Item 5A - 541 Marine St Agenda Item 5A- Page 1 M E M O R A N D U M October 5th, 2016 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: Lesli Ellis, Comprehensive Planning Manager Debra Kalish, Senior Assistant City Attorney James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner William Barnum, Historic Preservation Intern SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to demolish a non-contributing garage (constructed in 1952), and in its place construct a new 728 sq. ft. two-car garage at 541 Marine St. in the Highland Lawn Historic District per Section 9- 11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2016-00213). STATISTICS: 1. Site: 541 Marine St. 2. Zoning: RL-1 (Residential Low-1) 3. Owner/Applicant: Sarah and Chris Cottingham / Rachel Lee, Mosaic Architects & Interiors 5. Site Area: 8,369 square feet 6. Proposed Building: 728 square feet (existing building 493 sq. ft.) 7. Proposed Height: 17’ (approx.) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board adopt the following motion: I move that the Landmarks Board approves a landmark alteration certificate to construct a new, two-car garage at the contributing property at 541 Marine Street in the Highland Lawn Historic District in that the proposed construction meets the requirements set forth in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the conditions below, and adopts this memorandum as findings of the board. Agenda Item 5A- Page 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be constructed in compliance with all approved plans on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except as modified by these conditions of approval. 2. Prior to a building permit application, the applicant shall submit, subject to the final review and approval of the Landmarks design review committee, architectural plans for a two car garage of about 400 sq. ft. with a vertical mass and roof pitch/configuration complimentary to the historic house and; 3. Architectural plans indicating exterior materials for the garage more in keeping with the design guidelines including one-over one windows, simplified garage doors, and details on roofing, siding, and paving materials. The applicant shall demonstrate that the design details are in compliance with the intent of this approval and the General Design Guidelines. This recommendation is based upon staff’s opinion that with the conditions listed above, the proposed construction of a two-car garage will be generally consistent with the conditions as specified in Section 9-11-18(a)&(b)(1-4) B.R.C., the Highland Lawn Historic District Design Guidelines and the General Design Guidelines. SUMMARY:  This application calls for the demolition of an existing accessory building and new, freestanding construction over 340 sq. ft. within the boundaries of the Highland Lawn Historic District and, as such, requires a public hearing per 9-11-14(3)(b) of the Boulder Revised Code.  While the existing garage is non-contributing, dating from about 1952, its form and design is complimentary to the historic house, property and district as a whole. Staff encourages the property owner to consider rehabilitating and reusing this 492 sq. ft. building as a garage, but does not consider its removal would damage or adversely affect the historic or architectural value of the landmark property. Agenda Item 5A- Page 3  This is reflected in the fact that during the 2005 survey and subsequent designation of the 500 block of Marine Street, the building was not found to be a contributing resource to the Highland Lawn Historic District.  In the event the applicant chooses not to reuse the existing garage, pursuant to the General and Highland Lawn Historic District Design Guidelines, staff considers the square footage of the proposed building should be reduced to about 400 sq. ft. in size and the design revised to better reflect the character of the historic house in mass. Staff considers that if the Landmarks Board approves the application to construct a two- car garage with the suggested conditions, the revised design could be reviewed by the Landmarks Design Review Committee (Ldrc).  Staff recommends that, provided the stated conditions are met, the Landmarks Board find that the construction of a two-car garage generally meet meets the standards in Chapter 9-11-18 (a)(b, 1-4), B.R.C. 1981, and is consistent with the Highland Lawn Historic District Guidelines & the General Design Guidelines, in that the proposed work will not damage the historic character of the property. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY: Figure 1. 541 Marine St., Location Map. Agenda Item 5A- Page 4 Figure 2. 541 Marine St., 2005 The approximately 8,369 square foot lot is located at the north side of Marine Street between 5th and 6th streets in the Highland Lawn Historic District and contains a one and one-half story Queen Anne house that was constructed around 1899 and is considered contributing to the historic district. The house features a front multi-gabled roof with horizontal wood siding, decorative brackets and a small front porch. Figure 3. Existing Accessory Building, North Elevation, 2016. Agenda Item 5A- Page 5 A one and one-half story, 493 sq. ft. wood frame accessory building is located at the rear of the property. It features a steeply pitched roof clad in corrugated metal, and unpainted board and batten siding. The building is believed to have been constructed about 1952. The Highland Lawn Historic District Design Guidelines, written at the time of the district’s designation in 2005, identifies the building as a non-contributing resource due to its construction date, outside of the district’s period of significance (1884 to 1925). DISTRICT HISTORY1 The Highland Lawn Historic District contains a concentration of well-preserved buildings reflecting prevailing architectural tastes at the turn of the twentieth century, including Queen Anne, Classic Cottage, and Edwardian Vernacular Styles. Hannah Barker platted the middle-class neighborhood in 1884 as the Town of Highland Lawn. The area is significant for its association with historic persons and events and comprises an excellent collection of buildings reflecting architectural styles of the period. The defined period of significance for the district is from 1884 (the year of the platting of the sub-division) to 1925 (the last year of construction for a primary building located on the block). The Town of Highland Lawn included 19 large lots (100’ x 400’) bounded by Boulder Creek to the north, University Street at the south, and 6th and 4th Streets on the east and west respectively. Originally located south of Boulder’s city limits, the town remained an independent community until 1891. Barker’s plan for the neighborhood showed foresight: each lot included water rights in the adjacent Anderson ditch and buyers were encouraged to plant trees (cottonwoods were specifically excluded), and build fences around their properties. None of the original owners built in the neighborhood, choosing instead to subdivide the nearly one-acre parcels into smaller lots. Most of the lots were bisected by alleys running east – west through the district. Marine Street was originally Vine Street and was renamed Marine Street sometime in the 1890s after prominent early settler Marinus Smith. Lots in the district are generally long and narrow with principal buildings situated close together at the front of the lots and accessory buildings oriented to the alleys. Because the alleys contain a relatively low number of buildings from the period of significance with historic integrity, and because the district 1 Highland Lawn Historic District Design Guidelines. Agenda Item 5A- Page 6 boundaries bisect the rear alleys, the alleys (located at the north and south edges of the district) are not considered a significant historic element of the district. Today, the Highland Lawn neighborhood survives as a well-preserved assemblage of late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century middle-class houses with its tree lined streetscape. The district derives its significance as an early example of planned residential design, with excellent examples of early Boulder architecture, and for its association with individuals of local significance to the history of the city including Jonas Anderson, Hannah Barker, Marinus Smith, and J.J. Harris. REQUEST: This Landmark Alteration Certificate application requests demolition of the existing accessory building and the construction of a new, one and one-half story 720 sq. ft. garage at the rear of the property. Figure 4. Existing Site Plan, with footprint of house and approved rear addition (shaded). Figure 5. Existing Accessory Building, East Elevation, 2016 Agenda Item 5A- Page 7 The existing one and one-half accessory building is of wood frame construction with unpainted board and batten siding. The building measures approximately 17 ft. by 22 ft., and is located on the west property line, and is located approximately 8 ft. from the north (rear) property line. The south wall of the existing accessory building is located approximately 90 ft. from the existing main house. An addition approved previously approved HIS2016-00036 (not yet constructed) calls for the construction of a 1600 sq. ft. addition to the rear of house. The east elevation of the accessory building features a wide garage door. Figure 6. Alley view panorama While the building was constructed well outside the defined period of significant for the Highland Lawn Historic District, staff considers that some elements of the existing building are complimentary to the historic character of the primary house and the historic district. These elements include the steeply-pitched roof, which complements the pitch of the house; its vertical proportions; simple detailing; and use of traditional materials. PROPOSED NEW CONSTRUCTION Figure 7. Proposed Site Plan, with footprint of house and approved rear addition (shaded). Agenda Item 5A- Page 8 The proposed site plan for the property shows the proposed new garage to be located 57’ south of the house with the previously approved rear addition, 3’ from the east property line and 9’ from the west property line. A driveway of either permeable pavers or gravel (final material to be determined) is shown from the garage to the alley. The application states that no mature trees will be removed as part of the proposal. Figure 7. North Elevation Plans show the proposed two car garage to face onto the alley and to have a front gable form with a shed roof portion at the east elevation. The proposed building is shown to have a footprint of roughly 27’ by 27’ in dimension, 17’ in height and to be clad in horizontal wood siding with shingles in the gable end. A wood door with a cross pattern is located in the gable end, with a wood outrigger above. The garage doors are shown to be wood, overhead doors with four lights at the top of each door. Light fixtures flank the door opening. The wood siding is shown to be painted green and the roof material is shown to be asphalt shingles. Figure 8. South Elevation The south elevation, facing the interior of the lot, features a wood, half-light pedestrian door on the west side of the elevation, with a gabled portico above. A Agenda Item 5A- Page 9 four-light window is shown to be located at the gable end. A light fixture is located on the west side of the door. The shed-roof portion of the building is shown to have a square, four-light window. The architectural details of the wide fascia, shingled gable end and horizontal wood siding are continued to this elevation. Figure 9. East Elevation The east elevation is featureless, with the exception of a solar panel system, located on the shed-roof portion of the building. Three windows are shown on the west elevation, each wood with 4-lights. Figure 10. West Elevation The architect states that the design references the existing house: “The proposed building is 1 story in height and is set 3’-5” lower on the site than the primary structure, due to sloping grade. Additionally, detailing, while complementary to and taking cues from the primary structure, is modest, simple and clearly secondary to the primary residential structure.” “The proposed structure is complementary in both exterior material (siding, trim, soffit, window material) and color to the primary structure, while still Agenda Item 5A- Page 10 maintaining a subordinate nature. Scale and ornamentation in the accessory structure have both been reduced.” See Attachment F: Applicant’s Materials. CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD’S DECISION Subsection 9-11-18(b) and (c), B.R.C. 1981, sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate. (b) Neither the Landmarks Board nor the City Council shall approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate unless it meets the following conditions: (1) The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within an historic district; (2) The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site or the district; (3) The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed constructions are compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site or the historic district; (4) With respect to a proposal to demolish a building in an historic district, the proposed new construction to replace the building meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) above. (c) In determining whether to approve a landmark alteration certificate, the Landmarks Board shall consider the economic feasibility of alternatives, incorporation of energy-efficient design, and enhanced access for the disabled. ANALYSIS 1. Does the proposed application preserve, enhance, or restore, and not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within a historic district? 2. Does the proposed application adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the Agenda Item 5A- Page 11 district? 3. Is the architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures compatible with the character of the historic district? 4. Does the proposal to demolish the building within the Mapleton Hill Historic District and the proposed new construction to replace the proposed demolished building meet the requirements of paragraphs 9-11-18(b)(2), 9-11-18(b)(3) and (4) of this section? DESIGN GUIDELINES The Historic Preservation Ordinance sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate and the board has adopted the General Design Guidelines to help interpret the ordinance. The following is an analysis of the submitted proposal with respect to relevant guidelines. It is important to emphasize that design guidelines are intended to be used as an aid to appropriate design, and not as a checklist of items for compliance. The Highland Lawn Historic District Design Guidelines are intended as a supplement to the General Guidelines for the Highland Lawn Historic District. These Highland Lawn guidelines control when they conflict with the General Guidelines. The following is an analysis of the proposal’s compliance with the applicable design guidelines: GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES: GARAGES & OTHER ACCESSORY BUILDINGS 2.3 Site Design: Alleys The alleys in historic districts were traditionally used for secondary access to the houses, for deliveries, and as storage places for horses and buggies, and later, for cars. A view of the backyards from the alleys was maintained. While today’s alleys have evolved into use as pedestrian paths for jogging, bicycling and dog walking, they still contribute to the historic character of the neighborhood. They are typically minimally paved. Agenda Item 5A- Page 12 Along the alleys are historic accessory buildings of various shapes and sizes including barns, chicken coops, sheds and small garages. This variety contributes to the general feeling of human scale in the alleys. Guidelines Analysis Conforms? .1 Maintain alley access for parking and retain the character of alleys as clearly secondary access to properties. Rear parking is maintained by the proposal. Yes .2 Retain and preserve the variety and character found in the existing historic accessory buildings along the alleys. Existing accessory building was built outside the period of significance and as such is not considered to be a contributing resource. Yes .3 The use of historically proportioned materials for building new accessory buildings contributes to the human scale of the alleys. For example, narrower lap siding and smaller brick are appropriate. Proposed garage shown to be clad in horizontal wood siding and wood shingles similar to finish and materials of the original house. Yes .4 Buildings that were constructed after the period of significance but are still more than 50 years old and contribute to the variety and character of the alleyway should be retained. Existing accessory building was built outside the period of significance and as such is not considered to be a contributing resource, however, design and character of the c.1952 are compatible with the contributing house and the alley scape as a whole. Maybe .5 Maintain adequate spacing between accessory building so that the view of the main house is not obscured, and the alley does not evolve into a tunnel-like passage. The proposed garage spans approximately 27’ of the 40’ wide lot and will largely obscuring the view of the house from the alley. Maybe Agenda Item 5A- Page 13 7.0 Garages & Other Accessory Structures Accessory structures include barns, sheds, garages and outbuildings. Originally accessory structures were used for storage of equipment, animals, or carriages. Generally, these structures have been adapted for the storage of cars. In most cases, accessory buildings were located to the rear of the lot and accessed by alleys. They were subordinate in size and detailing to the primary house. Over time they have emerged as important elements of many lots and alleys in the district. Efforts should be made to protect the eclectic character of alleys. Both additions to existing accessory buildings and new accessory building will be evaluated in terms of how they affect the historic character of the individual site and the district as a whole. In the past, larger accessory structures have been allowed than may be appropriate today. 7.1 Existing Historic Accessory Buildings A primary concern of the Landmarks Board in reviewing proposed changes in historic districts is the protection of existing historic accessory structures and the character of the site and district. GUIDELINES: ANALYSIS: CONFORMS .1 Retain and preserve garages and accessory buildings that contribute to the overall character of the site or district. At the time the historic district was established in 2005, the building was considered to be a non-contributing resource to the district. Yes .2 Retain and preserve the character- defining materials, features, and architectural details of historic garages and accessory buildings, including roods, exterior materials, windows and doors. Existing accessory building is not considered contributing to the district. Yes 7.2 New Accessory Buildings New accessory buildings should follow the character and pattern of historic accessory buildings. While they should take design cues from the primary buildings, they must be subordinate in size, massing, and detailing. Alley buildings should maintain a scale that is pleasant to walk along and comfortable for pedestrians. Agenda Item 5A- Page 14 Location and Orientation .1 It is inappropriate to introduce a new garage or accessory building if doing so will detract from the overall historic character of the principal building, and the site, or if it will require removal of a significant historic building element or site feature, such as a mature tree. Construction will not require the removal of a significant historic site feature. The alleys in the Highland Lawn Historic District are not contributing elements. However, staff considers the size and design of the proposed garage to incompatible with the character of the contributing property. Staff recommends the applicant consider reducing the size of the proposed garage substantially and incorporating design elements found on the house into the design of the proposed garage including roof pitch and vertical form. No .2 New garages and accessory buildings should generally be located at the rear of the lot, respecting the traditional relationship of such buildings to the primary structure and the site. The new garage is to be located at rear of the lot. Yes .3 Maintain adequate spacing between accessory buildings so alleys do not evolve into tunnel-like passageways. At 27’ in width, proposed garage will occupy most of the 40’ width of the lot. Consider narrowing building to avoid tunnel-like effect. Maybe .4 Preserve a backyard area between the house and the accessory buildings, maintaining the general proportion of built mass to open space found within the area. Currently, there is 90’ between the house and garage. This distance will decrease to 57’ with the previously approved addition and proposed garage. While less distance than historically the case in the district, staff considers back yard space will be maintained with the proposal. Yes Agenda Item 5A- Page 15 Mass and Scale .5 New accessory buildings should take design cues from the primary building on the property, but be subordinate to it in terms of size and massing. Staff considers the size and design of the proposed garage to incompatible with the character of the contributing property. Staff recommends the applicant consider reducing the size of the proposed garage substantially and incorporating design elements found on the house into the design of the proposed garage including roof pitch and vertical form. No .6 New garages for single-family residences should generally be one story tall and shelter no more than two cars. In some cases, a two-car garage may be inappropriate. Staff considers that a two-car garage is appropriate in this location. However, typically two car garages are between 400 and 450 sq. ft. in size. The current proposal calls for a 729 sq. ft. building. Staff considers the size of the proposed garage should be reduced significantly to be more consistent with this guideline. Resolve at Ldrc. No .7 Roof form and pitch should be complementary to the primary structure. Roof form is lower in pitch than that of main house. Revise design to more closely reflect the roof of the main house. Resolve at Ldrc. No Materials and Detailing .8 Accessory structures should be simpler in design and detail than the primary building. Proposed garage appears to take cues from the approved addition than the historic house. Consider revising and simplifying design including one-over one windows, simpler garage door, and elimination of hay-loft at alley. Resolve at Ldrc. Maybe .9 Materials for new garages and accessory structures should be Materials appear generally in keeping with those on the main Yes Agenda Item 5A- Page 16 compatible with those found on the primary structure and in the district. Vinyl siding and prefabricated structures are inappropriate. house and in the district. .10 Windows, like all elements of accessory structures, should be simpler in detailing and smaller in scale than similar elements on primary structures. Consider revising and simplifying including one-over one windows, simpler garage door, and elimination of hay-loft at alley. Resolve at Ldrc. Maybe .12 Garage doors should be consistent with the historic scale and materials of traditional accessory structures. Wood is the most appropriate material and two smaller doors may be more appropriate than one large door. Simplify garage doors and consider two separate doors. Resolve at Ldrc. Maybe .13 It is inappropriate to introduce features or details to a garage or an accessory building in an attempt to create a false historical appearance. Hay loft seems inappropriate for contemporary garage in historic context. Remove hayloft from design. Resolve at Ldrc. Maybe 8.2 ENERGY EFFICIENCY Guideline Analysis Conforms? .4 It is not appropriate to install solar collectors in locations that compromise prominent roofs. The installation of solar collectors may be appropriate provided it does not detract from the historic character of the property, landmark or historic district. Solar panels proposed at shed roof on east elevation of the accessory building. This location on a new accessory building will not detract from the character of the historic district. Yes Agenda Item 5A- Page 17 HIGHLAND LAWN HISTORIC DISTRICT GUIDELINES 10.3 Alleys & Accessory Buildings While alleys play an important role in most of Boulder’s historic districts, the alleys that form the north and south boundaries of the Highland Lawn Historic District are not character-defining features because of their loss of historic integrity. There are a small number of historic accessory buildings dating from the period of significance that are considered contributing features to the district, as shown on the map above. As such, their preservation is strongly encouraged. .1 It is highly recommended, though not required, that contributing accessory buildings be treated consistent with the guidelines of Section 7.1 of the General Design Guidelines. Garage is non-contributing though appropriate in form and design to contributing property. Staff encourages, though does not recommend requiring adaptive reuse of the existing 493 sq. ft. existing building. Maybe .3 The construction of new accessory buildings should occur only at the rear of the lot, taking access from the alley when possible. Proposed new building is located at the rear of the lot and takes access from the alley. Yes .4 In general, new accessory buildings constructed in the district should be modest in scale and detailing and clearly secondary to the primary building on the lot. Staff considers that while secondary to the main house, at 729 sq. ft., the proposed garage is too large in scale and its size and scale should be significantly reduced. Resolve at Ldrc. No .5 Two-car garages are appropriate, when scaled and located consistently, from the rear of the alley, with other garages in the district. Size of proposed garage is inappropriate in terms of scale and should be reduced in size to provide a more modest two car garage consistent with this guidelines. Resolve at Ldrc. No While the existing garage is non-contributing, dating from about 1952, its form and design is complimentary to the historic house, property and district as a whole. Staff encourages the property to consider rehabilitating and reusing this 492 sq. ft. building as a garage, but does not consider its removal would damage or adversely affect the historic or architectural value of the landmark property. Agenda Item 5A- Page 18 This is opinion borne out by the lesser importance given to alleys in Highland Lawn Historic District Design Guidelines. Staff considers the submitted design for a new garage on the property inappropriate. In particular, the large mass, low pitch roof and horizontal form of the building is incompatible with the modest, vertical mass of the historic house. If the applicant choses to move forward with new construction as opposed to rehabilitation of the existing accessory building, staff considers that its size should be reduced to approximately 400 sq. ft., that its form be more vertical in mass and that it be designed with a roof and simple architectural vocabulary more in keeping with the character of the historic house. Staff considers that revisions that keep to these design recommendations may be reviewed and approved by the Landmarks design review committee. FINDINGS: As outlined in the staff recommendation, provided the above conditions are met, the proposed demolition and proposed new construction at 541 Marine Street will be generally consistent with the purposes and standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance in that: 1. The proposed work will not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark. 2. The mass, scale, height, architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used for the proposed new construction will be compatible with the character of the landmark. 3. The request is generally consistent with the historic preservation ordinance and the Highland Lawn Historic District Design Guidelines & the General Design Guidelines. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Historic Building Inventory Form for 541 Marine Street Attachment B: Application and Plans Agenda Item 5A- Page 19 Attachment A: Historic Building Inventory Form for 541 Marine Street Agenda Item 5A- Page 20 Agenda Item 5A- Page 21 Agenda Item 5A- Page 22 Attachment B: Application and Plans Agenda Item 5A- Page 23 Agenda Item 5A- Page 24 Agenda Item 5A- Page 25 Agenda Item 5A- Page 26 Agenda Item 5A- Page 27 Agenda Item 5A- Page 28 Agenda Item 5A- Page 29 Agenda Item 5A- Page 30 Agenda Item 5A- Page 31 Agenda Item 5A- Page 32 Agenda Item 5A- Page 33