00 - Beverage Licensing - Cover Sheet - 1/19/2005~ PUBLIC NOTICE
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2005,1:00 P.M.
1. Roll Call and Approval of Minutes from December 15, 2004.
2. Matters from the Boulder Police Department.
3. Matters from the Responsible Hospitality Cnoup.
4. Special Matters from the Chair.
5. Public Hearing and Considerarion of a December 6, 2004 application from Jin Oh d/b/a
Broadway Wme And Spirits, 2550 Baseline Road, Jin Oh, 2754 North Torreys Peak
Drive, Superior, CO, for a Modification of a Retail Liquor Store type liquor license.
6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a December 6, 2004 application from Amante
Walnut LLC d/b/a Amante Coffee,1035 Walnut Sheet, Greg Buchheister, 2965 Shady
~ Hollow East, Manager/Member and James Temple, 8414 Firethom Court, Longmont,
CO, Member, for New Tavern type liquor license.
7. Show Cause Hearing conceming a September 24, 2004 violation and whether the Hotel-
Restauranttype liquon c~ense held by Cicala, Inc. d/b/a Bacaro, 921 Pearl Street, should
be suspendedor revoked.
8. Show Cause Hearing concerning an October 22, 2004 violation and whether the Hotel-
Restaurant typ~ liquor l~cense held by Republic of Boulder, LLC d/b/a Boulder OuUook
Hotel, 800 2g Street, should be suspended or revoked.
9. Show Cause Hearing concerning an October 22, 2004 violation and whether the Hgtel-
Restauranttype liquor license held by Garboworks, Inc. d/b/a Gramazio's,112413`
Street, should be suspended or revoked.
10. Show Cause Hearing concerning an October 22, 2004 violation and whether the Hotel-
Restaurant type liquor license held by Hapa Group, Inc. d/b/a Hapa On The Hi11,1220
Pennsylvania Avenue, should be suspended or revoked.
11. Show Cause Hearing concerning an October 22, 2004 violation and whether the Hotel-
Restaura~t type liquor l~cense held by RHHOp erating, LLC d/b/a Millennium Harvest,
1345 28` Street, should be suspended or revoked.
12. Show Cause Hearing concerning an October 22, 2004 violation and whether the Retail
Li~uor Store type liquor license held by BAS, Inc. d/b/a Rose Hill Wine And Spirits,1091
13 Street, should be suspended or revoked.
13. Show Cause Hearing conceming an October 22, 2004 violation and whether the Hotel-
~ Restaurant type liquon c~ense held by Baja In The Rockies, LLC d/b/a Wahoo's Fish
Tacos, 2790 pearl Street #A, should be suspended or revoked.
14. Matters from the Licensing Clerk ~s,
A) Violations chazt requested during December 15, 2004 hearing.
B) Set neighborhood boundaries for the February 16, 2005 heanng.
C) The Player's Club renewal report for this month.
15. Matters from the Assistant City Attorney
16. Matters from the Chair and Members of the Authority
For Informarion call: 303-441-3010.
Any peritions or remonstrances pertaining to the above may be filed at the Office of the City Clerk,
Mwucipal Building, 1777 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado.
Dated this Sth dav of Januarv, 2005.
Mishawn J. Cook, Licensing Specialist
Published on Sundav, Januarv 9, 2005, in the Dailv Camera.
I, Mishawn J. Cook, Licensing Specialist, City of Boulder, Colorado, do hereby certify
that I caused the attached public notice to be published in the Daily Camera on Sunday
January 9, 2005 in compliance with the laws of the State of Colorado and the ordinances
of the City of Boulder, Colorado.
Date/15me: Wednesday, Jan. 19 - 1 pm
LocatSon: 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers
4. Public Hearing and Consideration of a December 6, 2004
applicauon from Jin Oh d/b/a Broadway Wine & Spirits, 2550
Baseline Road, Jin Oh, 2754 N. Torreys Peak Dr. Superior, CO,
for a Modification of a Retail Liquor Store type liquor license.
Public Hearing and Consideration of a December 6, ?A04
~plication from Amante Walnut LLC d/b/a Amante Coffee,
1035 Walnut St., Greg Buchheister, 2965 Shady Hollow Fast,
Mgr./Member and James Temple, 8414 Firethom Ct.,
Longmont, CO, Member, for New Tavem type liquor license.
6. Show Cause Hearing conceming a September 24, 2004
violadon and whether the Hotel- Restaurant type liquor license
held by Cicala Inc. d/b/a Bacaro, 921 Pearl St., should be
suspended or revoked.
7. Show Cause Heazing conceming ao October 22, 2004
violation and whether the Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license
held by Republic of Boulder LI,C d/bla Boulder Ouflook Hotel,
800 28ffi St., should be suspended or revoked.
8. Show Cause Hearing concerning an October 22, 2004
violation and whether the Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license
held by Gazboworks Inc. d/b/a Gram2zio's, 1124 13th St.,
should be suspended orrevoked.
9. Show Cause Hea~ing concetning an October 22, 2004
violaflon and whether the Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license
held by Hapa Group Inc. d/b/a Hapa On The Hill, 1220
Penasylvania Ave., should be suspended or revoked.
10. Show Cause Heazing conceming an October 22, 2004
violadon and whether the Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license
held by RFII-I Operating LLC d/b/a Millennium Harvest, 1345
28th St., should be suspended or revoked.
11. Show Cause Aearing conceming an October 22, 2004
violation and whether the Retail Liquor Store type liquor license
held by BAS Inc. d/b/a Rose Hill Wine & Spiriu, 1091 13th St.,
should be suspended or revoked.
12. Show Cause Heazing conceming an October 22, 2004
violation and whether the Hotel-Restaurant type Gquor license
held by Baja In The Rockies LLC dlb/a Wahoo's Fish Tacos,
2790 Peazl St #A, should be suspended or revoked.
Information: (303) 441-3010. My petitions or remonstrances
pertaining to the above may be filed at the Office of [he City
Clerk, Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the City
of Boulder, Colorado Uus Wednesday, January 12, 2005.
OF ~ ~ ~ ~i~t---.
~,, ~~ ~ ~ Mishawn J. Cook, Licensing Specialis---
Secretary to the Beverages Licensing Authority
~ ~