06.23.16 LB Minutes CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS BOARD June 23,2016 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room 6:00 p.m. The following are the action minutes of the June 23,2016 City of Boulder Landmarks Board meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to the recording on-line at:www.boulder2landevelol2.net. BOARD MEMBERS: Deborah Yin Eric Budd Fran Sheets Ronnie Pelusio *Harmon Zuckerman, *Planning Board representative without a vote Briana Butler, absent STAFF MEMBERS: Debra Kalish, Senior Assistant City Attorney James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner Lesli Ellis,Comprehensive Planning Manager Holly Opansky, Landmarks Board Secretary William Barnum, Historic Preservation hlteun 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Interim Chair D.Yin declared a quorum at 6:01 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 3. SELECTION OF LANDMARKS BOARD CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR POSITIONS 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING 0 Statistical Report 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Public hearing and consideration of whether to initiate individual landmark designation for the property located at 71717th St.,per to Section 9-11-23 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2015-00337). Owner/Applicant: Lazzarino Living Trust/ Stephen Brown Ex-parte contacts All board members made site visits. H. Zuckerman had no ex parte contacts. Staff Presentation M. Cameron presented the case to the board,with the staff recommendation that the Landmarks Board lift the stay of demolition and issue the demolition permit. Applicant's Presentation Stephanie Brennan, trustee and conservator for the owner, P.O. Box 17850, Boulder, 80308, spoke in support of issuing a demolition permit, noting the difficulty in selling the property, the condition of the building and past alterations,and impact the designation would have on the current owner. She noted that the property was offered for sale to Historic Boulder at the agreed upon sales price. Graciana Lazzarino,owner, Balfour Assisted Living, 1855 Plaza Dr., Louisville, spoke in support of issuing a demolition permit, describing her nearly 50-year ownership and her desire to sell the property so she may continue to reside in assisted living. Tom Precourt, owner's representative, 2014 Madison Way, Erie, spoke in support of issuing a demolition permit. He addressed a topic of concern within a letter submitted by Historic Boulder comparing 71717«St. to 819 6'h St., a modem house in poor condition that had been designated over the owner's objection. Mr. Precourt considers that the lot size, location, and design by a well-known architect differentiates the two properties. Abby Daniels,Historic Boulder, 1200 Pearl St., spoke in support of a designation hearing, and stated she was not aware of any offer of sale being made to Historic Boulder. She disagrees with staff's assessment that the house is of marginal significance and noted that many houses have successfully mitigated mold. Ms. Daniels stated that she did not have access to the cost estimate provided to the board earlier in the day. Kathryn Barth, 2940 20th St., spoke in support of a designation hearing and presented a handout to the board with examples of historic houses that have been successfully remodeled and noted that state historic funds are available to mitigate the cost. Dan Corson, 757 81h St., spoke in support of a designation hearing and stated that the survey forms were mailed to property owners when they were completed in 1992. He reiterated that Historic Boulder did not receive the costs which were presented to the board and considers the designation hearing would provide time for Historic Boulder to assess the estimated costs, and consider the offer of sale that they were not aware the property owner is willing to make. Ay_ylicant's Rebuttal S.Brennan stated she was invited,then uninvited to Historic Boulders preservation committee meeting, then invited again at the last minute,which caused her to not go to the meeting. She noted that board should rely on staff's recommendation,not Historic Boulder's input. Ms. Brennan argued that Stephen Brown's would step aside if Historic Boulder was willing to pay the agreed upon sales price. She claimed that board would have to put Historic Boulder's rights before the property owner's rights (Lazzarino's) if they were to initiate landmarking of the property. Motion On a motion by D.Yin, seconded by F. Sheets, the Landmarks Board voted (2-2, R. Pelusio and E.Budd opposed) to approve a resolution of the Landmarks Board initiating the designation of 717171h St. as an individual landmark, as provided in attachment C in the Landmarks Board packet of June 23. A tie,the motion failed. E. Budd made a motion to lift the stay-of-demolition and issue the demolition permit before its expiration. Without a second, E.Budd withdrew the motion. The Landmarks Board decided to take no action, understanding the stay-of- demolition would expire on July 3, 2016. 6. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Approved on 2016 _ Respectfully submitted, hairperson