09.06.17 LB Minutes CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS BOARD September 6,2017 at 6:00 p.m. 1777 Broadway, Municipal Building, Council Chambers The following are the action minutes of the September 6, 2017 City of Boulder Landmarks Board meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (phone: 303- 441-3043). You may also listen to the recording on-line at: www.boulderplandevelop.net. BOARD MEMBERS: Eric Budd, Chair William Jellick Ronnie Pelusio Fran Sheets Deborah Yin David Ensign STAFF MEMBERS: Sandra Llanes, Deputy City Attorney James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner Holly Opansky, Landmarks Board Secretary Tony Wiese, Historic Preservation Intern 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Chair E. Budd declared a quorum at 6:04 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by R. Pelusio, seconded by B.Jellick, the Landmarks Board approved (5-0) the minutes as amended of the August 2, 2017 Landmarks Board meeting minutes. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE PUBLIC AGENDA 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING [00:02:15 audio minutes] • 1035 Kalmia Ave. -Stay-of-Demolition expires Jan. 2, 2018 • Statistical Report 5. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM[00:15.23 audio minutes] A. Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate application to demolish a non-contributing, 5,200 sq. ft. building and, its place, construct a 15,380 sq. ft. two-story building with a setback third floor to a height of 38' at 1102 Pearl St. in the Downtown Historic District per Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981 (HIS2017-00258). Owner/Applicant: Phil Day, PMD Realty c/o 1102 Pearl LTD/Jim Bray, Bray Architecture Ex Parte Contacts E. Budd, W.Jellick, R. Pelusio, F. Sheets, and D. Yin had no ex parte contacts. D. Ensign made site visits. Staff Presentation J. Hewat presented the case to the board, with the staff recommend don that the Landmarks Board deny the application. Applicant's Presentation Phil Day, 140 Windemere Ln., owner, spoke in support of the application. He started with history of the project, noting that the initial design investigated a third floor with residential space, because of the building code. Mr. Day mentioned that the previously approved application, in May 2017, seemed institutional and monolithic,inspiring their team to revisit the overall design to create something that significantly contributed to the Mall. Jim Bray, 1300 Yellow Pine Ave. AC, architect, spoke in support of the application. He highlighted the two major components of the application was the desire to comply with the downtown code to have the third floor set back and the desire to tie the building to "be of its time" by connecting the third-floor material elements to the ground level. Mr. Bray considered the design contributes to the uniqueness of the Pearl Street Mall by having two stories instead of three solid floors, creating less mass and shadow. Public Comment Abby Daniels, 1200 Pearl St., Executive Director of Historic Boulder, commented that the Historic Boulder, Inc. board unanimously supported the application. She shared the details of their discussion included the third-story set back was appropriate on this block, the perceived mass had human scale, the design respected the downtown guidelines and was simple and elegant. I Motion On a motion by R. Pelusio, and seconded by E. Budd, the Landmarks Board voted (4-1, D. Yin opposed, citing the applicant's design and the board's conditions of approval did not necessarily arrive at the best solution) to approve the application to demolish the non-contributing building and construct the proposed 15,380 sq. ft. building at 1102 Pearl St., as shown on plans dated August 7, 2017, finding that they generally meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Section 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981 and are consistent with the Downtown Historic District Design Guidelines and the General Design Guidelines, subject to the conditions below. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The applicant shall be responsible for constructing the new building in compliance with the approved plans dated August 7, 2017, except as modified by these conditions of approval: 1. Diminish the visibility of the third story by increasing the north and west setback to a minimum of 15' to building face, reduce the overhang, and explore reducing the distance between the parapet height and third story roof height. Minimize the visual impact of the stairs on the third floor. 2. Reduce the prominence of the 11th Street stairway to better reflect the historic pattern of first story retail in the Downtown Historic District. 3. Revise detailing of materials at the chamfered corner to unify the component, celebrate the corner and integrate into the pilasters. 4. Simplify the design of the third floor to reduce the number of elements and plane changes. 5. Consider unifying or integrating the overall design. 6. Unify the design of the entries. 7. Revise design so building materials turn to read as volumes rather than planes. 8. Consider extending the design of the masonry portion of the building the full extent of the 111h Street fagade. 6. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AND CITY ATTORNEY[03:58:07 audio minutes] A. Update Memo B. Recently Approved Landmark Alteration Certificates C. Subcommittee Updates • Stay-of-Demolition Effectiveness-Fran, Ronnie and Eric • Solar Panels and Historic Buildings-Deborah • Downtown Signage-Deborah, Bill and Fran • Community Engagement-Deborah and Bill 7. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 8. ADJOURNMENT[04:33:30 audio minutes] The meeting adjourned at 10:37 p.m. Approved on / I zz 2017 Respectfully submitted, Chairperson