Item 6B - Downtown Urban Design Guidelines_RevisionsM E M O R A N D U M April 6, 2016 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: Lesli Ellis, Comprehensive Planning Manager Debra Kalish, Senior Assistant City Attorney James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and adoption of revisions to Section 1, The Historic District of the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines pursuant to the rulemaking procedures set forth in Chapter 1-4, B.R.C. 1981. SUGGESTED MOTION If the board accepts the proposed revisions, staff recommends the following motion language: I move that, pursuant to the rulemaking procedures set forth in Chapter 1-4, B.R.C. 1981, the Landmarks Board approve as to substance the proposed revision to Section 1, “The Historic District,” of the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines, specifically Subsection 1.1, G., to include an additional guideline, “Surface parking lots are discouraged,” so that subsection will now reads as follows: G. Reduce the visual impact of structured and surface parking. 1. Surface parking lots are discouraged. 2. Parking structures should be compatible with the historic district, overall block and adjacent buildings. All parking structures should be architecturally screened and/or wrapped with an occupiable use. 3. Surface parking should be located to the rear of the property and screened from view. 4. Pedestrian routes in structures and parking lots should be easily identifiable and accessed, with clear visual connections to the sidewalks and buildings. PURPOSE The Landmarks Board approved revisions to Section 1, “The Historic District,” of the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines at their February 3 and March 2 meetings. The Feb. 3, 2016, version of the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines is available online at https://documents.bouldercolorado.gov/weblink8/0/doc/131284/Electronic.aspx. The revisions made at the March 2 meeting can be referenced in the March 2, 2016 Landmarks Board memo, available online at https://documents.bouldercolorado.gov/weblink8/0/doc/131871/Electronic.aspx. If the board approves these revisions as to substance, three copies of the proposed revisions will be filed with the city clerk and the public will be given notice that Section 1 is available for review and comment during a 15-day comment period pursuant to Chapter 1-4, Rulemaking, of the Boulder Revised Code 1981. SUMMARY  As part of the Design Excellence Initiative, and in response to City Council direction in March of 2015, staff has been working on revisions to the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines to improve usability, organization and graphics, remove redundant and outdated items, and bring the 13-year-old document into alignment with the plans, policies and regulations created since the last update.  The update to the Guidelines was prepared during seven working group sessions facilitated by staff from August through November of 2015. In addition, staff held a joint board meeting and a public open house in December of 2015 to present the draft edits and recommendations from the working group. Reference the February 3, 2016 and March 2, 2016 Landmarks Board memos for background information on the process and proposed revisions.  The Landmarks Board made revisions to Section 1, The Historic District on February 3, 2016 and March 2, 2016. The Planning Board and the Design Advisory Board made recommendations to City Council on changes in Sections 2 and 3.  City Council reviewed the recommended revisions on Feb. 16, 2016, and requested that the following language be added to guideline 1.1 (G)(1) in Section 1: “Surface parking lots are discouraged.”  The City Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved the proposed revisions as to form.  Three copies of the proposed revision will be filed with the City’s Central Records Department on April 6, 2016, and will be published in the Boulder Daily Camera April 7, 2016, to allow for a 15-day public comment period per Rulemaking, Chapter 1-4, of the Boulder Revised Code 1981. NEXT STEPS April 7 – April 22, 2016 Public Comment Period; Notice of Rulemaking published in the newspaper on April 7, 2016. If no comments are received, the guidelines will become effective immediately after the public comment period. If comments are received, staff will forward them to the Board for consideration at its May 4, 2016 meeting. May 4, 2016 If, after reviewing public comments, the Board makes substantive changes to the proposed revisions to the Guidelines and they are approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office, staff will publish those changes and a third public comment period will begin. This process continues until there are no further substantive changes to the rule. ATTACHMENTS A: Proposed change to Section 1, “The Historic District,” page 15. B: Notice of Rulemaking for Amendments to the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines per Chapter 1-4 of the Boulder Revised Municipal Code, 1981 Insert text as 1.1, G., 1: “Surface parking lots are discouraged” and renumber 1, 2 and 3 as 2, 3 and 4. Attachment B: Notice of Rulemaking for Amendments to the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines per Chapter 1-4 of the Boulder Revised Municipal Code, 1981 Notice of Rule-Making The Landmarks Board of the City of Boulder proposes to adopt the following rule by the rulemaking procedures set forth in Chapter 1-4 of the Boulder Revised Municipal Code, 1981. The Secretary of the Board filed three copies of the proposed rule with the City Clerk, located in the Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado, on April 6, 2016. Those copies are available for public review and comment until April 22, 2016. Written comments should be submitted to James Hewat at hewatj@bouldercolorado.gov, or the above address, by April 22, 2016. The proposed rule was approved as to substance prior to publication by the Landmarks Board at its April 6, 2016 meeting. The proposed rule was approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office on March 25, 2016. Notice of intent to adopt the rule was published in the Daily Camera on April 7, 2016. REGULATION/RULE Revisions to Section 1 “The Historic District” of the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines to add the following language to guideline 1.1(G)(1): “Surface parking lots are discouraged.” This regulation is established to provide guidance for the review of Landmark Alteration Certificates in the Downtown Historic District to ensure that proposed alterations of designated properties will not adversely affect or destroy their historic character or architectural integrity and that all changes are consistent with the spirit and purpose of Chapter 9-11, Historic Preservation, of the Boulder Revised Code 1981. The Landmarks Board of the City of Boulder proposes to adopt a regulation to amend Section 1 “The Historic District,” of the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines. As proposed, the amended design guidelines will continue to provide guidance in preserving and protecting the historic character of the district. A full and complete copy of the revised guidelines are available for public review at Central Records at the Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway Street 2nd floor, Boulder Colorado, 80302 or online at www.boulderhistoricpreservation.net.