Item 3 - CAMP Update - Nancy Blackwood emailFrom:Nancy Blackwood
Cc:Stephen @ iA-Performance
Subject:FW: Park to Park - 9th Street resident"s concerns
Date:Tuesday, December 5, 2017 1:01:20 PM
Hello Landmarks Board,
I’m unable to attend the Landmarks Board meeting tomorrow evening so I’m forwarding the email I
sent to TAB last month (and read at the November TAB meeting) regarding the Park-to-Park impacts
to 9th Street residents last summer.
I appreciate your consideration. Thank you for your time.
Very best regards,
Nancy Adams Blackwood
Urban Design and Planning
(m) 720.201.4746
(w) 303.440.0805
From: Nancy Blackwood
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 4:20 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: Park to Park - 9th Street resident's concerns
Good afternoon Transportation Advisory Board,
I write to express my serious concerns regarding the extension of the Park to Park Shuttle program
as it stands currently. Although the staff and City Council were “thrilled” with the “great success” of
the Park to Park pilot program (10.25.2017 BDC), there was a significant impact on those who live on
9th Street between College and Baseline. The ridership on the Baseline/Broadway-New Vista Parking
to Chautauqua leg was wildly successful, way beyond expectations, but those of us on 9th Street
suffered through a summer of loud, large, polluting, EMPTY (average of 2.4 people/bus) buses
every 7.5 minutes from 7 am to 7 pm up and down the street (that’s 96 times a day). I work out of
my house and my office faces 9th Street. I had to keep my windows shut all summer (I don’t have
AC) just so I could talk on the phone. The buses were so loud we couldn’t carry on a conversation in
our front yards when the buses passed. I live just a couple houses up from the College and 9th Street
stops. The noise level is even higher in front of my house due to the acceleration and deceleration
of the buses as they approach and depart the stops. I never saw anyone waiting at these stops going
up or down the Hill.
Please direct your staff to work with the residents of 9th Street to come up with a plan to mitigate
these impacts before this pilot becomes a permanent program. I believe there is a solution that can
be a win-win. There was talk of smaller/quieter-electric/greener/less polluting (potential for funding
through the VW settlement?) buses and of potentially re-evaluating the route (there are merchants
in the Hill Commercial District that would love for the Park to Park to go up 13 Street (providing a
free connection between downtown and the Hill Commercial District – a district that suffers greatly
during the summer months because of the significant decline in the student population).
I look forward to attending the TAB meeting tonight to hear your thoughts on this.
Very best regards,
Nancy Adams Blackwood
Urban Design and Planning
1065 9th Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(m) 720.201.4746
(w) 303.440.0805