11.28.16 LB Minutes CITY OF BOULDER
November 28,2016
1777 Broadway, 1777 West Conference Room
5:30 p.m.
The following are the action minutes of the November 28, 2016 City of Boulder
Landmarks Board meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes
(maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (303-441-3043).
You may also listen to the recording on-line at: www.boulderplandevelop.net.
Eric Budd
Briana Butler
Ronnie Pelusio
Fran Sheets, Vice Chair
Deborah Yin, Chair
Debra Kalish, Senior Assistant City Attorney
James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner
Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner
Holly Opansky, Landmarks Board Secretary
William Barnum, Historic Preservation Intern
The roll having been called, Chair D. Yin declared a quorum at 5:39 p.m. and the
following business was conducted.
A. Canceled:Publie hearing and eensideration of whether to initiate indiViEklal
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B. Public hearing and consideration of a motion to adopt a resolution to initiate the
process for the designation of 1723-2515th St. as an individual landmark as
described in Section 9-11-3, B.R.C. 1981, or in the alternative, to issue a
demolition permit, as described in§ 9-11-23(f) and (g) B.R.C. 1981 (HIS2016-
00212). Owner/Applicant: Regina Suffian/Tom Jarmon
Ex-parte Contacts
Ex-parte Contacts
R. Pelusio made a site visit and reviewed the application during the Stay of
Demolition. B. Butler and F. Sheets made a site visit and reviewed the
application at the Design Review Committee meeting. D. Yin made a site visit. E.
Budd has the no ex-parte contacts.
Staff Presentation
M. Cameron, presented the case to the board, with the staff recommendation
that the Landmarks Board approve the request.
J. Hewat, shared that he received an email that evening from Hannah Gilmore, a
172315thSt. resident. He read the letter expressing opposition to the demolition
Applicant's Presentation
Tom Jarmon, 6028 Olde Stage Rd., applicant for the 1723-2515'" St. case, spoke in
support of the application and answered questions from the board.
Public Comment
Irene Joyce, 172315 St., #1, resident, expressed opposition to the demolition
permit application. She sighted that as a working single mother, the housing
options in the area are limited and, that this beautiful, diverse space with
community was satisfying.
On a motion by R. Pelusio, and seconded by B. Butler, the Landmarks Board
voted, (3-2, F. Sheets and D. Yin opposed), to issue the demolition permit for the
building located at 1723-2515'"St. finding that while the property might meet the
standard for designation as an individual landmark, per section 9-11-1 and 9-11-2
B.R.C. 1981, in this case it would be inappropriate to designate the property over
the owner's objection, as it is not of exceptional architectural significance, it is not
located in an identified potential historic district, and there is limited
demonstrated public support for landmark designation.
The Landmarks Board further recommends that prior to issuance of the
demolition permit, the applicant submit to staff for recording with Carnegie
1. A site plan showing the location of all existing improvements on the
subject property;
2. Measured elevation drawings of all faces of the building depicting
existing conditions, fully annotated with architectural details and
materials indicated on the plans; and
3. Medium format archival quality color photographs of all exterior
The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Approved on qee 201K
Respectfully submitted,