Minutes - Arts Commission - 06/20/2001 Approved 7/18/01 Boulder Arts Commission June 20, 2001 Boulder Public Library Meeting Room Members Present: Also Present: Don Berlin Donna Gartenrnann Erich Hill Jude Landsman Alan Rudy M m r A nt: Patti Bruck The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. Minutes of the May 16, 2001 meeting were approved as received. Planning Session Community Dance Forum: Landsman proposed the Boulder Arts Commission host a community forum for dance. The meeting would focus on needs of the dance community, feedback to determine the future of the line item funding and general information gathering from the community. The Commission would like to receive an evaluation of the current rent subsidy process. Landsman will follow up after discussions with members of the dance community. Alternate Transportation/Art Publicity: Berlin updated the Commission on the most recent discussions with KGNU regarding an arts audio magazine for the Hop, Skip and Jump mobile art kiosks. The vision is to air interviews with artists, excerpts from upcoming performances and overall arts promotion on alternate transportation. KGNIJ is interested in improving their arts programming as well as producing the audio magazine. Mary Durlin, KGNil Director, will put together a budget for the project. KWAB radio is also interested in the audio magazine concept. Berlin suggested hosting a meeting with larger arts organizations and get feedback on the proposal. If the BAC started with a cluster of 12 organizations to kick off the project, it would encourage others to participate. The project is potentially a powerful audience development/art awareness campaign. As a City department, the Arts Commission is allowed to advertise for free on alternate transportation. The proposal has the ability to raise awareness, create excitement and give local artists and organizations exposure. Boulder Arts Resource Website. Berlin and Gartenmann met with Library computer staff to discuss the proposal from Earthlink regarding the BAR website. Libraray staff felt the Earthlink proposal duplicated many of the services already available on the website and additions could be done in-house with minimal financial impact, if any. The main addition, an events column, will allow programs not listed in the newsletter to be posted on the website with a direct link to the organizations. Many of the arts organizations offer on-line ticket purchasing which would be accessible via the links. The key to success for the website is to promote and advertise which will create attention and send interested parties to the linked sites. The possibility to make an interactive site for reviews would benefit the community at lazge. Rudy expressed concern with making the site free to artists. He feels artists won't take it seriously if payment isn't required. The artists and organizations will be solely responsible for getting information to the Arts Resource staff. In addition to the BAR newsletter and The Arts Paper, an advertising campaign will need to be put in place. Gartenmann will keep the Commission apprised of proposals from the Library computer staff. Crossroads Ma1UConference Center: Landsman recently met with Mazcelee Gralapp, Arts Director. Gralapp feels the BAC could have input into the process for reinventing the area. Landsman stressed that it is important if commissioners have ideas or contacts regarding Crossroads, the ideas need to be brought to the commission for decisions to be made as a whole. Landsman would like to see something culturally interesting, yet financially viable for the area. Rudy suggested a BAC member become an ex officio member of the BURR board. Gartenmann reported on the Crossroads Mall/Conference Center study session. BURR has suggested taking the lead on the Crossroads project and will begin a new study with results in August. Guild Theater Proposals: At the March community theater meeting, the Commission stated that proposals or strategic plans for reorganization of the theaters at the Dairy would be accepted until June 1, 2001. Two proposals were received, one from Kevin Brown, the current Guild board president and Timothy Reed, Upstart Crow member. Rudy made a motion that the BAC revisit the Brown proposal at the end of 2001 with the intention of funding the Guild Theatre in 2002 providing that the Arts Commission deems adequate progress of Brown's proposal has been achieved. Hill seconded. The vote was unanimous. Cultural Master Plan Meeting: Gartenmann submitted a draft letter for Commissioners to review of the Master Plan task force in addition to potential dates for the first meeting. Berlin and Bruck will represent the Arts Commission. North Boulder Recreation Center Public Art Project: Gartenmann met with Parks and Recreation staff to look at the possibilities of public art placement in the current renovation of the North recreation center. The project will consist of two pieces. The call for entries is being drafted and upon approval, will be sent out to artists. Approval of final report: Tree Bernstein submitted the final report for the Wings of Whimsy exhibit. The report was unanimously approved. Gartenmann informed the Commissioners of a public art workshop in Seattle in October. The Commission unanimously approved funds for Gartenmann to participate in the workshop. The July arts packets will be sent via bicycle courier to members because Gartenmann will be on vacation the first two weeks of July. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.