Minutes - Arts Commission - 10/17/2001 ~-~r ~ APPROVED 11/14/01 Boulder Arts Commission October 17, 2001 Main Library Meeting Room Members Present: Also Present: Don Berlin Donna Gartenmann Patti Bruck Tina Walker Erich Hill Patricia Tinajero-Baker Jude Landsman Robert Sher-Maccherndl Ann Moss Alison Moore Mary Beth Reed Antonette Rosato Nancy Zierman The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. Minutes of the August 15, 2001 meeting were approved as received. Matters from the Commission Commissioner Ann Moss was sworn into office. Colorado Dance Festival: Landsman discussed the Colorado Dance Festival situation. The CDF closed its doors in early October. After speaking with Marda Kirn, former director, CDF is working on all financials and meeting to discuss the future of the Festival. Gartenmann will invite Kirn to attend the November Commission meeting. .15% Budget Reduction: Gartenmann reported that the estimation of the .15% tax for 2002 has been reduced due to the economic climate. The arts budget reduction will be $8,000. AHAB: Alison Moore, acting director for the Arts and Humanities Assembly of Boulder, submitted a collaboration proposal between AHAB and the BAC. Joint workshops for artists and organizations will be co-sponsored by the two organizations. Future topics include promotion and marketing, creating collaborations, arts business topics, dealing with taxes, organizational development. Hill moved to fund the project with the $5,000.00 balance from the Mini-grant budget. Berlin seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Major Grant applications: The Commission reviewed application forms for the Major grant, Audience Development and Arts in Education. Gartenmann will make the recommended changes. Applications should be available by early November. The submittal deadline is January 7, 2002. The grant deliberation meetings will be January 23, 5:30 p.m. and January 25, noon. Approval of final reports: Financial reports for the Dairy Center for the Arts, Sound Circle, Ken Bernstein and Blue Moon Dance Company were approved as received. Colorado Mahlerfest: The Mahlerfest request two nights of rent free space at Macky Auditorium for the January festival. Bruck made a motion to award the space with Hill seconding. The motion passed unanimously. MINI-GRANTS Sound Circle: No representation. The proposal was tabled. Ariadna Capasso and Patricia Tinajero-Baker: The proposal requested funds for the development of Ca n, interviews and an installation dealing with the homeless. The material for Carry On is being gathered from interviews with homeless individuals in Boulder County. The experiences, objects and geographical locations significant to each person's conceptualization of home are being catalogued. The grant did not include a letter of intent from a venue for the installation. Moss made a motion for $400.00 for development of the project with the contingency that a letter from a venue be submitted to the Arts Commission office. Hill seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mary Beth Reed: MOOSE MOUNTAIN is a film project to increase awareness of Colorado history and the connection between Boulder inhabitants and the natural landscape. Reed requested funds for a four minute introduction with abstract hand-painted and optically printed footage. Bruck moved to award Reed $400.00. Berlin seconded. The motion carries unanimously. Robert Sher-Maccherndl: PlastikPaket is an original dance piece performed in the entire BMoCA gallery space. The audience will be led throughout the galleries as four pieces of original choreography are performed. The piece will include five dancers, Indian Tabla drumming and string quartets to set the background for this performance. Hill made a motion to award Sher-Maccherndl $400.00 with Moss seconding. The motion passed unanimously. Antonette Rosato: Coming Home_ Finding Home is a collaboration with the Women of the West history trail project, The University of Boulder and the Boulder Public Library. Rosato requested funds to create a table covering by Native American artist Elizbeth Ridgely. The table cover will be created and viewed as a "living" view of women's history. Bruck moved to award Rosato $400.00 with Hill seconding. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.