Minutes - Arts Commission - 03/21/2001
Approved 4/18/01
Boulder Arts Commission
March 21, 2001
Main Library Meeting Room
Members Present: Also Present:
Donna Gartenmann
Erich Hill Kevin Brown
Jude Landsman Timothy Reed
Alan Rudy Belinda Haaland
Emily Wadhams
Member Absent:
Don Berlin
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
Three members of the theater community attended to discuss the community forum from March
15. Kevin Brown, Boulder Avant Guarde asked the Commission if the BAC had a specific idea
in mind for reorganization of the Guild Theater.
Rudy: I am immensely gratified at the turnout and response of the theater community and the
participation of all who were there. I am knocked out by the work you two guys have done. It is
critical to move forward. The Commission will be glad to work with the Guild if changes are
made. The lease and infrastructure are in place for the Guild. Your work complements each
other. I don't think you can accomplish what you want without paid staff. That's a personal
opinion. You did a good job of listing everything needed to run an organization in your
proposals. Professional staff is absolutely necessary. You need outside people other than people
associated with the performing groups. You should consider having outsiders be on the board. I
support restructuring.
Landsman: How exciting. It seems like things have happened fast. You understand that the
Guild has been funded through 2001. It's too soon to have a decision on the funding for 2002.
The Commission will have to see what comes of the proposed plans. The plans submitted have
really sound principles. I certainly think we would be open to a reorganized Guild. I applaud the
incredible efforts you have made.
Haaland: I haven't been as involved as Timothy and Kevin. The Upstart Crow is meeting to
discuss the original plan.
Reed: At the Guild Meeting this evening, Richard plans to tender his resignation, being effective
only after the financial signatory cards have been turned over to another person and the loan that
the Guild has taken out is fully paid off.
Rudy: Our understanding from Richard was that there was sufficient money to pay off the loan,
assuming the city funded the whole $20,000. If you take that and income from rentals to operate
for the balance of the year and then pay off the loan.
Brown: We have talked about combining the plans and alternative plans. Timothy will have to
speak to who his plan is intended for, Upstart Crow or the Guild.
Reed: The one thing that I first wanted to do at the previous meeting was come up with a
business plan. The plan I came up with is designed to be a generic plan laying out the
requirement for any organization taking over the theaters. It talks about the management, not the
Guild or Upstart Crow. According to Emily, June 1 is the deadline to submit a formal
presentation. That plan, very slightly modified, was planned to be presented to the BAC along
with a subsidiary plan talking about why Upstart Crow thinks we are the organization that best
meets the needs of that plan. We are fiscally sound, have a healthy volunteer organization
performing the tasks that were outlined in the plan.
Landsman: What's important for the Commission is to keep us informed--what's happening with
the Guild, The Upstart Crow.
Haaland: What I would like to know is, do we have the freedom and commitment from the BAC
for the remainder of this year to figure out our solution? We're hoping more theater companies
come together. Ok, we have the money, we are running our own ship for the rest of the year.
Landsman: The money is going toward rent to the Dairy.
• Hill: The meeting we had was interesting, it showed there are varying opinions. We want you to
work it out. You have a board, you work it out.
Rudy: Clearly I'm not speaking for anyone but myself. I think if one were to combine both plans
for the Guild, it would be perfect. One has infrastructure, the other has details. I would never
vote for Upstart Crow to take over the theaters. The Guild is the proper vehicle. The two of you
have made wonderful music together and I would love to see you dance. You've got the
components to make a great plan.
Landsman: You have the freedom to reorganize, do what you feel is best.
Brown: What is the deadline for money in 2002? In 2002, would it be possible that the Guild
would keep the line item if we get our stuff together, get our plans working together and
Landsman: The BAC's plan is to offer rent subsidy. It is too soon to answer the rest. By June,
we will have a better idea.
Rudy: We're not interested in being in the theater funding business. You've convinced me that it
isn't a wonderful idea. Because we do have the ball in our court, we have to be satisfied that the
new player is better than we are.
Landsman: I think people misunderstood the subsidy plan. It is a simplified plan.
• Reed: What is the process for applications?
Rudy: Things will go smoother if you visit with us and exchange ideas. This is not a requirement.
It may be to your advantage if you talk with us as you go.
Landsman: I hope things keep moving.
Approval of Minutes
Rudy made a motion to approve minutes from February 21, March 7 and March 15. The
minutes were approved as amended.
Actor's Ensemble submitted a request to use 2000 major grant funds to perform Eye of God in
2001. Rudy moved to approve the request with Hill seconding. The motion passed unanimously.
Frequent Flyers Productions requested two nights of rent free space at Macky Auditorium for
performances in October. Rudy made a motion to fund the project. Hill seconded. The motion
passed unanimously.
Sister City Public Art Project: Gartenmann discussed a public art piece incorporating Boulder's
five Sister Cities. The request is for $10,000.00 and the piece will be installed along the Cultural
• Corridor. Rudy favored the project if a competition was held. The requirements for artists
applying would have to meet Transportation and sign code issues.
New Commissioner: City Council appointed Patti Bruck as the new Arts Commissioner.
Bruck's term will begin at the April, 2001 meeting.
Organization Technical Assistance Grants
Boulder Chorale: The Board of the Boulder Chorale has developed a strategic plan to ensure the
Chorale will be able to provide continued community service. Funds are requested to support
personnel assigned to finalize and implement the strategic plan. Rudy made a motion to fund the
project. Wadhams seconded. Boulder Chorale was unanimously awarded $7500.00.
Boulder Museum of Contemporary Arts: BMoCA requested a $9,000.00 matching grant for
an extensive governance review including a revision of the Board Committee structure and by-
laws and the development of a three-to-five year strategic plan for the organization's future. The
matching funds will be generated through the Museum's membership and fundraising efforts.
BMoCA was unanimously awarded $7,500.00.
Colorado Dance Festival: The board and staff of the Dance Festival requested $7,500.00 to
develop a service arm organization to the Boulder dance community. CDF plans to develop a
program that provides much needed resources. Included in the plans are systems for technical
assistance (grant writing, publicity and promotion, financial management), a monthly newsletter,
mailing list and database management, and production assistance. Rudy moved to award CDF
• $7500.00. Hill seconded, with the motion passing unanimously.
Dairy Center for the Arts: The Dairy requested $7,500.00 in matching funds to increase the
Administrative Coordinator position from part-time to full-time. The Dairy has seen significant
increase in foot and phone traffic since the new Dance Space and other community spaces have
opened after renovations. Wadhams moved to fund the project, with Hill seconding. The vote
was 3-1, for $7,500.00. Rudy voted against the proposal.
MA Dance: MA dance requested $1800.00 to hire a business manager for the company to
research and write grants, and to research and implement performance and teaching
opportunities. Rudy made a motion to fund MA Dance with Hill seconding. The motion passed
Mariposa Collective: The Collective needs the support of the Boulder Arts Commission to go
through an educational training to assist in the development of the organizational infrastructure,
develop a strategic planning process, pay an administrative assistant and grant writer and develop
press materials and publicity. Wadhams moved to fund Mariposa $6,250.00 with Hill seconding.
The vote was unanimous.
Nomad Theatre: Nomad requested $10,000.00 in matching grant support to subsidize the
Director of Development position. Rudy made a motion to award Nomad $7500.00. Wadhams
• seconded the motion. The request passed unanimously.
Upstart Crow: The Upstart Crow requested $2385.00 for informational tools and educational
seminars to assist in the plans for pursuing grants offered by charitable organizations and
foundations nationwide. Wadhams move to fund the project with Rudy seconding. Upstart
Crow received $2385.00. Landsman abstained.
Landsman presented Wadhams with a plaque and gift in recognition of Emily's five years of
service and dedication on the Arts Commission. Thank you, Emily.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.