00 - Beverage Licensing - Cover Sheet - 3/16/2005`~ PUBLIC NOTICE ~ CITY OF BOULDER BEVERAGES LICENSING AUTHORITY H E A R I N G WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2005,1:00 P.M. BOULDER CITY COUNCIL CFIAMBERS MUNICIPAL BUILDING - 2nd FLOOR 1777 BROADWAY, BOULDER, COLORADO AGENDA 1. Roll Ca11, Approval of Minutes from February 16, 2005, and Approval of Hearing Conductor Assignments for this hearing. 2. Matters from the Boulder Police Department. 3. Matters from the Responsible Hospitality Group. 4. Public Hearing and Consideration of a January 31, 2005 application from Xing and Pin, 2995 Glenwood Drive Qin Lin 1628 Pearl Street ate Asian Bistro d/b/a Moon I c , , , g n . #3-313, Officer/Owner, for a New Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license. (ParnesJ 5. Public Hearing and Consideration of a February 3, 2005 application from The Kitchen 1305 Pine Street l M k Ki b , a us , m Cafe LLC d/b/a The Kitchen,1039 Pearl Street, Manager and Hugo Matheson, 568 Marine Street, Manager, for a Modificarion of a Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license. [CorielleJ _ ~~° ~.,,,., 6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a February 4, 2005 appGcaHon from Neact Door LLC d/b/a West End Tavem, 926 Pearl Street, Dave Query, 938 Wagon Wheel Gap Road, Managing Member, Chris Blackwood, 900 Maxwell Avenue, Re~stered Mana er/Member, Marc Minion, P.O. Box 7164, Golden, CO, Member, Raymond and Mary~rommer, 4068 Guadeloupe Street, Members, Larry Gold and Hope Morrissett, t Circle 1540 R k B l i , moun oc anner, ne a 1033 5 Street, Members, Matthew and E Members, Linda Shoemaker and Stephen Brett, 2092 Hardscabble Drive, Members, Amy Benton, 4312 Black Cherry Court, Member, Bill Moe, 3805 Northbrook Drive Apartment F, Member, and Gayle Crites, 4280 Peach Way, Member, for a Modificariou of Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license. [GowenJ 7. Matters from the Licensing Clerk A) Set neighborhood boundaries f~r the Apri120, 2005 hearing: i) Raksi.Liquor-2875 28 Street, Boulder, CO, 80301. B) The Player's Club report for this month. C) Legislative and Policy/Procedures Update. 8. Matters from the Assistant City Attorney 9. Matters from the Chair and Members of the Authority A) Debriefing from this hearing B) Other matters from Chair and Members ~ Adjournment For Informarion call: 303-441-3010. Any ~eti6ons or remonsh'ances pertaining to the above may be filed at the Office of the City Clerk, Muruc~pal Building, 1777 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado. Dated this l Oth dav of March, 2005. Mishawn J. Cook, Licensing Clerk Published on Sundav, March 6, 2005, in the Dailv Camera. ~ STATE OF COLORADO ~,-• ~-- COUNTY OF BOULDER CITY OF BOULDER SS: CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC NOTICE I, Mishawn 7. Cook, Licensing Specialist, City of Boulder, Colorado, do hereby certify that I caused the attached public notice to be published in the Daily Camera on Sunday Mazch 6, 2005 in compliance with the laws of the State of Colorado and the ordinances of the City of Boulder, Colorado. DateJlime: Wednesday, Mazch 16 - 1 p.m. I,ocation: 1777 Bmadway, Council Chambers Agenda: Public Hearing and Consideration of a January 31, 2005 lication from Xing and Pin, Inc. dlb/a Moongate Asian Bistro, 1628 Peazl St., Qin Lin, 2995 Glenwood Dr. #3-313, Officer/Owner, for a New Hotel-Restautant type liquor license. 2. Public Hearing and Consideradon of a Febcuary 3, 2005 application from The Kitc6en Caf6 LLC d/b/a T6e Kitchen, 1039 Peazl St., Kimbal Musk, 1305 Pine St., Mgr. and Hugh Matheson, 568 Marine St., Mgr., for a Modification of a Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license. 3. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Febivary 4, 2005 applicafion from Next Doot I,I.C d/b/a West End Tavem, 926 Pearl St, Dave Query, 938 Wagon Wheel Gap Rd., Mgr. Member, Chris Blackwood, 900 Maxwell Ave., Reg. MgJMember, Marc Minion, P.O. Box 7164, Golden, CO, Member, Raymond and Mary Frommer, 4068 Guadeloupe St., Members, Lairy Gold and Hope Momssett, 1033 Sth St., Membe~, Matthew and Elaine Banner, 1540 Rockmount Cir., Members, Linda Shcemaker and Stephen Brett, 7A92 Hardscabble Dr., Members, Amy Benton, 4312 Black Cherry Ct, Member, Bill Mce, 3805 NorUtbrook Dr. Apt F, Member, and Gayle Crites, 4280 Peach Way, Member, for a Modificafion of Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license. Informadon: (303) 441-3010. Any petitions or remonstrances pertaining to the above may be ffied at the Office of the City Clerk, Municipal Building, 17'I7 Broadway. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I haue hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the City of Boulder, Colorado this Monday, March 7, 2005. ~_~~- ~:~~ oF~eo~~ ~ .,,, ~p~f,.••.....,,,~~~9 ~ ti~ '" o Mishawn J. Cook, Licensing Specialist ~ ~~~ ~~ Secretary to the Beverages Licensing Authority ~9