00 - Beverage Licensing - Cover Sheet - 6/15/2005 P U B L I C N O T I C E CITY OF BOULDER BEVERAGES LICENSING AUTHORITY H E A R I N G WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 2005, 1:00 P.M. BOULDER CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL BUILDING - 2nd FLOOR 1777 BROADWAY, BOULDER, COLORADO AGENDA 1.Roll Call, Approval of Minutes from May 18, 2005, and Approval of Hearing Conductor Assignments for this hearing. 2.Matters from the Boulder Police Department. 3.Matters from the Responsible Hospitality Group. March 25, 2005 application from Illegal Pete’s, 4.Public Hearing and Consideration of a Inc. d/b/a Illegal Pete’s, 1320 College Avenue, Peter McArthur Turner II, 1231 S. Gaylord Street, Denver, CO, President/Shareholder, and Seven Additional Shareholders each owning under 10% of corporate applicant, for a New Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license. [McMurray] April 4, 2005 application from Kabili, LLC d/b/a 5.Public Hearing and Consideration of an st Seven, 1035 Pearl Street, 1 Floor, Shimon Kabili, 1035 Pearl Street, Suite 400, Manager/General Partner, for a New Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license. [Parnes] April 26, 2005 application from On The Turn, 6.Public Hearing and Consideration of an thth Inc. d/b/a Kerrigan’s on 30 Street, 2500 30 Street, Suite 101, Michael Kottenstette, President, and Kathleen Kottenstette, Secretary/Treasurer, both of 36 Dartmouth Circle, Longmont, CO, for a New Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license. [Corielle] April 27, 2005 application from Frasca Food and 7.Public Hearing and Consideration of an Wine, LLC d/b/a Frasca Food and Wine, 1738 Pearl Street, Suite 104, Robert Stuckey, 3600 Cataba Way, Manager/Member, and John Lachlan MacKinnon-Patterson, 1895 Alpine Avenue, Manager/Member, for a Permanent Modification to a Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license. [Gowen] April 29, 2005 application from Alexander L. 8.Public Hearing and Consideration of an Cordova d/b/a Alexander’s and Levorio’s, 1718 Broadway, Alexander Cordova, 2900 Quebec, Unit 15, Denver, CO, Owner/Manager, for a Transfer of a Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license. [Marshall] 9. Matters from the Licensing Clerk A)Set neighborhood boundaries for the July 20, 2005 hearing: th Street, Boulder, CO 80302. i)Wine Plus- 3325 28 th ii)Johnny’s Cigars- 1801 13 Street, Boulder, CO 80302. iii)Arepa- 1601 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302. th iv)Thunderbird Burgers- 3117 28 Street, Boulder, CO 80301. 1 10.Matters from the Assistant City Attorney 11.Matters from the Chair and Members of the Authority A)Debriefing from this hearing B)Other matters from the Chair and Members Adjournment For Information call: 303-441-3010. Any petitions or remonstrances pertaining to the above may be filed at the Office of the City Clerk, Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado. st Dated this 1 day of June, 2005. Mishawn J. Cook, Licensing Clerk Published on Sunday, June 5, 2005, in the Daily Camera. 2