Item 6A - Update MemoDATE: December 7, 2016
TO: Landmarks Board
FROM: James Hewat, Marcy Cameron
SUBJECT: Update Memo
Library Commission and Landmarks Board Joint Meeting
A joint Library Commission and Landmarks Board meeting was held on November 17. The Board and
Library Commission agreed to coordinate and share information as the Library Master Plan and
planning for the west end of the Civic Area proceeds.
University Hill Commercial District – National Register Nomination
On December 8, 2015 the City Council reviewed the University Hill Reinvestment Strategy Update
(click for memo). As part of the strategy, the city is pursing National Register designation for the
commercial district. Front Range Research Consultants is now under contract to undertake the work
with view to a May 2017 review of a National Register of Historic Places by the State Review Board.
Staff had a kick-off meeting with the consultants the second week of October.
Atrium Building/Public Market
Discussion is ongoing in considering whether the Atrium Building might be used as a Market Hall on a
temporary or permanent basis. Historic Boulder has agreed to continue keeping the March 2015
application to landmark the Atrium on hold as exploration of these options continues. Update at
Civic Area
The Civic Area webpage has been updated to provide current information on the historic resources in
the Civic Area. Update at Meeting.
Grandview Conference Center
A memorandum of agreement between the City of Boulder and the University of Colorado’s Board of
Regents has been signed for cooperation in developing the Grandview site for conference center. The
agreement sets out a process for consideration of potentially historic buildings in the area.
Chautauqua Historic District
In 2017, the City of Boulder and the Colorado Chautauqua Association will jointly undertake the
development of a lighting plan, establishing a context of the historic use of lighting in the park, a
general approach to new lighting, and design guidelines to inform decisions on future lighting
proposals. Update at meeting.
Landmarks Board Interviews 2017
City Council will hold interviews for the Landmarks Board on either March 9th, 14th or 16th. The
application will be available online January 3rd: