Minutes - Beverage Licensing - 10/19/2005CITY OF BOULDER
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2005,1:00 P.M.
NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Beverages Licensing Authority
DATE OF MEETING: October 19, 2005
PREPARING SUMMARY: Mishawn J. Cook - Licensing Clerk
Board Members: Priscilla Corielle (present from Agenda item 2 through the end of hearing),
Peter Gowen, Cam Marshall, Tim McMurray, and Brett Parnes.
Staff Present: Sandra Llanes, Assistant City Attorney, and Mishawn Cook, Licensing Clerk.
1. Roll Call of Beverages Licensing Authority (BLA)
Roll call was taken. Four Authority members were present. There was a quorum.
Approval of Minutes - September 21, 2005
Mishawn Cook noted for the Authority that she had been spelling Thomas Mattson's name
wrong (attorney for the Player's Club), and as such, she had correct the spelling in the copy
of the 9/21 /OS BLA minutes that Chair Gowen will sign today if approved. Member Parnes
moved, seconded by Mazshall, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion approved 4:0.
Approval of Hearing Conductor Assignments for this hearing
Chair Gowen requested public input on the hearing conductor assignments, and hearing
none, opened this matter to a vote. Member Marshall moved, seconded by Parnes, to accept
the hearing wnductor assignments as listed. Motion approved 4:0. At this time in the
hearing, Member Corielle arrived and joined the Authority members.
2. Matters from the Boulder Police Department (BPD).
Officer Cazlene Hofrnann from the BPD appeazed and stated that the BPD just completed a
weekend full of compliance checks; conducted checks at 41 licensed premises, with 10
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violations. Officer Hofinann stated that the BPD still has SO licensed premise inspections to
complete before the end of 2005, but she cannot promise the Authority that she can
complete all of those inspections this year because of lack of time. Officer Hofinann stated
that the BPD LESS classes are going fine, that the BPD is thinking revamping the class, and
that the BPD is wondering if such class will continue under BPD's purview as some of the
City's alcohol subcommittees are suggesting that the class should be handled elsewhere.
One of the changes to the class that the BPD is thinking of instituting for the class is a test to
be taken at the end of each session, in which you have to answer 80% or more of the
answers correctly, or the class will need to be retaken. The Authority members generally,
and Member Marshall in particulaz, expressed that a test for the class is a good idea.
3. Matters from the Responsible Hospitality Group (RHG).
Mishawn Cook reported to the Authority that she had received a phone voice mail message
just before the hearing from Beth Smith, Chair of RHG, in which Ms. Smith asked her to
relay to the Authority that conflicting personal time commitments did not allow attendance
at today's hearing, but that Ms. Smith planned to attend next month's hearing to introduce
the new chair of the RHG to the Authority.
4. Renewal Hearing for R2DJ, Inc. d/b/a The Player's Club at 1143 13~h Street fora non-
automatic renewal of ahotel-restaurant type liquor license expiring on October 2,
Member Gowen was the designated hearing conductor for this matter. Thomas Mattson,
Esq., attorney for landlord, appeared on behalf of the licensee as landlord's and licensee's
interests in this matter are aligned. Mishawn Cook advised the Authority that materials,
including state and city renewal applications not available at the time of packet printing,
were provided to all BLA members, that same materials would be entered as an agenda
exhibit, and that a packet of such materials had also been provided to Mr. Mattson. Mr.
Mattson agreed to waive reading of procedures. Mr. Mattson stated that it was the intention
of R2DJ, Inc. to reopen on a limited basis to comply with the 25% meal requirement
dictated for hotel-restaurant licenses, in anticipation of a new tenant or the sale of the
building to a new owner, thus allowing transfer of the liquor license. Chair Gowen asked
Mr. Mattson if the reopened premise would have the same management team, and Mr.
Mattson replied that it would be under the same ownership, but would have an entirely new
management team, perhaps with Mr. Mattson acting as the registered manager if necessary.
Mr. Mattson commented that his wish is to involve the neighbors so that their late night baz
concerns aze allayed, and that his hope is to have the space taken over by the Round the
Corner restaurant, now known as Training Table.
Member Mazshall asked Mishawn Cook about the contents of the exhibit packet provided to
the BLA, especially an email indicating that R2DJ, Inc. filed for dissolution for their
corporation on January 28, 2005, and Ms. Cook replied that this was newly provided
information for her also. Member McMurray, Corielle, and Mazshall commented that this
applicant seemed ill-prepared for this hearing, since this license if renewed, would in fact be
a whole new restaurant. Mr. Mattson asked if the Authority would grant him a continuance
until next month to allow him to complete BLA requested tasks; among them, find a
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registered manager, provide a new menu, provide a layout for the restaurant, and file articles
of reinstatement for the corporate licensee.
Lisa Spaulding, Jan Otto, Terry Rodgers, and Eleanor DePew provided public comment
against this renewal. Ms. Spaulding provided to the Authority a copy of the filed Articles of
Dissolution for R2DJ, Inc. from the Colorado Secretary of State's office which was
accepted by the Authority as an agenda exhibit and a copy of which was provided to Mr.
Mattson. Sandra Llanes gave the Authority her preliminary opinion and the City Attorney
Office position that if there is no corporation, then there is no applicant for renewal. As the
applicant had eazlier requested a continuance, Chair Gowen then moved to approve
applicant's request for a continuance, and Gowen called for a second. Hearing none, Chair
Gowen stated that the motion for continuance died for lack of a second.
Member Paznes moved to deny the renewal of this license, seconded by Corielle. Member
Marshall then offered Authority findings for this denial as: (i) there would be unapproved
changes in the character of the establishment in the form, among other items, changes to
management and (ii) he noted public comment made in this hearing by neighbors against
license renewal as to their lack of needs and desires for a renewal. Chair Gowen also added
a third Authority finding as (iii) the Authority's acknowledgement of the City Attorney
Office's position that dissolution of corporate licensee resulted in lack of a proper applicant
for renewal. Member Parnes added a fourth Authority finding as (iv) prior history of this
licensee. Motion for denial of the renewal of this hotel-restaurant license carried 5:0.
5. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Septe~tber 1, 2005 application from Sizzling
Shanghai, Inc. d/b/a Ping's Favorite, 1635 28 Street, Jun Liu, 8701 East Briarwood
Boulevard, Centennial, CO, President, for a Transfer of Ownership of a Hotel-
Restaurant type liquor license.
Member Mazshall was the designated hearing conductor. Jun Liu, president of the applicant
corporation, was sworn in, testified about this application, and confirmed under oath
completion of required posting fora 10 day period of the premise. There were no ex-parte
communications or conflicts of interest reported by Authority members. No third parties
requested interested party status when disclosure was requested. Noting that Ms. Liu's
background check was cleaz, Chair Gowen stated that in his estimation this transfer of
ownership should be approved, and other Authority members concurred. Lawrence Brown,
customer of this restaurant, provided public comment in favor of the application approval.
Chair Gowen moved, seconded by Corielle, to approve this application for transfer of
ownership of ahotel-restaurant liquor license. Motion approved 5:0.
6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a September 1, 2005 application from Akiyama,
Inc. d/b/a Akiyama Sushi Bar and Grill, 6525 Gunpark Drive, Suite 330, Zhu Harris,
President, and Todd Harris, Secretary, both of 1132 Chestnut Drive, Longmont, CO,
for a New Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license.
Member McMurray was the designated hearing conductor for this matter. Diane
Goldenstein, Esq. appeared as attorney for this applicant. Todd Harris, secretary of this
applicant corporation, was sworn in, testified about this application, and confirmed
completion under oath of the required 10 day posting of the premises. Ms. Goldenstein
waived the reading of the procedures on behalf of her client. There were no ex-parte
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communications or conflicts of interest reported by the Authority members. No third parties
requested interested party status when disclosure was requested. Max Scott, of Oedipus,
Inc., was sworn in and summarized for the Authority the needs and desires petition results
contained in the BLA's hearing packet. Chair Gowen noted less than 2% opposition to the
issuance of this license in the petition results, which Mr. Scott confirmed. No public
comment was provided to the Authority. Chair Gowen moved, seconded by Parnes, to
approve this application for a new hotel-restaurant liquor license. Motion approved 5:0.
7. Public Hearing and Consideration of a September 2, 2005 application from Service
America Corporation d/b/a Centerplate, University of Colorado's Folsom Field-West
Stands, Folsom and Colorado, Volume Services America, Inc., 201 East Broad Street,
Spartanburg, SC, 100% Stockholder, for a Modification to aHotel-Restaurant type
liquor license.
Chair Gowen advised that it may be beneficial to merge agenda items 7 and 8 as both
applications are from the same applicant and at the same location. Adele Reester, Esq.,
attorney for applicant, advised that she had no objection to hearing agenda items 7 and 8
together. Member Paznes and Corielle stated that they had discussed who should act as
hearing conductor for these matters and determined that Pames would act as hearing
conductor for both items. See agenda item 8 below for complete minutes of both items.
8. Public Hearing and Consideration of a September 2, 2005 application from Service
America Corporation d/b/a Centerplate, University of Colorado's Folsom Field-East
Stands, Folsom and Colorado, Volume Services America, Inc., 201 East Broad Street,
Spartanburg, SC, 100% Stockholder, for a Modification to aHotel-Restaurant type
liquor license.
Member Parnes was the assigned hearing conductors for agenda items 7 and 8. Adele
Reester, Esq. appeazed as attorney for the applicant. Chair Gowen disclosed to the Authority
that in 1997 hehad an of-counsel relationship with the Bernazd, Lyons, Gaddis, and Kahn,
Ms. Reester's law firm, which lasted fora 9 month period. There was no objection to Chair
Gowen's participation in this hearing by other Authority members or by Ms. Reester. No .
other conflicts of interest or ex-parte communications were disclosed by the Authority
members. Ms. Reester waived the reading of procedures on her client's behalf. Ms. Reester
introduced a seating chart of Folsom Field that was accepted by the Authority as an exhibit.
Ms. Reester also provided a signed Affidavit of Posting for both the East and West stands
and provided two photos showing posting at the East and West Stands which were accepted
by the Authority as exhibits. Ms. Reester showed a Power Point presentation to explain the
modifications expanding the current hotel-restaurant licenses at the East and West Stands at
Folsom Field. Ms. Reester requested confirmation that both applications and both petitions
were accepted into the hearing record and Member Parnes confirmed that they were.
Max Scott, of Oedipus, Inc., was sworn in and summarized the needs and desires petition
results for each of these applications. John Burianek, senior associate athletic director at CU,
was swom in and testified as to CU's request of Centerplate to file these modifications.
Jaana Bowers, neighbor in the designated neighborhood, and Heather Harding, business
owner in the designated neighborhood, were both swom in and testified in favor of approval
of these two modifications. Donald (Dak) Cazbone, general manager for Centerplate at
Invesco Field at Mile High, was sworn in and testified as to Centerplate's policies and
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procedures for alcohol service at large outdoor stadiums. Melissa Matthews, general
manager for Centerplate at CU, was sworn in, testified as to this application, and confirmed
completion of the required 10 day posting of the premises at both the East and West stands
of Folsom Field. Ms. Reester requested that a copy Centerplate's alcohol service policy
(included in the Coors Events Conference Center application) also be entered into the record
as an exhibit for these two applications, and the Authority accepted entering such exhibit.
Member Corielle asked that Officer Carlene Hofinann address a question on if compliance
checks are conducted by BPD during CU games, and in reply, Officer Hofinann replied that,
due to the ticket price, the BPD was unable to conduct those compliance checks. There was
no other public comment provided to the Authority on these matters.
Chair Gowen moved, seconded by McMurray, to approve the application in agenda item 7
to modify the hotel-restaurant liquor license at West Stands at Folsom Field. Motion
approved 5:0. Chair Gowen moved, seconded by Parnes, to approve the application in
agenda item 8 to modify the hotel-restaurant liquor license at East Stands at Folsom Field.
Motion approved 5:0.
9. Public Hearing and Consideration of a September 2, 2005 application from Service
America Corporation d/b/a Centerplate, University of Colorado, 401 UCB Coors
Event Conference Center, Volume Services America, Inc., 201 East Broad Street,
Spartanburg, SC, 100% Stockholder, for a New Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license.
Chair Gowen was the designated hearing conductor. Chair Gowen noted for the record that
the same attorney and that the same applicant was still present before the Authority, that all
Centerplate's witnesses remained under oath, and that Gowen's the conflict of interest
disclosed during agenda item 8 herein was still effective. Further, Chair Gowen stated that
he assumed that, as no objection was raised to his participation in agenda items 7 and 8, that
the same would be true for this matter. No third parties requested interested party status of
the Authority in this matter. No other ex-parte communications or conflicts of interests were
disclosed by the Authority members. Ms. Reester asked that the testimonies of Donald
Cazbone, Melissa Matthews, John Burianek, and Max Scott given for agenda items 7 and 8
also be entered into the record for this matter, so that those witnesses would not have to
duplicate their testimony for this matter. However, Ms. Reester advised that Ms. Matthews,
Mr. Burianek, and Mr. Scott would give some new testimony related to this application.
Max Scott, of Oedipus, Inc., summarized the needs and desires petitioning results for this
new license application. John Burianek from CU testified that this application was filed at
the request of CU by Centerplate, CU's current food and beverage concessionaire. Melissa
Matthews testified as to the reasoning for application for a new hotel-restaurant liquor
license in arena and the conference rooms of this facility. Member McMurray asked Officer
Carlene Hofinann if compliance checks were completed, and Officer Hofinann stated that,
due to ticket cost, the BPD did not conduct compliance checks at this premise. Chair Gowen
asked if anything prevented the BPD from addressing violations or writing tickets for
alcohol offenses not resulting from compliance checks, and Officer Hofmann stated that the
BPD was able to address such violations. Ms. Reester commented that provided all exhibits
were incorporated into the record, including without limitation, an affidavit of posting and
two photos showing posting were accepted as exhibits, her case was concluded. No other
public comment was provided to the Authority in this matter. Member Marshall moved,
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seconded by McMurray, to approve this application for a new hotel-restaurant license.
Motion approved 5:0.
10. Public Hearing and Consideration of a September 2, 2005 application from WMG
Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a D'Napoli Ristorante, 835 Walnut Street, William Gregorak,
2011 Braeburn Court, Longmont, CO, President, for a Transfer of Ownership of a
Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license.
Member Mazshall was the designated hearing conductor. William Gregorak, president of the
corporate applicant, was sworn in, testified about this application, and confirmed under oath
completion of the required 10 day posting of the premise. Hearing procedures were read to
this applicant. No ex-parte communications or conflicts of interest were disclosed by the
Authority members. No third parties requested interested party status of the Authority. Chair
Gowen noted for the record that the applicant's background check was clear, which is the
focus of transfer of ownership applications. Liz Neapolitan, co-owner of transferor
restaurant of the liquor license, provided public comment in favor of application approva.
No other public comment was provided to the Authority. Member Parnes moved, seconded
by Corielle, to approve this application for transfer of ownership of ahotel-restaurant liquor
license. Motion approved 5:0.
11. Public Hearing and Consideration of a September 6, 2005 application from Saldana
Corporation "L.L.C." d/b/a Jazzy's Crab Shack, 2719 Iris Avenue, Francisco Saldana,
11898 Begole Circle, Golden, CO, Owner, for a Transfer of Ownership of a Hotel-
Restaurant type liquor license.
Member McMurray was the designated hearing conductor. Member McMurray disclosed
that his residence was located close to this restaurant. Sandra Llanes asked if McMurray felt
that the location of his residence would result in an inability to remain impartial in this
matter, and McMurray replied that he did not. There were no objections to Member
McMun•ay's participation in this matter. Hearing procedures were read to this applicant. No
other conflicts of interest or ex-parte communications were disclosed by Authority
members. Francisco Saldana, manager of the LLC applicant, was sworn in, testified about
this application, and confirmed completion under oath of the required 10 day posting period
at the premise. Chair Gowen advised that he had no difficulty determining that the extension
of a dividing wall between the dining room and the baz area is anon-material change, which
would not warrant a complete modification proceeding before the Authority. No other
Authority members expressed dissent to Gowen, therefore, there was an Authority finding
ofnon-material modification to premise. No public comment was provided to Authority.
Chair Gowen moved, seconded by Marshall, to approve this application for a transfer of
ownership of ahotel-restaurant liquor license. Motion approved 5:0.
12. Matters from the Licensing Clerk.
A) Request for Authority Direction by Licensing Clerk
Mishawn Cook provided documentation and requested direction from the Authority on 3
matters: (i) Kabili, LLC d/b/a Seven's change to their final diagram, (ii) Casarrubias, Inc.
d/b/a Trattoria on Peazl's question as to if removal of a temporary'/o height wall in their
dining room (which would not increase capacity or change liquor service in the main) would
be a material change, and (iii) the alleged violation by Ace Discount Liquors' owner during
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the transfer application process considering issuance of a temporary license to the new
owner which would not occur until the former owner appears in a show cause hearing
before the Authority.
The Authority reviewed Seven's change in final diagam and the Authority determined for
the record that Kabili, LLC's appearance before them was unnecessary, but that they would
like Seven's newest diagram confirmed to be final and included in the file. The Authority
reviewed Trattoria on Peazl's diagram as to removal of the partial wall and the Authority
determined for the record by members' unanimous consent that Casarrubias, Inc.'s removal
of the wall is anon-material modification which would not require appearance before them.
The Authority concurred with Ms. Cook's decision to decline to issue a temporary license
until after the Show Cause hearing for Ace Discount Liquors and, if the BPD could provide
the necessary show cause documents to Ms. Cook in time, to add such show cause to the
agenda of the November 16, 2005 BLA hearing.
B) Information on Temporary License issued
Mishawn Cook reported to the Authority that on September 30, 2005 she issued a temporary
license in the course of a transfer of ownership for Rudi's Restaurant and that their transfer
application would be heard by the Authority at the November 16, 2005 hearing.
C) Information on LLC ownership change
Mishawn Cook reported to the Authority that she has received the necessary corporate
assets and officer change documents fora 100% ownership change for World Market, LLC
d/b/a Fiasco's Mexican Grill at 2690 Baseline Road.
D) Updates from Licensing Clerk
Mishawn Cook reviewed materials with the Authority included their BLA hearing packets
detailing the difference between Private Parties (generally not requiring a state permit) vs.
Special Event (generally requiring a state permit). Mishawn Cook also provided and
reviewed a document on illegal gambling from the state. Mishawn Cook noted the inclusion
in the BLA's hearing packet of emails on drafting language for selection of suspension
dates, with such language now included in the text of the liquor licensing website and the
show cause notice. Ms. Cook also informed the Authority that 10 show causes aze expected
soon, and she has heard that 2 will be without stipulations. Member Mazshall commented
that he felt hearing show causes first in the order on an agenda, then hearing applications
after show causes is beneficial, and Ms. Cook confirmed she would follow that direction.
13. Matters from the Assistant City Attorney.
In response to a question by Member Corielle from last month's hearing, Sandra Llanes
advised that she had reseazched and discussed with the licensing supervisor and the
enforcement supervisor at that State Liquor Enforcement Division, various violations based
on conduct of establishment. Ms. Llanes' summarized case law related to these types of
violations and stated that criminal violations aze offensive per se. Ms. Llanes offered an
article, cited as Colorado Lawyer dated September 2000, that was instructive. Ms. Llanes
also advised that the State Division conducts trainings for local beverage licensing authority
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members and that the State could conduct training for Boulder. Chair Gowen advised that he
thought it was a good idea to wait until all members were appointed (or re-appointed) in
2006, and other Authority members concurred with this timing of any State training.
14. Matters from the Chair and Members of the Authority.
a. Debriefing from this hearing.
Chair Gowen stated that during today's hearing there was one instance when a person who
was making public comment, instead entered into questioning the Authority, thereby
attempting to enter them in a debate, and Gowen felt that the Authority's role was to receive
comment and information, not to answer questions better directed to an applicant. Other
Authority members agreed with his comment and his handling of the issue.
b. Other Matters from the Chair and Members of the Authority.
Member McMurray reminded the Authority that he would not be in attendance at the
November 16, 2005 BLA hearing.
Chair Gowen asked other Authority members if there was any other business for today's
hearing, and hearing none, the hearing was adjourned at 4:37 PM.
1:00 PM - 3'a Wednesday of Every Month in City Council Chambers, except December 2005
meeting shall be on the second Wednesday of that month.
Mishawn J. Cook, Licensing Clerk
Peter Gow ,Chair
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