06.01.16 LB Minutes CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS BOARD June 1,2016 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room 6:00 p.m. The following are the action minutes of the June 1, 2016 City of Boulder Landmarks Board meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to the recording on-line at: www.boulderplandevelop net. BOARD MEMBERS: Deborah Yin Eric Budd Briana Butler Fran Sheets *Liz Payton, *Planning Board representative without a vote Ronnie Pelusio, absent STAFF MEMBERS: Debra Kalish, Senior Assistant City Attorney James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner Lesli Ellis, Comprehensive Planning Manager Holly Opansky, Landmarks Board Secretary William Barnum, Historic Preservation Intern 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Interim Chair D.Yin declared a quorum at 6:03 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by B.Butler, seconded by E. Budd, the Landmarks Board approved (3-0, R. Pelusio absent and D. Yin absent from the April 6 meeting)the minutes as amended of the April 6, 2016 board meeting. 3. SELECTION OF LANDMARKS BOARD CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR POSITIONS 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA • Karl Anuta, 4840 Thunderbird Dr.,former Landmarks Board and CCA board member, spoke in support of the project. He brought to attention a letter of April 11, 2016 from History Colorado to Andrea McGimsey, Executive Director, Colorado Chautauqua Association, regarding 71717« Street. • Abby Daniels, 1200 Pearl St., Executive Director of Historic Boulder,spoke in support of placing a stay-of-demolition on the property at 71717th St., highlighting its unique International Style. Ms. Daniels, on behalf of Historic Boulder, offered any assistance with exploring all possible alternatives to demolition in an effort to have a meaningful dialog about the options. She requested the board consider an initiation hearing to continue to explore opportunities to save this building. • Stephanie Brennan,trustee and conservator for the applicant, Graziana Lazzarino, P.O. Box 17850, Boulder, 80308, spoke in support of lifting the stay-of- demolition. She noted it would cost over$400,000 to repair the house. Ms. Brennan noted the severe damage in many areas of the house including structural damage and toxic mold. These repairs would require exterior alterations that would leave very few original features. 5. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING • Statistical Report • 71717th St.Stay-of-Demolition Expires July 3,2016. On a motion by D. Yin, seconded by F. Sheets, the Board voted 4-0 in favor of holding an initiation to consider landmark designation for the property at 717171h street. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS WITHDRAWN: YY houses at 521 1-.e apl.tat 15:11 15ister-ie T istr-i t « o MY � per C"tie Q .. 18 of the Boulder-Revised Code 1(141 (H1920 6 00424). !l. / .. the vvczxvcrzccvx�ccrcrnxrnvr-�r nacox�r � zvzicz� . 7. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT A. Update on the Chautauqua Access Management Plan by City of Boulder's Susan Connelly, Deputy Director, Community Vitality and Lisa Smith, Communication Specialist, Community Vitality B. Mark Rodman, Preservation Technical Services Manager, History Colorado provided information about resources, obligations, and learning opportunities available through History Colorado. Mr. Rodman's role at this meeting was to evaluate this board's process. C. Historic Resource Survey Plan update by M. Cameron and J. Hewat. D. On a motion by D.Yin, seconded by E. Budd,voted to form a subcommittee, with volunteers, F. Sheets and B.Butler,for the CCA's CLA revision. E. Update Memo F. Update from the Planning Board via L. Payton. 8. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Approved on' 2016 Res ectfully submitted, ` , Chairperson