09.14.16 OSBT Minutesri @ A" Approved 10/26116 CE's € '- v OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 16 NOY 22 �� 5f 0 Action Minutes Meeting Date September 14, 2016 Video recording of this meeting can be found on the Citv of Boulder's Channel 8 TVebsite. (Video start times are listed below next to each agenda item) BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Frances Hartogh Molly Davis Kevin Bracy Knight Tom Isaacson STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Winfree John Potter Mark Davison Phil Yates Will Keeley Cecil Fenio Heather Swanson Mark Gershman Keri Davies Leah Case Alycia Alexander GUESTS Lesh Ellis, Comprehensive Planning Manager, PH&S Jean Gatza, Senior Planner, PH&S Jeff Moline, Agricultural Resources Manager, Boulder County CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. Curt Brown Don D'Amico Bethany Collins AGENDA ITEM 1- Approval of the Minutes (15:50) Curt Brown moved that the Open Space Board of Trustees approve the minutes from Aug. 10, 2016. Molly Davis seconded. This motion passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 2 — Public Participation for Items not Identified for Public Hearing (16:42) Alex Medler, Boulder, requested staff and the Board to consider increased seating options on Open Space. Raymond Bridge, PLAN -Boulder County, suggested a new land use category be included in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan specific to Open Space Annexed parcels. Crif Crawford, Boulder, spoke about the September 2013 flood and the proposed berm that could help prevent future flood waters into Frasier Meadows. Mike Barrow, Boulder Mountainbike Alliance (BMA), said they will be participating in a volunteer trail project on the Boulder County Parks and Open Space Heil Trail. He invited the Board to attend. Tony Gannaway, Boulder, asked for status of the Leave no Trace research on trail closures. Anna Rives, Longmont, expressed her concern about the company hired to do the Armory prairie dog relocation. Susan Douglass, Boulder, read a free -verse regarding a sculpture she has built describing the compromise on Open Space. Carse Pustmueller, Boulder, said she is concerned about the plan for the Armory prairie dog relocation; the proposed plan is inhumane. AGENDA ITEM 2 PAGE 1 Alan Delamere, Boulder, expressed his desire to designate the Sanitas Valley area as historic. Jim Snyder, Boulder, said he will be writing a letter to the Board regarding a parcel of his land the city is interested in purchasing and its historical value. AGENDA ITEM 3 — Matters from Staff Lesh Ellis, Comprehensive Planning Manager, and Mark Gershman, Environmental Planning Supervisor, gave a presentation on the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. (41:32) Mark Gershman, Environmental Planning Supervisor, gave a presentation on the Boulder County joint ownership/management Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA). (2:08:00) Will Keeley, Wildlife Ecologist, gave a presentation on the Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) Raptor monitoring program. (2:40:00) AGENDA ITEM 4 — Matters from the Board (3:12:36) Kevin asked staff to be proactive with muddy trail closures and related outreach in the coming season. He noted that the Eagle Trail has a section inconsistent with the rest of the area; he asked staff to look into this and possible consider rerouting that section or posting more signs that could even include a possible alternate route option. ADJOURNMENT —The meeting adj ourned at 9:11 p.m. These minutes were prepared by Leah Case. APPRO ED BY: J / Frances Hartogh Board Chair DATE AGENDA ITEM 2 PAGE 2