Item 6A - 9.6.2017 Update Memo DATE: September 6th, 2017 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: James Hewat, Marcy Cameron SUBJECT: Update Memo Landmarks Board Recruitment Application The City Clerk’s Office has provided an October 13th, 2017 date to make suggested revisions to the Landmarks Board application for the 2018 recruitment. Attached is the current application, the estimated time commitment, Library Commissioner job description and handbook. Discuss at meeting. ON-GOING PROJECTS Chautauqua Lighting Plan and Design Guidelines – Open House and Joint Study Session The City of Boulder and Colorado Chautauqua Association’s collaborative development of a lighting plan and lighting design guidelines for Chautauqua is in process. On Wednesday, July 26, 2017 a second Open House and Joint Study Session with the Landmarks Board/Colorado Chautauqua Association was held at Chautauqua to gather feedback on the Draft Character Areas and Draft Desired Qualities. An evening tour of Chautauqua was held Tuesday, Aug. 8 and was attended by approximately 15 people. The next Joint Study Session with time for public comment is scheduled for September 11 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Update at meeting. Atrium Building/Public Market Discussion is ongoing in considering whether the Atrium Building might be used as a Market Hall on a temporary or permanent basis. Historic Boulder has agreed to continue keeping the March 2015 application to landmark the Atrium on hold as exploration of these options continues. Update at meeting. Civic Area The Civic Area webpage has been updated to provide current information on the historic resources in the Civic Area. Update at Meeting. Selected Annotated Landmark Alteration Certificate Approvals: Below are selected landmark alteration certificate descriptions and drawings to provide the Board the opportunity to review larger proposals that have been reviewed by the Ldrc, whether through conditions imposed by a Board approval or Ldrc without review by the Board. 845 Pine Street, Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2017-0097) “Construction of (2nd story) addition to existing non-contributing house as detailed on landmark alteration certificate drawings dated 08.09.2017.” Tax Assessor Photograph of Existing House constructed in 1950: Approved Landmark Alteration Certificate Drawings: 602 Maxwell Avenue, Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2017-00185) “Installation of nano-door at east (secondary) elevation of building and repainting of rear addition white and trim gray, as detailed on landmark alteration certificate drawings dated 08.17.2017.” Tax Assessor Photograph, c.1949 Approved Landmark Alteration Certificate Plans: 1104 Maxwell Avenue, Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2017-00232) “Installation of flush (hinged) doors with existing siding on east (secondary) face of contributing accessory building as detailed on landmark alteration certificate drawings dated 08.17.2017.” 911 Pine St., Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2017-00180) Demolition of a non-contributing 480 sq. ft. two-car garage and, in its place, construction of a new two-car, 640 sq. ft. garage. • Approved by the Landmarks Board on July 5, 2017 • Reviewed by the LDRC on July 26 and August 16; Approved on August 16, 2017. Existing and proposed new garage, July 5, 2017 Landmarks Board review and approval. Final approved LAC plans, North elevation of new garage.