL PAGE IF NECESSARY): WHAT WAS DISCUSSED, TABLED; WHICH ACTION WAS TAKEN; PROVIDE VOTE TALLY OF ANY VOTES TAKEN: 1. Roll Call. All members were present there was a quorum_ Approval of Minutes (01- 19 -00). Wallace moved, seconded by Graves, that the Authority approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passes 3 -0. Approval of Minutes (02- 16 -00). Graves moved, seconded by Wallace, that the Authority approve the minutes with the added notation that Member O'Neil was present at the meeting. Motion passes 4 -0. 2. Public Hearing and Consideration of a January 10, 2000 Application from Holy Sushi, Inc., d/h /a Japango, 1136 Pearl St., Ste. 103, Mikio Hashimoto, 4164 S. Valentia St., Denver, CO, President, Michael Barish, 5761 E. Nassau Pl., Englewood, CO, Stockholder, for a Request to Change, Alter or Modify the Premise of a Hotel - Restaurant Type License. Graves moved, seconded by O'Neil, that the Authority approve the application for a Request to Change, Alter or Modify the Premise of a Hotel - Restaurant type license. Motion passes 5 -0. • • 3. Public Hearing and Consideration of a January 20, 2000 Application from Sky Petroleum, LLC, d/b /a Conoco #6434, 5500 E. Arapahoe Ave., Dennis Christensen, 7435 S. Houstoun Waring Circle, Littleton, CO, Managing Member, Steve Nelson, 259 Old Littleton Rd., Harvard, MA, Member, for a Transfer of Ownership of a 3.2% Beer Off Premise Type License currently held by Cono - Services, Inc. Sanford moved, seconded by O'Neil that the Authority approve the application for a Transfer of Ownership of a 3.2% Beer Off Premise type license with the condition that all owners, managers and salespersons involved in the sale of 3.2% Beer attend the Boulder Police Alcohol training course within 6 months of being hired. Motion passes 5-0. 4. Public Hearing and Consideration of a February 7, 2000 Application from Jose Corral, d/b /a Aguilena, 4800 Baseline Rd., #A -107, Jose D. Corral 4982 S. his St., Littleton, CO, Owner, for a New Hotel- Restaurant Type License. Graves moved seconded by O'Neil that the Authority approve the application for a New Hotel - Restaurant type license with the condition that all owners managers and salespersons involved in the sale and service of alcohol attend the Boulder Police Alcohol training course within 6 months of being hired. The Authority also requested that a new floor plan be submitted that is more detailed and to scale. Motion passes 5-0. 5. Public Hearing and Consideration of a February 7, 2000 Application from Mongolian Operating Company, LLC, d/b /a BD's Mongolian Barbeque of Boulder, 1600 Pearl St., William Downs, 21297 Wheaton Ln., Novi, MI, Managing Member, Matthew Kirby, 24 Calonne Rd., Wimbledon, UK, Member, Roxanne Fish, 1050 Sherman St., Ste. 402, Denver, CO, Manager, for a New Hotel- Restaurant Type License. Member Wallace stated at the beginning of this item that he had 2 ex parte communications with members of the affected neighborhood. The neighbors inquired if Member Wallace had any information about the restaurant, he stated that he had none. Sanford moved, seconded by Graves, that the Authority approve the application for a New Hotel- Restaurant type license with the condition that all owners, managers and salespersons involved in the sale and service of alcohol attend the Boulder Police Alcohol training course within 6 months of being hired. Motion passes 5-0. 6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a February 7, 2000 Application from Triana, LLC, d/b /a Triana, 1039 Pearl St., Scott Lockwood, 1523 18' St., #2A, Denver, CO, Managing Member, Adam Devito, 5908 Jay Rd., Boulder, CO, Managing Member, Matthew Jansen, 425 N. Ceaderbrook Dr., Boulder, CO, Manager, for a New Hotel- Restaurant Type License. Member Wallace stated at the beginning of this item that he had a previous personal relationship with Mr. Lockwood. This relationship was severed with prejudice, therefore Member Wallace recused himself from this item. Sanford moved, seconded by Graves, that the Authority approve the application for a New Hotel - Restaurant type license with the condition that all owners, managers and salespersons involved in the sale and service of alcohol attend the Boulder Police Alcohol training course within 6 months of being hired. Motion passes 4 -0. 7. Public Hearing and Consideration of a February 10, 2000 Application from Just Hit It, Inc., 5706 Arapahoe Rd., David Tobin, 1290 Edinboro Dr., Boulder, CO, Pres. /Tres./Manager, Anne Tobin, 1290 Edinboro Dr., Boulder, CO, V.P. /Sec., for a New Hotel- Restaurant with Optional Premise. Sanford moved, seconded by O'Neil, that the Authority approve the application for a New Hotel - Restaurant type license with the condition that all owners, managers and salespersons involved in the sale and service of alcohol attend the Boulder Police Alcohol training course within 6 months of being hired. Motion passes 5-0. 8. Matters from the Deputy City Clerk - 1) Liquor License Renewal Discussion regarding Pyramid Group, Inc., d/b /a The Fox Theater, 1135 13 Street Sanford moved, seconded by O'Neil, that the Authority approve the Hotel - Restaurant type license for renewal with the following conditions: e • 17J A) Mr. Bennett agrees not to have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in the Tavern type liquor license held by Igalut LLC. Including but not limited to any LLC membership interest. any authority over the day to day management of Tulagi's, hiring and firing of employees, ability to order and/or accept delivery of alcohol and being an authorized signator on any bank accounts associated with Tulagi's. If at any time Mr. Bennett no longer is employed by The Fox Theater or is no longer a corporate officer, an all appropriate paperwork is filed with and approved by the City of Boulder, then he may become financially interested in Tavern type liquor licenses. B) The licensee will submit proof of submission of corporate changes to the Secretary of State before the Deputy City Clerk will submit the renewal to State Liquor. The approved documents from the Secretary of State must be submitted within 45 days of this hearing. Motion passes 4 -0. 2) City Petition Form - The Authority decided that the City petition form will be a policy of the Authority rather than a rule or regulation. 3) Alcohol Training Requirement - The Authority decided that the Alcohol Training Requirement will become a rule with a policy that all owners, managers and salespersons involved in the sale and service of alcohol attend the Boulder Police Alcohol training course within 6 months of being hired. 4) Floor Plan Requirement - The Authority decided that the floor plan requirements will become a rule. Neighborhood Boundaries were set for the following applicants for the April 19, 2000 hearing: Elgiad Venture, LLC, d/b /a EnVie 1738 Pearl St., Ste. 104 Application for a New Hotel- Restaurant License NORTH: Maxwell Ext. SOUTH: Arapahoe Ave. WEST: Broadway EAST: Folsom 9. Matters from the Assistant City Attorney - None 10. Matters from the Boulder Police Department - None 11. Matters from the Chair and Members of the Authority - None Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m. TIME AND LOCATION OF ANY FUTURE MEETINGS, COMMITTEES OR SPECIAL HEARINGS: 1:00 PM - 3' Wednesday of Every Month - ' RIA&I q� ATTE T: Kvi�� 0 Sonya Oster, Deputy City Clerk