OSBT public comment - Gopinath Twin Lakes Slides - 05.09.16Juliet Gopinath Comments in support of request #36 for Twin Lakes to be converted to Open Space 5/09/16 TWIN LAKES FIELDS SATISFY ALL FIVE OF THE PARKS AND OPEN SPACE CRITERIA FOR OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION Johnson Trust Open Space •Land threatened by development that is near or adjacent to existing open space −Land on the south of Twin Lakes Road abuts the Johnson Trust Open Space −Land on north abuts the Twin Lakes Open Space. −Proposals to develop the land exist (Boulder County Housing Authority website) •Prime agricultural land −Properties designated as prime agricultural land by the United States Department of Agriculture. •Wildlife habitat −These properties have a large diversity of wildlife including species of special concern •Riparian and scenic corridors −Both parcels have designated wetlands and riparian areas. −Land provides corridor from Walden/Sawmill ponds to Twin Lakes •Land that could provide trail connections. −These properties could easily be integrated with the existing Twin Lakes Open Space. Spur trails can provide easy access to the LoBo trail from the south. WILDLIFE SPECIES OF SPECIAL CONCERN AT TWIN LAKES AREA Johnson Trust Open Space WILDLIFE SPECIES OF SPECIAL CONCERN AT TWIN LAKES AREA Johnson Trust Open Space LOCATION OF WILDLIFE CAMERA ON SOUTHERN TWIN LAKES PARCEL Johnson Trust Open Space WILDLIFE CORRIDOR ON TWIN LAKES PARCELS Johnson Trust Open Space 12/06/15 11:41 am Coyote enters fields 12/06/15 8:32 pm Coyote exits fields LOCATION OF WILDLIFE CAMERA ON NORTHERN TWIN LAKES PARCEL COYOTE ENJOYING CHRISTMAS DAY ON PARCELS Johnson Trust Open Space BLUE HERON Johnson Trust Open Space FOX Johnson Trust Open Space BIRD OF PREY Johnson Trust Open Space BLUE HERON BULDING A NEST? Johnson Trust Open Space 1977 BVCP IMAGE SHOWING PLANS FOR AREA TO BE A GREENBELT Johnson Trust Open Space