Minutes - Arts Commission - 07/18/2001
Approve 8/15/01
Boulder Arts Commission
July 18, 2001
Boulder Public Library Meeting Room
Members Present Also Present:
Don Berlin Donna Gartenmann
Patti Bruck Tina Walker
Erich Hill Maria Antonia Colon
Jude Landsman Ramon Diaz
Toby Hankin
Frances Higgins
Nicole Jeffers
Caryl Kassoy
Tom Morgan
Sheldon Sands
Julia Schwab
Robert Sher-Machherndl
Steve Weinstein
Jeane Woods
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
Minutes of the June 20, 2001 meeting were approved as received.
Alternate Transportation Publicity Proposal: Berlin will continue discussions with KGNU
about an audio arts magazine for the Hop and Skip. The Commission will hear an update at the
August meeting.
Approval of final reports for Sojourner School and Lemon Sponge Cake were approved as
Rob McWilliams requested a change in date for his Shadow Circus production. The
performance will take place in December at the Dairy Center for the Arts.
Municipal Channel 8: Jeane Woods requested funds to produce ahalf--hour magazine style
television program for children ages three to eight. "Please, Don't Eat the Crayons" focuses on
art, music, dance, children's literature and cultural topics. Berlin moved to fund Channel 8
$400.00. Hill seconded. The motion was unanimous.
Toby Hankins Hankin submitted amini-grant for "Only Solos", a performance project in
collaboration with seven professional choreographers. Each choreographer will submit a piece to
Hankin and will be performed at the Charlotte York Irey theater. Hill made a motion to award
Hankin $400.00 with Bruck seconding. The motion passed unanimously.
Guenter Engling: Rocky Mountain Revels asked for funds for a theatrical celebration of the
winter solstice based on ancient traditions marking the passing of the shortest day of the year.
Singers, mummers, dancers and musicians combine their talents to bring holiday joy while
reforging links to our spiritual past. The Revels will be held at the University Theater. Berlin
moved to award the Revels $400.00. Bruck seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Danai Shanti: The Commission explained to Shanti that grant applicants are required to live
within the city limits of Boulder. The grant submitted also did not meet Commission
requirements for applications to be typed or computer generated. Members had numerous
questions about the overall project. The Commission did not approve the request.
SummerStage Theater Company: On Golden Pond will be performed at the Nomad Theater
beginning August 17. Funds are requsted to defer the cost of production. The address of the
applicant is not within the city limits. Other members of the company are Boulder residents and
the production is happening within the city limits. Berlin made a motion to allow Summerstage
to change the address on the grant application to that of another company member. Hill
seconded. The vote was unanimous. Bruck moved to award SummerStage $400.00 with Hill
seconding. The motion was unanimous.
Boulder Pride: Ramon Diaz presented a grant requesting funds for an audience award for the
2001 Boulder Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. The Festival is developing a board and looking at
ways to further promote the project. Diaz would like to establish funding towards an annual
Audience Award as part of the Festival in order to promote audience particiption as well as
encourage filmmakers in their craft. Bruck suggested charging an entry fee to participants to help
subsidize the award in future years. The Commission prefers to fund the art directly but to help
establish the award, Berlin made a motion to award Boulder Pride $400.00. Hill seconded. The
motion carried unanimously.
Colorado Music Festival: CMF representative, Caryl Kassoy, asked for funds to give
participants of the Music and Science project free tickets to attend a Colorado Music Festival
concert. The proposal failed for lack of a motion.
Robert Sher-MachherndL• The request submitted asked for funds to support the dance
performance "Point", to be held at the Dairy Center for the Arts in October. The dance will
demonstrate the most technical aspects of both classical ballet and moden dance forms. Hill
moved to award Machherndl $400.00 with Berlin seconding. The motion passed unanimously.
Maria Antonia Colon: Colon is proposing a visual narrative that explores the inner turmoil
experienced by a rejected lover. The project, "No Te Pones Dura", consists of 25-30 black and
white infrared photos printed on various specialty papers to aid viewers understanding of intent.
The exhibit will be held at the Workspace Gallery in September. Hill made a motion to award
Colon $400.00. Bruck seconded. The vote was unanimous.
Julia Schwab: Funds were requested for the "Art Triumphs Over Domestic Violence" exhibit at
the Boulder Public Library. Through an open juried show, Schwab and the Boulder County
Safehouse aim to demonstrate how art and creative expression simultaneously provide us with
ways to confront, understand, and heal from violence we have experience. Berlin made a motion
to award Schwab $400.00. Hill seconded. The motion was unanimous.
Ars Nova: Tom Morgan asked for funding for Music on the Edge: A Colorado Christmas. The
performance wil be held at St. John' Episcopal Church on December 13. Berlin moved to award
Ars Nova $400.00 with Hill seconding. The vote was 4-0.
Sheldon Sands: Israel's foremost world music group will present a conceptual music
performance from the Middle East to the Indian Ocean on a route of peace. "The Perfume
Road" will be performed by Yair Dalal at the First Baptist Church on August 30. Building
Bridges for Peace will provide information in the lobby. Berlin made a motion to award Sands
$400.00. Bruck seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.