01.04.17 LB Minutes CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS BOARD January 4, 2017 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room 6:00 p.m. The following are the action minutes of the January 4, 2017 City of Boulder Landmarks Board meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to the recording on-line at: www.boulderplandevelop.net. BOARD MEMBERS: Eric Budd Briana Butler Ronnie Pelusio Fran Sheets, Vice Chair Deborah Yin, Chair Harmon Zuckerman, *Planning Board representative without a vote STAFF MEMBERS: Debra Kalish, Senior Assistant City Attorney James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner Holly Opansky, Landmarks Board Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Chair D. Yin declared a quorum at 6:00 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by D. Yin, seconded by R. Pelusio, the Landmarks Board approved (5- 0) the minutes as amended of the November 17 Library Commission and Landmarks Board joint study session, and the November 28 and December 7, 2016 Landmarks Board meetings. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING • 233414th St. -Stay of Demolition expires Jan. 29, 2017 • 3900 Orange Ct. - Stay of Demolition expires Jan. 31, 2017 • Statistical Report 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS [starting 00:07:00 and ending 2.56:10 audio minutes] A. [00:07:00 audio minutes]Public hearing and consideration of a motion to adopt a resolution to initiate the process for the designation of 2334 Wh St. as an individual landmark as described in Section 9-11-3, B.R.C. 1981, or in the alternative, to issue a demolition permit, as described in§ 9-11-23(f) and (g) B.R.C. 1981, which will allow for issuance of a demolition permit (HIS2016- 00191). Owner/Applicant: Alexander Brittin/Bob Von Eschen Ex-parte contacts E. Budd and H. Zuckerman had no ex-parte contacts. F. Sheets and R. Pelusio made a site visit. D. Yin and B. Butler made a site visit and reviewed the case at the LDRC. Staff Presentation J. Hewat presented the case to the board, with the staff recommendation that the Landmarks Board take no action and allow the stay of demolition, originally imposed on Oct. 5, 2016, to remain in place until Jan. 29, 2017, to provide time for the Board, staff, and the owner/applicants to review the results of the pending Structural Report, anticipated to be completed by Jan. 3, 2017. ApI icant's Presentation Bob Von Eschen, 3445 Penrose Pl., #230, contractor, spoke in support of a demolition of the building, citing discrepancies in scope and cost in the current structural report by Dave Woodham versus the previous structural reports. Kenneth Jacques, 128 Katie Ln., architect for the applicant, spoke in support of demolition. He noted the structural report by Dave Woodham had incorrect measurements and assessments, and submitted a letter with the details of his findings. Public Comment Abby Daniels, 1200 Pearl St., Executive Director of Historic Boulder, spoke in support staff's recommendation. Rebuttal Bob Von Eschen mentioned that they would be happy to meet later in the month to more fully analyze the structural reports and discuss the case,but they would prefer to have this application approved this evening. Motion On a motion by B. Butler, and seconded by F. Sheets, the Landmarks Board voted, (5-0) to hold a special meeting prior to the Jan. 29, 2017 expiration of the stay-of-demolition in order to consider initiation of landmark designation of the property at 233414th St. as described in Sec. 9-11-3, B.R.C. 1981. B. [00:48:30 audio minutes]Public hearing and consideration of a motion to adopt a resolution to initiate the process for the designation of 3900 Orange Ct. as an individual landmark as described in Section 9-11-3, B.R.C. 1981, or in the alternative, to issue a demolition permit, as described in§9-11-23(f) and (g) B.R.C. 1981, which will allow for issuance of a demolition permit (HIS2016- 00229). Owner/Applicant:Jarrow Montessori School/Michael Girodo Ex:parte contacts D. Yin and F. Sheets made a site visit. E. Budd and B. Butler reviewed at the LDRC. E. Budd and R. Pelusio reviewed case with applicant during the stay-of- demolition. Staff Presentation J. Hewat, presented the case to the board, with the staff recommendation to not initiate landmark designation for the property at 3900 Orange Ct. Applicant's Presentation Michael Girodo, 1094 Fairway Ct., Head of Jarrow Montessori School, spoke in support of demolition of the two buildings, noting that the school's development plans are not yet determined, and that the building may or may not be demolished in the near term. He thanked staff for their assistance through the process, noting that they had gained a lot from the process. Public Comment No one from the public spoke to this item. Motion On a motion by R. Pelusio, and seconded by E. Budd, the Landmarks Board voted (5-0) that the Landmarks Board find that due to its lack of historic and environmental significance, and the lack of public interest in preservation of the buildings during the demolition review process, landmark designation of 3900 Orange Ct. over the owner's objection does not balance private property rights and the public good and adopt the staff memorandum dated Jan. 4, 2017, as the findings of the board. As a condition of approval, prior to issuance of the demolition permit, the Landmarks Board recommends that staff require archival documentation of the property. C. [1:14:55 audio minutes]Public hearing and consideration of an application to designate seven properties located at 1424 Pine St., 1406-08 Pine St., 1414 Pine St, 1443 Spruce St., 211814th St., 212414th St., and 213214th St. as local historic landmarks as per Section 9-11-5 of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981 (HIS2016- 00127 and HIS2016-00358 to HIS2016-00363). Owner/Applicant: First United Methodist Church/Jeff Dawson Ex-parte contacts D. Yin had no ex-parte contacts. B. Butler, R. Pelusio, and F. Sheets made a site visit. E. Budd currently serves on a Better Boulder's Steering Committee Board, in which one of the applicants also serves on, yet they have not discussed these cases. H. Zuckerman heard the Attention Homes' concept review while serving on the Planning Board. Staff Presentation M. Cameron, presented both cases (Item C &D) in an effort to provide context for both. Staff recommended that the Landmarks Board continue the designation hearing until after the Site Review Approval for the Attention Homes project. The applications were submitted as part of the Site Review proposal and the owner's support of landmark designation is contingent on the approval of the Site Review project. Staff recommended the board conditionally approve the Landmark Alteration Certificate request for 1424 Pine St. Applicant's Presentation Shannon Cox Baker, 3845 Elmhurst PI., SCB Consulting, the development consultant to the owners, expressed support for the project. She discussed the overall vision of the project, including the relocation of the house at 1424 Pine St. Ms. Cox Baker highlighted that this project is unprecedented in its support from public, private, and religious entities. Jon Kottke, 2975 Valmont Rd., Senior Lay Leader at the First United Methodist Church, spoke in support of the applications. He pointed out that the Attention Homes project was founded at the church over 50 years ago by Judge Holmes. Mr. Kottke expressed that the church would like to offer this housing project to the community, as well as preserve the existing house in this block for the neighborhood. Jeff Dawson, 1350 Pine St., Suite 1, architect at Studio Architecture, answered a question regarding 1424 Pine St.'s finish floor height in relation to the existing buildings (to the west), as well as new buildings (to the east), relative to grade. He also answered why the underground parking lot cannot be kept where it is and dig underneath, because the goal is to fully build a subsurface parking structure where the house is currently, then once the parking structure is built, that the house would move a second and final time to its destination, allowing the rest of the parking structure to the east be built. Public Comment Michael McCue, 3796 Moffit Ct., member and chair of the board of the First United Methodist Church, spoke in support of the project. He shared that the project is part of the church's mission and has over 95% approval from the congregation. Mr. McCue shared his belief that this will be a lasting benefit to the community. Gary Urling, 224017'1, St., lives in the Whittier neighborhood and expressed concern about moving the house at 1424 Pine St., especially because there would be three moves, making it eight times as likely to fail. He encouraged the board to consideration the impetus of moving the house is not for historic reasons, but for maximizing amount of new construction square footage. With regard to new construction, Mr. Urling expressed that the new design does not match the historic elements of the block's buildings or the neighborhood. Abby Daniels, 1200 Pearl St., Executive Director of Historic Boulder, was supportive of the landmark designation and relocation of the house at 1424 Pine St., highlighting that the block is an important transition between downtown Boulder and a residential neighborhood. She encouraged the creation of a small historic district for the block. Rebuttal Shannon Cox Baker, clarified that moving the house at 1424 Pine St. would only move twice as part of the project. She indicated that the new construction design was based upon input from over ten community meetings. Motion On a motion by B. Butler, and seconded by F. Sheets, the Landmarks Board voted, (5-0), continue the landmark designation hearing for the properties at 1406-08 Pine St., 1414 Pine St., 1424 Pine St., 211814th St., 212414th St., 213214th St. and 1443 Spruce St., to a meeting after the city approves the Site Review application. D. [2:54:40 audio minutes]Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate application to demolish an accessory building, remove a rear addition and relocate the house at 1424 Pine St., a pending landmark, approximately 30 ft. west to 1418 Pine St., per Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981 (HIS2016-00125). Owner/Applicant: First United Methodist Church/Jeff Dawson Note that the ex-parte contacts, staff presentation, applicant presentation, public input, and applicant rebuttal were combined with item 5C. Motion On a motion by E. Budd, and seconded by R. Pelusio, the Landmarks Board voted, (5-0) adopt the staff memorandum dated Jan. 4, 2017, as the findings of the board and approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate for the proposed demolition and relocation shown in the application materials dated May 5'h, 2016, finding that they generally meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Section 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be completed in compliance with plans dated January 4, 2017 on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except as modified by these conditions of approval. 2. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration Certificate, the Applicant shall submit the following, which shall be subject to the final review and approval of the City Manager: a. A written description and map of proposed temporary location of the building; detailing methods for securing the building during the relocation and construction; b. A written description of the moving technique and steel layout as proposed by the building mover; c. Final architectural details, including a foundation plan and proposed south elevation, including materials and colors. Amendment On a motion by D. Yin, and seconded by B. Butler, the Landmarks Board voted (5-0) to amend the main motion, so as to further modify the recommended conditions of approval, in particular, that when the building is in its final and new location, that the first floor grade will relate to the original location and to the adjacent buildings in a way that is generally consistent with the original grade relationship. 8. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AND CITY ATTORNEY A. Update Memo B. Subcommittee Update 1) Design Guidelines and Code Revisions 2) Outreach and Engagement 3) Potential Resources 10. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m. Approved on 2017 Respectfully submitted, Chairperson