Minutes - Beverage Licensing - 7/20/2005CITY OF BOULDER
* * * MINiJTES * * *
WEDNESDAY, NLY 20, 2005,1:00 P.M.
NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Beverages Licensing Authority
DATE OF MEETING: July 20, 2005
PREPARING SUMMARY: Mishawn J. Cook - Licensing Clerk
Board Members: Priscilla Corielle (Corielle left this hearing after completion of agenda item
9), Peter Gowen, Cam Mazshall, Tun McMurray, and Brett Parnes.
Staff Present: Walt Fricke, Assistant City Attorney, Ann Large, Deputy City Clerk, and
Mishawn Cook, Licensing Clerk.
1. Roll Call of Beverages Licensing Authority (BLA)
Roll call was taken. All Authority members were present, but Corielle informed the
Authority that she may need to leave early. There was a quorum.
Approval of Minutes - June 15, 2005
Member Mazshall moved, seconded by Corielle, that the Authority approve the minutes
as submitted. Morion approved 5:0.
Approval of Hearing Conductor Assignments for this hearing
After invitation for public wmment of which there was none, Member Corielle moved,
seconded by Mazshall, to approve the hearing conductor assignments listed on the
agenda in the BLA packet materials. Morion approved 5:0.
2. Matters from the Boulder Police Department (BPD).
Officer D. J. Smith from the BPD advised that the BPD has conducted 15 more
compliance checks and there were 4 violations during that evening of checks. Officer
Smith reported that BPD's LESS classes continue to go well and the classes are booked
through the month of September, and he reported that Officer Cazlene Hofrnann has
conducted two special LESS classes at the licensee's sites, one for the Boulder Broker
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Inn and one for Liquor Mart. Officer Smith advised that BPD is conducting liquor
licensed premises inspections, which are being completed by BPD's new recruits, and
after three weeks of conducting those inspections, the recruits aze approximately half
done with those licensed premise inspections. Officer Smith let the BLA know that
during some of those inspections several licensees were not cooperative with BPD
officers, telling officers that they needed to return to conduct the inspections or speak
with other licensee personnel to complete the inspections. Officer Hofinann will be
following up with those non-cooperative licensees after she returns to work in August.
3. Matters from the Responsible Hospitality Group (RHG).
Beth Smith, Chair of RHG, provided an article from the Daily Camera about the RHG,
which was accepted by the BLA as an exhibit. Ms. Smith reported that the Responsible
Hospitality Institute has not yet made their decision about an awazd of a RHI grant to
Boulder, and Ms. Smith reported that attendance at the last RHG ID seminaz was fairly
light, probably due to the fact that she was on vacation so did not send out a reminder
email. Finally, Ms. Smith notified the BLA that a business was circulating (and may
come to BLA to discuss the technology) among Boulder licensees to mazket a
fingerprint scan machine that works in conjunction with IDs. Ms. Smith has a concern
with this product, since RHG members have been seeing fake IDs with magnetic strips
that are working for several years now, thus a minor that had a fake ID with a magnetic
strip that worked could get into any licensed establishment that used this ID system
without the risk of showmg their fake ID again and again. Therefore, Ms. Smtth stated
that the RHG does not endorse use of this product until such concerns are worked out.
Member Mazshall commented that the product seemed like a bad idea because of the
risk that a licensee and their employees may become over-dependent on it and overlook
the importance of diligently checking IDs each time. Ms. Smith commented that this
machine would be detrimental in half of the circumstance of fraudulent IDs that RHG
licensees see, such instances being where an adult person gives their valid ID to a minor
for the minor's use in gaining entry to establishments and purchasing alcohol.
4. Findings of Fact Hearing regarding non-automatic renewal conditions for R2DJ,
Inc. d/b/a The Player's Club, 1143 13 Street, for aHotel-Restaurant type liquor
Member McMurray was the designated hearing conductor for this matter. Chair Gowen
briefed the Authonty on the prior conditions set b the BLA for this licensee. Patrick
LeMahieu was sworn m and testified on behalf ofythe licensee. Thomas Madsen, Esq.
a~peazed representing the landlord of this licensed premises and requested that this
licensee be allowed to transfer this liquor license to another applicant. Patrick LeMahieu
stated that this license has been inactive since December 1, 2004 when the licensee
closed down, but expressed ability to cooperate with the landlord to transfer this license.
Chair Gowen restated that this licensee has reported and complied with the prior set
conditions of the BLA. Member Corielle asked Walt Fricke how long a licensed premise
could be inactive without being in violation of the law. Walt Fricke commented that he
was interested in hearing more about how and if the licensee vacated the licensed
premises and Mr. Fricke stated that at all times a licensee must possess and control a
licensed premises according to state law. Thomas Madsen, Esq. commented that the
licensee is still subject to the lease teens because the licensee has not been evicted or
released from such lease terms. Chair Gowen asked if the licensee has conducted an
audit, and Patrick LeMahieu commented that the licensing clerk had advised via email
that the condition of an audit could be waived in this instance. Mishawn Cook confirmed
to the Authority such email sent to the licensee. The Authority questioned what the time
frame for a license transfer would be, and Thomas Madsen advised that he hoped a
transfer could be completed within 3 months as he currently had 2 letters of intent for
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the property. Chair Gowen commented that this hearing was called to confirm that there
was compliance by the licensee with BLA conditions, and other members informally
confirmed that such compliance was present, thus no further motion was required on this
5. Renewal Hearing for BAS, Iuc. d/b/a Rose Hill Wine and Spirits, 1091 13th Street,
for a Retail Liquor Store type liquor license.
Member Parnes was the hearing conductor for this matter and the procedures were read
to this licensee. Zane Blackmer and Andrew Greenidge were each sworn in and testified
on behalf of co orate licensee. There were no exparte communications or conflicts of
interest reported by the Authority members. No third parties requested interested party
status of the Authority. Zane Blackmer advised that the licensee wntinues to comply
with their license conditions; they do not sell beer kegs, that all employyees have taken
the BPD LESS class, and that they comply with the state law applicable to their license
type. Therefore,Mr. Blackmer requested to be switched to admutistrative annual license
renewal rather than non-automatically renewal. Beth Smith provided public comment to
the Authority that a licensee's representative has faithfully attended RHG meetings since
opening its current location and that Andrew Greenidge has worked hard to make RHG
a more formally run organization. Member Parnes moved, seconded by Chair Gowen, to
renew this license; Chazr Gowen then amended the motion to allow this licensee to be
removed from non-automatic renewal status and to be put on administrative annual
renewal, with Member Marshall seconding such amendment. Member Corielle then
requested that each motion be voted on separately by the Authority members. Chair
Gowen then withdrew his amendment to the operarive motion, and seconded Member
Parnes motion to renew this license. Motion approved 5:0. Member Corielle commented
at this time that this is a vulnerable neighborhood and that she would like to see this
licensee continue on non-automatic renewal for one more year. Chair Gowen moved,
seconded by Marshall, that this licensee be set for administrative annual license renewal
and taken off ofnon-automatic renewal. Member Parnes then asked when licensee's
violation was, and Mr. Blackmer answered that their sole violation was in October,
2004. Member Parnes then called the open motion to a vote. Motion to remove licensee
from non-automatic renewal was approved 4:1 with Member Corielle in dissent.
6. Show Cause Hearing concerning an April 22, 2005 violation and whether the Hotel-
Restaurant type liquor license held by Delgar, Ltd. d/b/a Antica Roma, 1308 Pearl
Street, should be suspended or revoked.
Member Corielle was the designated hearing conductor for this matter. Silvano DeLuca,
president of this corporate licensee, was sworn in and testified as to the mitigating
factors of this violation. Bob Keatley appeared on behalf of the BPD and reported that
this licensee would stipulate to the facts of this violation. Chair Gowen moved, seconded
by McMurray, to accept the stipulation of facts. Motion approved 5:0. Mr. DeLuca then
explained the circumstance of this violation. Chair Gowen moved, seconded by Parnes,
that the suspension for this violation be set at 5 days served with 9 days held in abeyance
for one year. Motion approved 5:0. The Authority accepted the dates for the 5
suspension days of August 14, 2005 to August 18, 2005 requested by Mr. DeLuca. Chair
Gowen moved, seconded by Marshall, that the 5 suspension days be served from August
14, 2005 to August 18, 2005. Motion approved 5:0.
7. Public Hearing and Consideration of an Apri14, 2005 application from Kabili,
LLC d/b/a Seven, 1035 Pearl Street,l~` Floor, Shimon ICabili, 1035 Pearl Street,
Suite 400, Manager/General Partner, for a New Hotel-Restaurant type liquor
Melinda Abplanalp was sworn in, testified on behalf of the applicant, and confirmed
compliance under oath with the 10 day posting requirement for the proposed licensed
premtse in this matter. Chair Gowen was the designated hearing conductor for this
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matter and hearing procedures were read to this applicant. Ms. Abplanalp requested a
second continuance for this applicant (due to construction and inspections concerns) of
60 days until the BLA's heanng on September 21, 2005. Member Corielle commented
that the licensee should provide an updated licensed premise floor plan outlining
changes at the new application hearing, and Ms. Abplanalp stated that they would have
that diagram and a sample menu to give to the BLA. Member Mazshall moved, seconded
by Member Corielle, to grant this applicant's request, thus continue this applicant's
appearance for new application to the BLA heanng on September 21, 2005. Motion
approved 5:0. Mishawn Cook requested that the Authority confirm to this applicant that
they must again post for the September 21, 2005 hearing date and that this appplicant
must bring a final diagram to the hearing because such final diagram has to be provided
to the State with the local authority's approval or denial. The Authority concurred.
8. Public Hearing and Consideration of a May 3, 2005 application from Apple Six
Hospitality Management, Inc. d/b/a Boulder Marriott, 2660 Canyon Boulevard,
Apple Six Hospitality, Inc., 814 East Main Street, Richmond, VA, Subsidiary
Owner, for a Transfer of Ownership of aHotel-Restaurant type liquor license.
Member Marshall was the designated hearing conductor for this matter. Steve Lee, Esq.
represented this applicant. Dautd Kennedy, general manager for the applicant hotel, was
sworn in, testified on applicant's behalf, and confirmed compliance under oath with the
legal requirement of the 10 day posting period for this proposed licensed premise. Mr.
Lee agreed to waiver of hearing procedures on behalf of the applicant. No third parties
requested interested party status of the Authority and there was no public comment on
this matter. Chair Gowen moved, seconded by Corielle, to approve this application for
the transfer of ownership of the hotel-restaurant liquor license. Motion approved 5:0.
9. Public Hearing and Consideration of a May 272005 application from 28`h Street
Wine Partners, LLC d/b/a Wiues Plus, 3325 28 StreethMikael Van Loon, 7855
Valmont Road, Member, Louis Farone, 4269 North 26` Street, Member, and Nick
Patinella, 4700 West County Road 12, Loveland, CO, Manager/Member, for a New
Retail Liquor Store type liquor license.
Member McMurray was the designated hearing conductor for this matter. Peter Dietze,
Esq. represented this applicant. Mikael Van Loon, Louis Farone, and Nick Patinella, all
of the applicant LLC, were sworn in and testified in this matter. Mikael Van Loon
confirmed compliance under oath with legal requirement of a 10 day posting of the
proposed licensed premises. Mr. Dietze waived the reading of hearing procedures on
behalf of this applicant. Mr. Dietze provided a legal brief to the Authority which they
took under advtsement. Mr. Dietze also requested and was ganted by Authority entry
into the record of 9 exhibits, to be marked as Agenda item 9, Applicant's Exhibits 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, and 6A, 6B, 6C, and 6D. Donald Cooke, Melissa Bajzd, Martha Myers, William
Yurth, James Kean, Steven Carson, and Laurie Carson, as neighbors in the designated
neighborhood, were sworn in and testified in favor of application approval. Expert
witnesses, Richazd Siegel (one of the owners of the retail portion of the Safeway
shopping center complex) and Howard Gerelick (real estate vice president for the
Denver division of Safeway stores) were sworn in and testified on behalf of this
applicant generally regarding retail liquor stores next door to gocery stores and
specifically about the proposed licensed premise adjacent to the Safeway store. Alex
Ariniello (traffic en ' eer/ consultant) was sworn in and presented visual explanation
and testimony on behalf of this applicant regazding traffic patterns and volume azound
proposed licensed premise. Max Scott, from Oedipus, Inc., was sworn in and testified
about neighborhood petition results conducted for this applicant and Esquire Petitioning
Services petitioning results conducted for interested party application opponents.
Ronald Jung, Esq. representing two clients; Palmos Development (Terry Palmos is a
principal in this business) and ACE self-storage requested of the Authonty and was
granted interested party status for his client. Mr. Palmos also requested to be allowed to
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speak for neighbor Bun Yu due to a language translafion concern. Mr. Jung provided a
legal brief to the Authority which they took under advisement. Mr. Jung also requested
of the Authority and was granted entry into the record of 4 exhibits, to be marked as
Agenda item 9, Respondent's Exhibits 1, 2, 3, and 4. Expert witness, John Butler
(economic development consultant) was sworn in and testified regarding neighborhood
demographics as indications of population growth and increased service needs on behalf
of opposing interested party. Kelly Pietrs, of Esquire Petitioning Services, was sworn in
and testified about the neighborhood petitron results conducted for the interested party
opposing this application, Palmos Development, and Ms. Pietrs also s oke about
Oedipus, Inc.'s petrtron as to needs and desires results. Terry Palmos who both lives
and is a principal in Palmos Development which owns a shoppin complex in the
designated neighborhood) was sworn to and Mr. Palmos provided visual presentation
and testimony opposing this application.
Jack Lacy (owner of a building in designated neighborhood), Dennis Connors
(homeowner in designated neighborhood), Cindy Young Lee (liquor store owner in
designated neighborhood), an Bun Yu (homeowner in the designated nei~p~hboyhood) all
reported their attendance to the BLA when the Authority requested notrceT~y those
requesting interested parry status. Mr. Connors, Mr. Lacy, and Ms. Lee were all sworn in
and each testrfied as interested parties a~alnst the approval of this application. During
the public comment portion of this heanng, Don Schaper (manager of a business in the
designated neighborhood) was sworn in and provided testimony against the approval of
this application. Mr. Lacy provided a packet of articles and reseazch studies to the
Authonty which was accepted as an exhibit and is to be mazked as Agenda item 9,
Interested Party's Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Chair Gowen moved, seconded by Parnes, to approve this application for a retail liquor
store type liquor license. Motion approved 4:1 with Member Corielle in dissent.
10. Public Hearing and Consideration of a May 31, 2005 application from Casarrubias,
Inc. d/b/a Trattoria on Pear1,1430 Pearl Street, Guillermo Casarrubias, President,
and Sara Casarrubias, Vice President, both of 7903 Grasmere Drive, for a Transfer
of Ownership of aHotel-Restaurant type liquor license.
At the beginning of this agenda item, Chair Gowen informed the Authority that Member
Corielle had left the hearing for another engagement. Member Paznes was the designated
hearing conductor for this matter and the heanng procedures were read to this applicant.
There were no conflicts of interest or ex parte communications reported by the Authority
members. Guillermo Casarrubias and Saza Casarrubias, president and vice president
respectively of this corporate applicant, each were sworn in, each testified as to this
application, and confirmed compliance under oath with the legal requirement of posting
for 10 days of the proposed licensed premises. Chair Gowen confirmed with the
applicant that the operation of this restaurant would continue as-is after this transfer.
Member Marshall moved, seconded by McMurray, to approve this transfer of ownership
application for ahotel-restaurant liquor license. Motion approved 4:0.
Il. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Jun~6, 2005 application from Johnny's
Cigars, Inc. d/b/a Johnny's Cigars, 1801 13` Street, Suite 110, John Welsh, 3175
17 Street, Owner, for a New Tavern type liquor license.
Chair Gowen advised that, since Member Corielle had departed per hearing conductor
procedures, he would step in as the designated hearing conductor for this matter. John
Welsh, president of the corporate applicant, was sworn m, testified about this
application, and under oath confirmed compliance of the posting of the proposed
licensed premises fora 10 day period. Max Scott, of Oedipus, Inc., was sworn in and
testified about the petition results for this applicant. There were no ex pane
communications and no conflicts of interest reported by the Authority members. Mr.
Welsh provided five letters of support for this applicatron to the Authority and such
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letters were entered into the record as exhibits. Mr. Welsh explained in detail to the
Authority members changes to the restrooms and storage that the architect was currently
making on the licensed premise diagram. The Authority confirmed with Mr. Welsh that
an updated diagram is to be provided to the licensing clerk for the city and state
applications, but advised that such diagam would not be a condition of the Authority's
motion. No third parties requested interested party status and there was no public
comment on this application. Member McMurray moved, seconded by Parnes, to
approve this application for a new Tavern liquor license. Motion approved 4:0.
12. Public Hearing and Consideration of a June 6, 2005 application from Pickled
Peppers, LLC d/b/a AJ1,1601 Pearl Street, Lenny Martinelli, President, and Sara
Martinelli, Owner, both of 605 Grant Avenue, Louisville, CO, and Two Additional
Owners each owning under a 10% interest, for a New Hotel-Restaurant type liquor
Chair Gowen was the designated hearing conductor for this matter and the hearing
procedures were read to thrs appltcant. Lenny Martinelli, lresident of this applicant
LLC, and Sue Di Paolo, part-owner and co-manager of this applicant location, were each
sworn in, testified on this application, and confirmed compliance with the legal posting
requirement of 10 days at the proposed license premise. There were no ex parte
communications and no confltcts of interest reported by the Authority members. No
third parties reeqquested interested party status of the Authority. Mr. Martinelli testified as
to the nei~borhood needs and desrres for this new restaurant, and spoke about the
concept o two restaurants, one Latin American and one vegetarian, m this same
licensed premise. There was no public comment on this application. Member McMurray
moved, seconded by Mazshall, to approve this application for a new hotel-restaurant
liquor license. Motion approved 4:0.
13. Public Hearing and Consideration of a June 6, 2005 application from Thunderbird
Burgers, LLC d/b/a Thunderbird Burgers, 3117 28`" Street, Brett Berger, 4040
Bimini Court, Managing Member, for a New Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license.
Member Mazshall was the designated hearing conductors for this matter. Brett Berger,
manager and member of this applicant LLC, and Sonya Oster, consultant on this
application, were each sworn in, testified as to this appltcation, and confirmed
compliance with the legal requirement of posting for 10 days the proposed licensed
premrses. Ms. Oster waived the reading of the hearing procedures on this applicant's
behalf. No ex parte communications and no conflicts of interest were disclosed by the
Authority members. Brett Berger spoke about the petition results for this application.
Member McMurray asked about the liquor licensing of patio tables, and Mr. Berger
answered that he would put signs on each table not to remove alcohol from the premises
and would provide landlord's permission in writing for licensing the patio tables to show
possession of that azea. Chair Gowen asked how Mr. Berger would exercise control of
alcohol at tables on the patio, and Mr. Berger answered that he could put up removable
barriers around patio tables to evidence control, but that the landlord objected to
permanent railings. Beth Smith of the 1tHG provided public comment in favor of this
application as to Mr. Berger's longtime attendance of RHG meetings and her
observations of the family clientele at this applicant's new location. Member Paznes,
seconded by Chair Gowen, moved to approve this application for a new hotel-restaurant
liquor license. Motion approved 4:0.
14. Matters from the Licensing Clerk.
a. Set neighborhood boundaries for the August 17, 2005 BLA hearing.
Applicant: The Bouldering Garden, LLC
Trade Name: The Spot Bouldering Gym
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Location: 3240 Prairie Avenue, Boulder, CO 80301
License Type: A New Beer and Wine type liquor license
Authority Defined Neighborhood
North Boundary: Iris
South Boundary: College to Colorado
West Boundary: 19th
East Boundary: 55th
Member McMurray moved, seconded by Parnes, to accept the above boundaries as the
designated neighborhood for this application. Motion approved 4:0.
15. Matters from the Assistant City Attorney.
Walt Fricke advised no matters for the Authority.
16. Matters from the Chair and Members of the Authority.
a. DebrieFmg from this hearing.
Chair Gowen commented that he jumped in during agenda item 9 as Chair to keep things
moving and stated sometimes interested parties are not aware of what interested party status
means. Member Marshall commented that perhaps the Authority may want to state its
expectations of commenting public and interested parties up front to keep testimony on
point during hearings (maybe using 3 minute light to time comments to keep comments
b. Other Matters from the Chair and Members of the Authority.
No other matters were raised by the Chair or the Authority members.
Chair Gowen advised that the Authority should adjom, thus, the hearing was adjourned at
7:25 PM.
1:00 PM - 3'~ Wednesday of Every Month in City Council Chambers, except December 2005
meeting shall be on the second Wednesday of that month.
- "
Mishawn J. Cook, Licensing Specialist
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