Item 6A - Update Memo DATE: August 5, 2017 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: James Hewat, Marcy Cameron SUBJECT: Update Memo UPCOMING EVENTS Landmarks Board Retreat The Landmarks Board held their annual retreat on July 14. See attached Year in Review Handout. The board set priorities for the upcoming year and formed the following subcommittees: • Stay-of-Demolition Process – Fran Sheets, Ronnie Pelusio, Eric Budd • Solar Panels (General Design Guidelines) – Deborah Yin • Signage (Downtown) – Deborah Yin, Bill Jellick and Fran Sheets • Community Engagement – Deborah Yin, Bill Jellick ON-GOING PROJECTS Chautauqua Lighting Plan and Design Guidelines – Open House and Joint Study Session The City of Boulder and Colorado Chautauqua Association’s collaborative development of a lighting plan and lighting design guidelines for Chautauqua is in process. On Monday, June 26, 2017 the first Open House and Joint Study Session with the Landmarks Board/Colorado Chautauqua Association was held at Chautauqua to gather feedback on the Draft Lighting Principles. The next open house and Joint Study Session is scheduled for July 26 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Update at meeting. Atrium Building/Public Market Discussion is ongoing in considering whether the Atrium Building might be used as a Market Hall on a temporary or permanent basis. Historic Boulder has agreed to continue keeping the March 2015 application to landmark the Atrium on hold as exploration of these options continues. Update at meeting. Civic Area The Civic Area webpage has been updated to provide current information on the historic resources in the Civic Area. Update at Meeting. Selected Annotated Landmark Alteration Certificate Approvals: Per the discussions, below are selected landmark alteration certificate descriptions and drawings to provide the Board the opportunity to review larger proposals that have been reviewed by the Ldrc, whether through conditions imposed by a Board approval or Ldrc without review by the Board. 511 Marine Street, Highland Lawn Historic District, issued July 6th, 2017 (HIS2017-00072) The Ldrc reviewed and approved the following conditions of the Landmark Board’s May3rd, 2017 approval: 1. The applicant shall be responsible for constructing the house in compliance with the approved plans dated 04/03/2017, except as modified by these conditions of approval. 2. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit to the Landmarks design review committee (Ldrc), for its final review and approval: a. Details on the methodology for moving and rehabilitating the historic garage; consistent with the General Design Guidelines the Highland Lawn Historic District Design Guidelines; and b. Final architectural plans that include details for the new building including wall and roof materials, door and window details, and hardscaping on the property to ensure that the final design of the building is consistent with the General Design Guidelines the Highland Lawn Historic District Design Guideline and the intent of this approval. 511 Marine Street, Approved Landmark Alteration Certificate Plans: 341 Spruce Street, Mapleton Hill Historic District, issued June 7th, 2017 (HIS2017-00103) The Ldrc reviewed several sets of revisions to plans for the demolition of a non-contributing house and the construction of building to meet the following conditions of the Landmark Board’s May 1, 2017 approval of the proposal: 1. The applicant shall be responsible for constructing the house in compliance with the approved plans dated 04/04/2017, except as modified by these conditions of approval. 2. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit the following, which shall be subject to the final review and approval of the Landmarks design review committee (Ldrc): final architectural plans that include revisions to ensure that the final design of the building is: a. Consistent with the General Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Guidelines; and a. Simplify the massing and shapes, reduce the number of materials and window styles, and consider reducing the scale of the front porch. 3. The Ldrc shall review details for the building, including dormers, wall materials, fenestration patterns on the front, north and south elevations, doors and window details including moldings, and proposed insets, paint colors, and hardscaping on the property to ensure that the approval is consistent with the General Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Guidelines and the intent of this approval. Approved Landmark Alteration Certificate Plans 421 Mountain View Road, Mapleton Hill Historic District, LAC issued July 13th, 2017 (HIS2017-00207) A 339 sq. ft., one and one-half car garage adjacent to a contributing garage at the rear of the property was reviewed and approved by the Ldrc. Approved Landmark Alteration Certificate Plans for 421 Mountain View Road: