Item 6A - 900 Baseline Rd - Chautauqua Sidewalk ImprovementsAgenda Item #6A Page 1
April 6, 2016
TO: Landmarks Board
FROM: Lesli Ellis, Comprehensive Planning Manager
Debra Kalish, Senior Assistant City Attorney
James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner
Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner
William Barnum, Historic Preservation Intern
SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate
application to make improvements at the north end of Chautauqua Park,
900 Baseline Rd., including construction of a sidewalk on the south side of
Baseline Road from 6th Street to the King’s Gate, construction of a
sidewalk on the east side of Kinnikinic Road into the park from Baseline
Road, reconstruction of the drainage swale along the east side of
Kinnikinic Road, and installation of lighting at the trolley house and arbor
per Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981 (HIS2016-00068).
1. Site: 900 Baseline Rd., Chautauqua Park
2. Zoning: RL-1 (Residential Low-1)
3. Applicant: Public Works, Brian Wiltshire, Project Manager
4. Owner: City of Boulder
If the conditions below are met, the proposed public improvements in the Chautauqua
Park Historic District will meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration
Certificate specified in Section 9-11-18, Boulder Revised Code (“B.R.C.”) 1981; and will
be consistent with Section 2.5, “Sidewalks,” of the General Design Guidelines; and the
“Public Improvements” section of the Chautauqua Design Guidelines. Therefore, staff
recommends that the Landmarks Board adopt the following motion:
I move that the Landmarks Board approves the application for the construction of public
improvements as shown on plans and specifications dated 04/06/2016, finding that, if
constructed pursuant to the conditions below, the public improvements will meet the standards
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for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Section 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981, and will be
consistent with the General Design Guidelines and the Chautauqua Park Historic District
Design Guidelines, and adopts the staff memorandum dated April 6, 2016 as the findings of
the Board.
1. The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development will be
constructed in compliance with the application dated 03/11/2016 on file in the
City of Boulder Planning Housing & Sustainability Department, except as
modified by these conditions of approval.
2. Prior to submitting a building permit application and receiving final issuance of
the Landmark Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit revised plans
a. A test patch of the proposed new concrete sidewalk for inspection by the
Landmarks design review committee (Ldrc) to ensure consistency with
historic concrete in the historic district;
b. A test patch of the proposed new swale for review and approval by the
Ldrc that shows for that feature to closely match historic swales in terms
of material, size, depth and finish;
c. A test patch of the proposed new retaining wall for inspection by staff
and/or the Ldrc;
d. Details showing the mounted lighting on the arbor and King’s Gate
Shelter so that they do the least amount of damage to those structures
3. Prior to submitting a building permit application and receiving final issuance of
the Landmark Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit design revisions
and details as required above that shall be reviewed and approved by the
Landmarks design review committee (Ldrc) prior to the issuance of a building
permit. The applicant shall demonstrate that the design details are in compliance
with the intent of this approval and the General Design Guidelines and the
Chautauqua Park Historic District Design Guidelines.
In 2012, the Boulder City Council adopted the Colorado Chautauqua Guiding Principles
for Place Management and Fiscal Sustainability, a collaborative approach to changes in
the park, which has been used as a guide in the planning of this project.
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In the fall of 2015, the Landmarks Board provided input on conceptual plans to
construct new sidewalks, new retaining walls, improvements to the gates and
drainage swales, and new lighting in the park.
At the February 3, 2016 Landmarks Board meeting, the Public Works Department
withdrew the proposal for improvements at Chautauqua for redesign based upon
feedback from the Board. The current proposal represents revisions to address the
board’s comments.
Because the application calls for a number of significant public improvements in the
Chautauqua Park Historic District, review by the full Landmarks Board in a quasi-
judicial hearing is required pursuant to Section 9-11-14(b) B.R.C. 1981.
Because a number of the public improvements are proposed outside of, but adjacent
to the Chautauqua Park Historic District boundary, they are being provided as
informational items for feedback by the Landmarks Board. The design team will
consider the feedback and work with historic preservation staff to ensure that the
work outside the district not have an adverse effect on the character of the historic
district but it would not be part of the approval conditions.
Staff recommends approval of the proposal for improvements within the historic
district with conditions to be reviewed and approved by the Ldrc and that Public
Works and historic preservation staff work closely together on the improvements in
and outside the district. Historic preservation staff will provide information on these
improvements to the Landmarks Board as they develop.
Figure 1. Map of Chautauqua. Purple line marks historic district boundary.
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The project for improvements was initiated by the 2014 voter approved Community,
Culture and Safety sales tax ballot initiative to provide the community with safer,
accessible pedestrian routes. With input from the public, Open Space and Mountain
Parks, Parks and Recreation staff and the Colorado Chautauqua, plans have been
developed to provide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible sidewalks,
intersection crossings and pedestrian connections and through installation of pedestrian
lighting along key paths. The project team seeks to honor Chautauqua’s National
Historic District designation through design and material selection for all project
improvements, including those within the historic district boundary, while providing
important pedestrian safety improvements. It is also guided by their respective master
plans and guiding plans including the Transportation Master Plan that guides the
Public Works’ Transportation department in providing travel options by constructing
multimodal facilities. The West Trail Study Area Plan guides the Open Space and
Mountain Parks department to reduce damaging social trails on the north side of
Chautauqua Meadow.
Additionally, the Colorado Chautauqua Association has created a Cultural Landscape
Assessment and Plan which provides “a series of recommended strategies and tasks
that provide a direction for holistically managing change at Chautauqua to ensure that
it continues to evolve in a manner that is in keeping with its historic character” and the
Master Exterior Lighting Plan, which identified proposed lighting designs and
locations. The project team has used the Colorado Chautauqua Association’s master
plans as guiding documents in the development of previous project plans. These plans
have not been developed through the collaborative framework or approved by the
Landmarks Board. Recognizing this, the project team has removed the lighting
component from this application so that the Colorado Chautauqua Association and the
Landmarks Board can develop an approved lighting plan over the next year (2016-
2017). The Chautauqua project will seek a Landmark Alteration Certificate to install the
first phase of that lighting plan when it is completed (2017-2018).
The Colorado Chautauqua is located in southwest Boulder at the foot of Green
Mountain, bounded by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks land on three
sides and Baseline Rd. on the north. The historic district, which encompasses 40 acres,
includes five large public buildings, more than 100 residential cottages, and several
landscaped open spaces. Chautauqua Park was designated as a local historic district in
1978 and was designated as a National Historic Landmark (NHL) in 2005 in recognition
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of its exceptional significance and intact historic integrity.1 Currently, there are only 25
NHLs in the state of Colorado. It is widely recognized as being the best preserved
surviving Chautauqua in the country.
Figure 2. Chautauqua grounds looking northwest, c. 1900-1910. Denver Public Library.
The Chautauqua movement began in upstate New York in 1876 as a center for political,
educational, and recreational programs. By 1924, nearly 40 million people were
annually attending events at various Chautauquas across the country. In the late 1890s,
a group of Texas educators, including the president of the University of Texas, wanted
to open a Chautauqua and looked to the Rocky Mountains as a location. Boulder was
chosen for the site and its citizens, thrilled to have a Chautauqua nearby, raised $20,000
towards construction costs to further encourage the venture. The Texas-Colorado
Chautauqua was opened on July 4, 1898 on 171 acres that the City of Boulder purchased
from the Bachelder Ranch. Since its inception, the City of Boulder and the Colorado
Chautauqua Association have managed the site in partnership.
Chautauqua’s layout has remained largely unchanged since its initial design in 1898.
Chautauqua’s streets were platted as a grid that was modified to accommodate the
site’s topography. Originally they were mostly narrow, paved with gravel, and some
were accented with linear rows of trees. The 2005 National Historic Landmark
nomination notes that “the near absence of sidewalks reinforces a rural, camp feeling,
1 Colorado Chautauqua. National Historic Landmark Nomination, 2005.
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rather than lending an urban or suburban atmosphere.”2 A 1898 plat of the Chautauqua
Park shows ten streets running east-west and two streets running north-south all of
which were originally named after states, officials of the Colorado and Southern
Railroad, officers of other Chautauquas, and Boulder municipal leaders. Early buildings
and structures were located to allow ample room for temporary structures, gardens,
walkways, and tent sites. Permanent buildings replaced tents between 1899 and World
War I.
Baseline Road is located several feet north from the northern edge of the Chautauqua
Park Historic District and is separated from the park by a change in grade, portions of
which are retained with a stone wall. Early photographs show that Baseline Road was
originally level with Chautauqua’s northern border, the grade having changed
sometime after 1917.3 The rubble stone retaining walls along the north edge of the
district were likely constructed during this period (see Figure 4).
Figure 3. Chautauqua ticket booth and trolley station King’s Gate) looking north, 1899.
In 1898, an octagonal gatehouse was built along Baseline Road near 10th Street (in the
current location of King’s Gate), to mark the entry to the park. The ticket booth was
consistent in design with the camp-like character of the park featuring a hipped roof,
vertical siding on the lower portion of the building and horizontal lap siding above, and
simple corner boards. In order to be sure that every admission fee was collected, a
picket and post fence was erected alongside Baseline Road. This barrier continued
around the perimeter of the park as a wire fence. The fence was removed in 1910 when
2 Martha Vail, “National Historic Landmark Nomination: Colorado Chautauqua,” National Park Service (2005): 5.
3 Mundus Bishop Design, Inc., “Chautauqua Park Historic District Cultural Landscape Assessment and Plan,”
Colorado Chautauqua Association, 57.
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a curfew and regular security patrols were established. By 1912, the octagonal ticket
booth was moved to the northeast area of the grounds and used as an outhouse. 4
Figure 4. Existing Rubble Stone wall between 10th Street & Lincoln Place, just north of historic district boundary,
From 1899 to 1926, King’s Gate, located along Baseline Road near 10th Street, functioned
as the main pedestrian and vehicular entrance and was also a stop along the streetcar
line that ran from Chautauqua to downtown Boulder. In 1899, a boardwalk was
constructed to make the linear walk from the entrance to the Dining Hall and
Auditorium easier, especially during bad weather. The land adjacent to the south of
Baseline Road (the northern part of what’s now called Chautauqua Green) functioned
as a buggy parking area, since cars were not allowed to park elsewhere on the grounds.5
4 Vail, 6.
5 Mundus Bishop Design, Inc., 14.
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Figure 5. Map of Chautauqua 1899-1905, Chautauqua Landscape Assessment, pg. 16.
In 1912, Chautauqua’s vehicular entrance was shifted west from King’s Gate to
Kinnikinic and Baseline roads, while King’s Gate remained to function as the main
pedestrian entrance. In 1917, two eight-foot stone towers were constructed to mark
King’s Gate and the Shelter House was constructed adjacent to these stone towers. 6 The
Shelter House is a one-story building with a hipped roof, overhanging eaves, stone
rubble walls, and rubble quoins at each corner. The entrance is on the west elevation
and a stone rubble bench is built into the north elevation. The Shelter House, as its
name implies, sheltered passengers as they waited for the next trolley car.
Figure 6. Shelter House and King’s Gate, c. 1925-1940.
6 Vail, 7.
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Figure 7. Shelter House and King’s Gate, 2016.
The rustic 1917 arbor is located on the walkway from King’s Gate to the Dining Hall
and was built as a resting stop for those walking up or down the path. Composed of
several squared stone rubble piers that taper in width, the roof of the arbor is made up
of an oval pergola of log beams, most of which have been replaced over the years. Stone
benches are located in the interior.
Figure 8. Chautauqua arbor, c. 1915.
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Figure 9. Chautauqua arbor, 2016.
The Queen’s Gate, located to the west of King’s Gate along Baseline Road and directly
across from Lincoln Street, was also constructed in 1917. While all of Chautauqua’s
streets were originally gravel, most were paved with asphalt in the 1940s. 7
Figure 10. Queen’s Gate, 2016.
Chautauqua saw a number of improvements during the 1910s and 1920s. By 1910, the
tents had been replaced with small frame cottages, which today define the residential
area of the park. In addition, a few new public buildings were constructed, including
the Mission House, Community House, and the Columbine Lodge. In 1923, a large
reservoir was dug at the southern end of the park. Due to economic pressures and
changing trends in recreation during the Great Depression, Chautauqua saw an overall
decline in attendance and programs during the 1930s. As the buildings became
increasingly dilapidated due to reduced use, the University of Colorado took over
7 Mundus Bishop Design, Inc., 47.
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about half of Chautauqua’s cottages as housing for students, which helped contribute to
Chautauqua’s survival. By 1955, Boulder’s Chautauqua was one of only six remaining
in the country. The programs and activities continued as they had from the beginning,
but the buildings continued to deteriorate, and by 1975 the City of Boulder considered
demolishing Chautauqua’s buildings. However, widespread concern about the future
of the park resulted in the listing of Chautauqua in the National Register of Historic
Places in 1978, sparking the park’s revival. Today, Chautauqua is, arguably, the most
distinctive area of Boulder as it continues to provide a variety of popular programs,
concerts, debates, and recreational opportunities. Visitation to the park increases
annually. In 2015, visitation to Chautauqua was estimated to have exceeded 500,000.
February 3, 2016 Landmarks Board Feedback on Proposed Chautauqua
The Board was generally supportive of proposed changes to improve
accessibility at the King’s Gate and universal access into the park.
Proposed swale reconstruction details should be provided to match the material,
design and construction methods to closely match historic swales and of those
approved through a concurrent Open Space and Mountain Parks application
The Queen’s Gate social path was found to be generally consistent with the
design guidelines.
The pedestrian connection on the east side of Kinnikinic Road, from Baseline to
Chautauqua Park, should be narrowed to four feet in width and be of a
permeable material such as crusher fines.
The Board expressed a desire to see more of a green buffer between the new
sidewalk and road to soften the visual effect and concern about the visual change
of the paved ramped area at the southeast corner of Baseline and Kinnikinic
The Board expressed deep reservations about the level of lighting (especially
pole mounted) and its consistency with maintaining the “camp-like feel” of
Chautauqua as articulated in the design guidelines; they generally thought that
lighting is unnecessary because no data has been produced to show the lack of
lighting makes the area unsafe. However, lighting King’s Gate was generally
supported by the Board.
Re-orientation of parking along the north side of Sumac Drive is to accommodate
more vehicles and gaining eight spaces did not seem worth the loss of lawn
space; also, slant parking creates a parking lot feel and is inappropriate for the
park per the design guidelines.
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Revised Project Description:
The revised application proposes a number of improvements, some of which are located
just north of the Chautauqua Park Historic District Boundary. Lighting is removed from
this application to allow for the Colorado Chautauqua Association and the Landmarks
Board to develop an appropriate and approved lighting plan over the next year (2016-
2017); the Chautauqua project will subsequently implement the first phase of that
approved lighting plan. The proposed slant parking has also been removed from the
proposal, per the Landmark Board’s comments.
The following are improvements located within the historic district boundary and are
subject to review by the Landmark Board through LAC review:
Installation of lighting in the trolley shelter and arbor;
Construction of a 5-foot wide exposed aggregate concrete detached sidewalk on the
east side of Kinnikinic Road within the historic district boundary;
Construction of a soft surface path to connect Queen’s Gate with Sumac Drive;
Improved pedestrian connections from Baseline Road to Open Space and Mountain
Parks designated access trails and to existing Parks and Recreation paths;
Construction of swales along Kinnikinic Road from Baseline Road to Bluebell Road
on the west and Sumac Drive on the east.
The following changes proposed for the park are located outside the boundary and are
not subject to Landmark Alteration Certificate (LAC) review:
Construction of 5-foot wide sidewalks on the south side of Baseline Road from the
park boundary near 10th Street to the end of on-street parking west of Sixth Street.
Construction of a new stone retaining wall along the south side of Baseline Road.
Transit stop improvements, including an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
compliant ramp at the King’s and Queen’s Gate.
Improved ADA compliant pedestrian crossings along Baseline Road.
Improved pedestrian connections from Baseline Road to Open Space and Mountain
Parks designated access trails and to existing Parks and Recreation paths.
Native shrubs and plantings to replace non-native species and improve landscape
conditions on the north edge of the Chautauqua meadow.
While these improvements are not subject to LAC review, they are being presented as
an informational item to solicit feedback from the Landmarks Board that the design
team will take into consideration to minimize impacts and ensure design consistency
with the historic district.
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Figure 11. Map of Chautauqua showing areas for planned improvements,
(unshaded area represents area subject to LAC review).
Work in the Chautauqua Park Historic District Boundary Subject to LAC Review:
Kinnikinic Road Sidewalk and Swale Reconstruction.
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Figure 12. Proposal for sidewalk and gutter along Kinnikinic Road (dashed line marks district boundary), 2015.
Design concepts show the vehicular entrance to Chautauqua at Kinnikinic Road to have
widened sidewalks and ADA-compliant ramps. The entrance is just outside of the
historic district boundary and not subject to LAC review, but the sidewalk
improvements and the proposed installation of a flagstone drainage swale as they
continue along the east side of Kinnikinic Road are located within the boundary just as
the road begins to turn east (see map). Currently Open Space and Mountain Parks is
proposing reconstruction of the swale on the west side of Kinnikinic Road along the
Ranger Cottage. Throughout the park the swales are proposed for reconstruction over
the course of the next few years and the proposal for reconstruction along Kinnikinic
may be seen as a model for this work.
At the Landmarks Board’s recommendation, the course of the sidewalk inside the
historic district has been realigned from the February 3, 2016 proposal to follow the
existing social path and will be separated from Kinnikinic Road by existing vegetation.
In order to achieve year round universal accessibility the sidewalk is proposed to be 5-
foot in width and surfaced with exposed aggregate concrete to match historic concrete
surfaces found in the park.
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Figure 13. Historic mortared stone swale along Kinnikinic Road, 2013.
Figure 14. Proposed mortared stone swale (test patch) along Kinnikinic Road, 2016.
Queen’s Gate Path
The Queen’s Gate is located along Baseline Road directly across from Lincoln Place.
While the gate and its proposed improvements are located outside the historic district
boundary, the proposal calls for the construction of a soft surface path to connect the
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gate to Sumac Drive within the historic district boundary. No historic photos of Queen’s
Gate could be located and it is unclear what kind of path may have existed. Current
photos show that there is no formal path. With the pedestrian improvements along
Baseline Road and to Queen’s Gate, it may be safe to anticipate a higher level of foot-
traffic at this historic entrance to the grounds.
Figure 15. Proposed soft surface path from Queen’s Gate.
Work Outside of District Boundary for Feedback by the Landmarks Board
Sidewalks on South Side of Baseline Road:
The lack of a sidewalks along the south side of Baseline Road, from west of 6th Street to
east of King’s Gate, is considered to be an increasing safety hazard as traffic in the area
increases. The application notes “pedestrians travel in the street increasing pedestrian-
vehicle and pedestrian-bicycle conflict. The lack of sidewalks impedes the mobility and
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access of area residents.”
Plans show a 5-foot wide sidewalk to be constructed in the right-of-way along Baseline
Road, just north of the Chautauqua Park Historic District. A section of grass that varies
in width (from one to 6 feet), and varies in grade (at most a 50% upward slope) will
connect the sidewalk to the higher existing grade of the Chautauqua grounds. Portions
of this sloped area will be retained by a rubble stone wall to blend with the existing
c.1917 rubble stone wall (outlined in yellow in plans). The submission does not include
an elevation of proposed wall, but a section plan identifies it as ranging from 1 to 5 feet
in height.
Figure 16 & 17. Design concept along Baseline Road (left)
and details (right) between Grant Place and 9th Street.
Transit Stop Improvements at Kings Gate
Proposed changes at the King’s Gate show reconstruction of the existing stairs to
include a widened (bulb out) sidewalk area and an Americans with Disabilities Act
compliant ramp to provide universal access into the park. Plans call for the interior of
the transit shelter to be lit with low-lumen lighting.
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Figures 18 & 19: Existing and Proposed Change at King’s Gate.
Baseline Road Pedestrian Crossings
Five pedestrian crossings across Baseline Road: 6th Street, 7th Street, Grant Place,
Queen’s Gate (Lincoln Place), and at King’s Gate (near 10th Street), are proposed. Curb
ramps that are ADA-compliant will be installed at these crossings.
Removal of Trees and Shrubs along Baseline Road
Much of the existing (non-significant) vegetation and trees along Baseline Road are
proposed to be removed, including dead cherry trees and green ash trees in poor health.
A number of large white and red oak trees will be preserved. The removal of much of
this “volunteer” vegetation will open views into Chautauqua returning conditions
closer to those during the early years at the north side of the area.
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Subsections 9-11-18(b) and (c), B.R.C. 1981, set forth the standards the Landmarks Board
must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate.
(b) Neither the Landmarks Board nor the City Council shall approve a Landmark
Alteration Certificate unless it meets the following conditions:
(1) The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage
or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject
property within an historic district;
(2) The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or
special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark
and its site or the district;
(3) The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color,
and materials used on existing and proposed constructions are compatible
with the character of the existing landmark and its site or the historic
(4) With respect to a proposal to demolish a building in an historic district,
the proposed new construction to replace the building meets the
requirements of paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) above.
(c) In determining whether to approve a landmark alteration certificate, the Landmarks
Board shall consider the economic feasibility of alternatives, incorporation of
energy-efficient design, and enhanced access for the disabled.
1. Does the proposed application preserve, enhance, or restore, and not damage or destroy
the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within a
historic district?
Staff considers that provided the conditions listed are met, the proposal for
changes in the historic district boundary will not damage or destroy the character
of the Chautauqua Park.
2. Does the proposed application adversely affect the special character or special historic,
architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the district?
Provided the listed conditions are met, staff does not consider that the proposed
work in the Chautauqua Park will adversely affect the historic, architectural, or
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environmental significance of the historic district.
3. Is the architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and
materials used on existing and proposed structures compatible with the character of the
historic district?
Staff considers that if the amount of new paving in the district (including
drainage swale improvements), is limited and lighting installation is modified
per the conditions the proposal will be compatible with the historic character of
the Chautauqua Park.
The Historic Preservation Ordinance sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board
must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate and the
board has adopted the Chautauqua Park Historic District Design Guidelines and the General
Design Guidelines to help interpret the ordinance. The following is an analysis of the
submitted proposal with respect to relevant guidelines. It is important to emphasize
that design guidelines are intended to be used as an aid to appropriate design, and not
as a checklist of items for compliance.
The following is an analysis of the proposal’s compliance with the applicable design
The following section is from the Chautauqua Design Guidelines. A more in-depth
analysis is included below, in the General Design Guidelines section.
Public improvements are especially important to the character of Chautauqua, and include
such elements as streets, public parking, curbs, gutters, stone walls, benches, street lights,
water foundation, and signs. The addition of contemporary examples of these elements
have a greater impact on Chautauqua than on some other historic areas because so much of
the Chautauqua site remains little changed. Whenever considering public improvements or
changes to existing improvements, every attempt should be made to fit them into the
existing historic site character. This may require modification, waiver of change to
standards applied elsewhere for public improvements.
The proposed installation of sidewalk at the Kinnikinic Road entrance to the park
is necessary to provide universal pedestrian access to Chautauqua. The
Chautauqua Park is a municipally owned place and providing accessibility in a
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manner that respects the historic character is an important goal. Ramping the
King’s Gate (just north of the district boundary) will provide access at this east
(transit served) entrance. Likewise, drainage swale improvements in the park will
improve safety and assist with ongoing maintenance.
Details of improvements to the drainage swale at Kinnikinic Road should closely
match the appearance of the historic swales in material and detailing. These
details should be carried out through a test patch on-site that can reviewed and
approved by the Ldrc.
Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters:
Streets in Chautauqua do not have the familiar sidewalks, curbs, and gutters; however,
drainage and erosion is a significant problem in many locations. Drainage improvements
have included special curb and gutter sections especially designed to fit the character of the
park. Where drainage improvements are required, existing sandstone gutters or the special
curb and gutter sections should be used as a reference. Standard formed concrete curb and
gutter sections, and concrete sidewalks are generally inappropriate, and every attempt
should be made to find appropriate substitutes;
The proposed addition of 5 foot concrete sidewalk into the historic district may be
inconsistent with this guideline which suggests that sidewalks in Chautauqua do
not have historic precedent, and their introduction may be inappropriate. The
guideline does state that drainage is a problem in the park and that “special curb
and gutter” sections should be used as reference.
Limiting the amount of paving in the historic district while achieving universal
accessibility seems an important goal. Consideration has been given to reducing
the width of the sidewalk on the east side of Kinnikinic Road, however, Public
Works considers the goal of universal accessibility will not be achieved by a
narrower width. Likewise, using a permeable material such as crusher fines will
not adequately provide year round ADA accessibility at this location. Staff
considers the realignment of the sidewalk and providing a buffer at Kinnikinic
Road will soften the effect of the sidewalk in the historic district.
Long term, staff suggests a comprehensive plan (and possibly guidelines) for
drainage and pathways be developed for Chautauqua that balances the practical
and aesthetic needs of the park. Such a plan and guidelines should be reviewed
and approved by all entities at Chautauqua, including the Colorado Chautauqua
Association Building and Grounds Committee, Parks and Recreation staff, Open
Space and Mountain Parks as well as the Landmarks Board.
Stone Walls
Stone retaining walls are common throughout Chautauqua and are made of sandstone laid
either in random rubble or random ashlar patterns. Individual stones vary in size, but are
generally at least two to three inches in thickness. The stone colors range from buff to
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yellow ochre to red-brown. Mortar joints are frequently raked back, giving the appearance
of dry-laid masonry. These characteristics should be carefully observed in new walls, and
repairs to existing walls should match stone color and sizes, joint size, profile and mortar
color as exactly as possible. Red colored Lyons sandstone with one to two inch cleavage
planes should only be used in if mixed in small amounts with more characteristic stone.
While just north and outside of the district boundary, the construction of
approximately 400 lineal feet of stone retaining wall will have a visual impact on
this edge of Chautauqua. Staff estimates the stretch between the King’s and
Queen’s gates to span approximately 150 lineal feet. The proposed new retaining
wall is described as ranging from 1 to 5 feet in height, but little information has
been provided as to type of stone, pattern or mortar of the proposed wall. Staff
recommends that details of the new wall in the form of a test area wall be
constructed for the Ldrc’s review and approval to ensure compatibility with the
existing character of this north edge of the Chautauqua Park Historic District.
2.5 Sidewalks
Many of Boulder's older neighborhoods were originally paved with flagstone or aggregate
concrete. These original walkway materials are important elements and contribute to the
historic character of the neighborhood. The traditional pattern of walkways perpendicular from
the public sidewalk to the front porches or main entries of the houses provides unity to the
streetscape. New sidewalks must meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
Guideline Analysis Conforms?
.2 New walkways should
be designed to be
compatible in location,
pattern, spacing,
dimensions, materials
and color with existing
walkways that
contribute to the overall
historic character of the
area. Walk design
should be simple and
traditional, reflecting
the neighborhood and
period of construction.
Staff considers that the amount of
paving (sidewalk and swale)
improvements should be limited,
so as not to affect the character of
the historic district. To this end,
limiting the hard surface sidewalk
to the west side of Kinnikinic Road
and isolating the east path from the
road in the revised scheme appears
to achieve this.
Long term, staff suggests a
comprehensive plan (and possibly
guidelines) for drainage and
pathways be developed for
Chautauqua that balance the
Agenda Item #6A Page 23
Flagstone or traditional
aggregate concrete is
practical and aesthetic needs of the
park. Such a plan and guidelines
should be reviewed and approved
by all entities at Chautauqua,
including the Colorado
Chautauqua Association Building
and Grounds Committee, Parks
and Recreation, Open Space and
Mountain Parks as well as the
Landmarks Board.
The 2012 Colorado Chautauqua Guiding Principles for Place Management and Fiscal
Sustainability collaborative work agreement has been used in planning the voter
approved “Chautauqua Pedestrian Safety, Access, and Lighting Improvements Project.”
Public Works has been working with the Colorado Chautauqua Association, the city’s
Parks & Recreation, Open Space & Mountain Parks and the Historic Preservation
program staff to develop plans. Conceptual plans were shared with the Landmarks
Board in the fall of 2015 and the current proposal reflects input given at that time.
At the same time, staff suggest that Colorado Chautauqua Association and the
Landmarks Board work collaboratively with the community over the next year (2016-
2017) to develop an appropriate long-term plan for lighting (and other related
hardscaping improvements) for the Chautauqua Park Historic District.
The guidance provided in the design guidelines counsel that any changes in the
Chautauqua Park Historic District need to be considered carefully given the intact
nature and fragility of this important place. However, given the compelling goal to
provide universal access at the north entrances to the park, staff considers that the
construction of a sidewalk along Kinnikinic Road can be undertaken without damaging
the essential character of the district. Staff considers it will not detract from the historic
character of the district provided final design details are reviewed by the Ldrc to ensure
that the amount of paving is the minimum necessary to achieve ADA compliance. At
the same time improvements to the drainage swales should be undertaken so that it
closely matches the materiality, dimensions and overall appearance of the historic
swales. All of these details should be reviewed and approved by the Ldrc prior to
issuance of a final Landmark Alteration Certificate.
In terms of the improvements outside of the district and not subject to a Landmark
Alterations Certificate, staff considers that great care needs to be taken to ensure that
Agenda Item #6A Page 24
the essential character of the north edge of Chautauqua not be adversely effected by the
work. In particular, staff considers that the width and extent of the paving along
Baseline Road (especially as it turns into Chautauqua at Kinnikinic Road) be minimized
to the extent possible. Likewise, great care will need to be taken to ensure the
construction of the new retaining walls will be compatible with and secondary to the
historic walls along Baseline Road. Staff suggests that Public Works and historic
preservation staff coordinate to develop designs that minimize the impact in this area
and that staff shares these designs, on an informational basis, with the Landmarks
Board as they develop.
Subject to the conditions stated in the April 6, 2016 staff memorandum, staff
recommends that the Landmarks Board approve the application and adopt the
following findings:
Providing the listed conditions are met, this decision will be consistent with the
purposes and standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 9-11, B.R.C.
1981) in that:
1. The proposed new construction will not adversely affect the special
character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of
the property or the historic district. Sec. 9-11-18(b)(2), B.R.C. 1981.
2. The proposed new construction will generally comply with Section 2.5 ,
“Sidewalks,” of the General Design Guidelines and with the “Public
Improvements” section of the Chautauqua Park Historic District Design Guidelines,
and Section 9-11-18(b)(3), B.R.C. 1981.
A: Historic Photographs
B: Current Photographs
C: Plans and Elevations
D: February 3rd, 2016 Landmarks Board Minutes
Agenda Item #6A Page 25
Attachment A: Historic Photographs
Photo 1. Chautauqua entry with ticket booth at right (at current location of King’s Gate), c. 1898-
Photo 2. View of northern grounds of Chautauqua looking northeast, 1898.
Agenda Item #6A Page 26
Photo 3. Chautauqua Boardwalk (path that led from King’s Gate entry to
Auditorium and Dining Hall), 1899.
Photo 4. View of Chautauqua’s entrance taken from Baseline Road looking south, c. 1901-1902.
Agenda Item #6A Page 27
Photo 5. View looking north from Chautauqua grounds, c. 1902-1910. Path in center might lead
to King’s Gate. Mount St. Gertrude Academy in distance, center.
Photo 6. Postcard view of Chautauqua’s entrance, c. 1908.
Agenda Item #6A Page 28
Attachment B: Current Photographs
Photos 7 & 8: Baseline Rd. at Kinikininic looking south into park and looking southeast down
Baseline Rd., 2016.
Agenda Item #6A Page 29
Photo 9: Queens Gate (c.1917) and retaining wall along Baseline Road, 2016.
Photo 10: King’s Gate, 2016.
Agenda Item #6A Page 30
Photo 11: c.1917 Transit Stop House at King’s Gate, 2016.
Photo 12: View south from King’s Gate, 2016.
Agenda Item #6A Page 31
Photo 13: c.1917 Arbor, Chautauqua 2016 (Looking North), 2016.
Photo 14: Playground at Tennis Courts, Chautauqua, (Looking east), 2016.
Agenda Item #6A Page 32
Attachment C:Public Works Submission - Plans
Chautauqua Pedestrian Safety, Access
and Lighting Improvements Project
Landmarks Alteration Certificate Application
April 6, 2016
Project Description
The Chautauqua Pedestrian Improvement Project (Chautauqua project) will construct a sidewalk on the
south side of Baseline Road from 6th Street east to the historic trolley and current transit stop (which is
also known as King’s Gate) near the park boundary west of 10th Street; improve pedestrian crossings at
intersections within the project area; provide pedestrian connections from Baseline Road to Open Space
and Mountain Parks (OSMP) designated access trails and existing Chautauqua Park paths; make the
existing transit stop compliant with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA); and install pedestrian
lighting from the project area into Chautauqua Park.
The Chautauqua project is an interdepartmental City of Boulder project that seeks to honor the historic
and natural character of the area through design and material selection while providing important
pedestrian safety improvements.
The Chautauqua project was one of the projects listed in the 2014 voter-approved Community, Culture
and Safety tax. The projects for the ballot initiative were identified and approved by City Council on
August 5, 2014. (See Attachment G-1: Chautauqua Concept Design.) City Council identified the
Chautauqua project boundary as the area along Baseline Road from Chautauqua Park’s boundary at
King’s Gate west of 10th street to 6th street.
Current Context
This section of Baseline Road serves an important role for the use of Chautauqua Park, Open Space and
Mountain Parks trails and Chautauqua Association lodging, programming and venues. These three facets
of Chautauqua, combined, attract more than half a million visitors per year.
Currently, the lack of sidewalk on the south side of Baseline Road from west of Sixth Street east to King’s
Gate creates a safety hazard. Pedestrians parking on the south side of Baseline Road must walk in the
street increasing pedestrian-vehicle and pedestrian-bicycle conflict. The lack of sidewalks also impedes
the mobility and access of area residents. Consequently, the project area has been identified in the
City’s Missing Sidewalk Links program.
Pedestrians also travel in Kinnikinic Road due to a lack of adequate pedestrian connections to OSMP
designated access trails and existing Chautauqua Park paths. During the public process, the project
team received comments and emails from the public that shared their concerns for the lack of safe
pedestrian connections from Baseline Road to Chautauqua Park along Kinnikinic Road, requested
pedestrian connections to be maintainable in the winter and called for pedestrian connections to be
ADA accessible and stroller friendly.
Agenda Item #6A Page 33
Special events, programming and other attractions bring visitors, performers and employees to
Chautauqua during low light conditions, such as evening musical performances or talks. Performers and
Chautauqua staff are assigned parking in the lot on 12th Street. The HOP 2 Chautauqua, a free City of
Boulder transit service to the Colorado Music Festival and Chautauqua Summer Series events, provides
service to the King’s Gate transit stop on Baseline Road. Existing unlit pedestrian paths link both the 12th
Street parking lot and King’s Gate to the Dining Hall and performance areas and venues. Visitors, the
Colorado Chautauqua Association and the voters identified the unlit paths as a safety concern. During
the public process, the project team received comments from the public stating their support for
pedestrian scale, historically appropriate styled, programmable, dark sky compliant lighting along the
existing pedestrian paths from King’s Gate to the parking area on 12th Street.
Project Purpose
The project team is directed by the 2014 voter approved Community, Culture and Safety sales tax ballot
initiative to provide the community with safer, accessible pedestrian routes. The project team
developed project plans that achieve this by providing ADA accessible sidewalks, intersection crossings
and pedestrian connections and through installation of pedestrian lighting along key paths.
The project team seeks to honor Chautauqua’s National Historic District designation through design and
material selection for all project improvements, including those within the historic district boundary,
while providing important pedestrian safety improvements.
The interdepartmental project team is also guided by their respective master plans and guiding plans.
The Transportation Master Plan guides the Public Works’ Transportation department to provide travel
options by constructing multimodal facilities. The West Trail Study Area Plan guides the Open Space and
Mountain Parks department to reduce damaging social trails on the north side of Chautauqua Meadow.
Additionally, the Colorado Chautauqua Association has created the Cultural Landscape Assessment and
Plan which provides “a series of recommended strategies and tasks that provide a direction for
holistically managing change at Chautauqua to ensure that it continues to evolve in a manner that is in
keeping with its historic character” and the Master Exterior Lighting Plan, which identified proposed
lighting designs and locations.
The project team has used the Colorado Chautauqua Association’s master plans as guiding documents in
the development of previous project plans. It has become clear through previous presentations to the
Landmarks Board that these plans have not been developed through the collaborative framework or
approved by the Landmarks Board. Recognizing this, the project team has removed the lighting
component from this application so that the Colorado Chautauqua Association and the Landmarks Board
can develop an approved lighting plan over the next year (2016-2017). The Chautauqua project will seek
a landmark alteration certificate to install the first phase of that lighting plan when it is completed
The project team is following several guidelines to develop the project improvements including:
The Chautauqua Design Guidelines
Streets in Chautauqua do not have the familiar sidewalks, curbs and gutters; however, drainage and erosion is a
significant problem in many locations . . . concrete sidewalks are generally inappropriate, and every attempt should
be made to find appropriate substitutes.
Agenda Item #6A Page 34
The General Design Guidelines for Boulder’s Historic Districts
8.8 Americans with Disabilities Act
Places of public accommodation are required to provide access to their services and programs under provisions of the
Americans with Disabilities Act. In the case of historic buildings, some provision for using alternative measures
exists if the property is historically or architecturally significant enough to merit such treatment. When changes to a
building or site are necessary, careful consideration must be given to how the changes can be incorporated without
compromising the integrity of the historic building, its character-defining features, or its site.
The General Design Guidelines also calls for providing “barrier-free access that promotes independence
for the disabled to the highest degree practicable, while preserving significant historic features.”
City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards
Chapter 2 (Transportation) section 2.08 (Sidewalks) (B) Conformance with the Transportation Master Plan
Off-street sidewalks may be required as part of any project or development proposal in conformance with the TMP.
(C) Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
All public sidewalks shall comply with the requirements of the ADA’s “Standards for Accessible Design,” which
includes without limitation sidewalk widths, grades, locations, markings, surface treatments, and access ramps.
The DCS also provides guidance for sidewalk widths:
Table 2-12: Minimum Sidewalk Widths Minimum Sidewalk Width
Adjacent Land Use
Street Type Commercial
Local 12 5 4
Collector 12 5 5
Arterial 12 8 8
Funding & Budget
The total project budget is $1.5 million and is funded by the 2014 voter-approved Community, Culture
and Safety Tax.
As the ballot initiative dedicated money to specific City Council approved projects, this money cannot be
reallocated to other projects.
The Chautauqua Project will provide the following improvements (those within the historic district are in
Construction of 5-foot wide sidewalks on the south side of Baseline Road from the park
boundary near 10th Street to the end of on-street parking west of Sixth Street
Improved ADA-compliant pedestrian crossings along Baseline Road
Agenda Item #6A Page 35
Native shrubs and plantings to replace non-native species and improve landscape conditions on
the north edge of the Chautauqua meadow
Transit stop improvements, including an ADA-compliant ramp at King’s Gate
Construction of a soft surface social trail from the re-constructed Queen’s Gate into
Chautauqua Park
Construction of a five-foot wide, exposed-aggregate concrete detached sidewalk on the east
side of Kinnikinic Road within the historic district boundary
Improved pedestrian connections from Baseline Road to Open Space and Mountain Parks
designated access trails and to existing Parks and Recreation paths
o Construction of swales along Kinnikinic Road from Baseline Road to Bluebell Road on
the west and Sumac Drive on the East
Pedestrian lighting
o The Colorado Chautauqua Association will work with the Landmarks Board through a
collaborative framework to develop an approved lighting plan over the next year (2016-
2017). The Chautauqua project will implement the first phase of that approved lighting
plan subsequent to the master lighting plan development.
The following two images show the project improvements near and within the historic boundary.
Western section, Kinnikinic Road to east of 9th Street
Eastern section, west of Lincoln Place to King’s Gate
Agenda Item #6A Page 36
October 7, 2015
The project team initially presented the Chautauqua project to the Landmarks Board in a matter from
staff brief on October 7, 2015.
The project team presented on the project background, scope and preliminary project design to
Landmarks Board, and received the following feedback from the board members:
Minimize the use of concrete within the historic boundary through use of alternative materials
(e.g., crusher fines) and infrastructure (e.g., swales versus curb and gutter)
Concern for lighting within the park and its impact to the historic nature
The project team changed the proposed plans to incorporate this feedback in the following ways:
Swales replaced curb and gutter along Kinnikinic Road
Crusher fines were used for the pedestrian connection along the west side of Kinnikinic Road
The Queen’s Gate social path was designed with crusher fines
Pedestrian lighting matched the existing acorn style lighting currently installed within the
historic boundary of Chautauqua Park
To provide an ADA accessible, winter maintainable pedestrian connection from Baseline Road into
Chautauqua along Kinnikinic Road, the project team believed it was necessary to construct a five foot
wide concrete sidewalk on the east side of Kinnikinic Road.
February 3, 2016
The project team submitted a Landmark Alteration Certificate application for consideration at the
February 3, 2016 Landmarks Board meeting.
The proposed project design incorporated the feedback from the Landmarks Board received on October
7, 2015 and feedback received from the public via emails and the public open house (held on October
15, 2015 at the Chautauqua Community House).
The presented project improvements requiring approval were:
Construction of a 5-foot concrete sidewalk with a flagstone valley pan to extend from the
Kinnikinic entrance part way on Sumac Drive;
Conversion of parallel parking to angular parking along northern edge of Sumac Drive;
Construction of a soft surface path to connect Queen’s Gate with Sumac Drive;
Pedestrian lighting from the King’s Gate entrance to the parking lot east of the tennis courts;
Pedestrian lighting at the Shelter House (Trolley Station) and the Arbor;
Installation of way-finding elements per the Colorado Chautauqua Association National Historic
Landmark Master Signage Plan.
The following diagram shows the project improvements, inside and outside of the historic district
boundary, that were proposed:
Agenda Item #6A Page 37
The project team received the following feedback from the board members:
The swales need to match the material, design and construction methods of those approved
through a concurrent OSMP application process
The Queen’s Gate social path was supported by the majority of the board
The pedestrian connection on the east side of Kinnikinic Road, from Baseline to Chautauqua
Park, should be a four foot wide, detached crusher fines sidewalk
Lighting is inappropriate for the “camp like feel” of Chautauqua; installing lighting would ruin
the ability to view stars from inside the park; lighting is unnecessary in Chautauqua because no
data shows the lack of lighting is unsafe; and the lighting associated safety concern could be
resolved through distribution of flashlights to performers, visitors and staff
o Only lighting King’s Gate was supported by the majority of board members
The purpose of the parking re-orientation along the north side of Sumac Drive is to
accommodate more vehicles and gaining eight spaces is not worth the loss of lawn space; also,
slant parking creates a parking lot feel and is inappropriate for the park
The project team changed the proposed plans to incorporate this feedback in the following ways:
The swales will match the Design Review Committee (DRC) approved material, design and
construction methods
o The project team will present a sample to the DRC prior to constructing the swale
The Queen’s Gate social path is unchanged
The pedestrian connection on the east side of Kinnikinic Road, from Baseline Road to
Chautauqua Park, is re-designed to be a five-foot wide exposed aggregate concrete sidewalk
that is detached within the historic district boundary
o Five foot wide concrete sidewalk is thought to be the needed treatment for this location
to provide an ADA accessible and winter maintainable pedestrian connection that is
appropriate for the current level of pedestrian traffic and also meets the city’s Design
and Construction Standards
Lighting is removed from this application to allow for the Colorado Chautauqua Association and
the Landmarks Board to develop an approved lighting plan over the next year (2016-2017); the
Chautauqua project will subsequently implement the first phase of that approved lighting plan
Parking has been removed from the proposed project plans
Agenda Item #6A Page 38
o The 2016-2017 Chautauqua Access Management Plan may address parking within
Chautauqua Park
o Note: the previously proposed slant parking provided eight spaces to replace six spaces
removed by the sidewalk and crossing improvements along the south side of Baseline
Landmark Alteration Certificate Application
April 6, 2016
Landmarks Alteration Certificate Approval is requested for the following improvements:
1. Construction of fieldstone swales along both sides of Kinnikinic Road, from Baseline Road to
Bluebell Road on the west and Baseline Road to Sumac Drive on the east
a. The swales will match the Design Review Committee (DRC) approved material, design
and construction method; the project team will present a sample to the DRC prior to
constructing the swale
2. Construction of a crusher fines social path from the re-constructed Queen’s Gate, at Baseline
Road and Lincoln Place, into Chautauqua Park to guide park users away from historic oak tree
3. Construction of a five-foot wide, exposed-aggregate concrete detached sidewalk on the east
side of Kinnikinic Road within the historic district boundary
a. A five-foot wide, exposed-aggregate concrete sidewalk allows year-round maintenance
(i.e. to accommodate snow removal equipment), provides an ADA accessible pedestrian
connection, is appropriate for the current level of pedestrian traffic and meets the city’s
Design and Construction Standards.
i. Note: Chautauqua’s unique character requires interpretation of the Design and
Construction Standards. The Chautauqua project team has interpreted the
adjacent land use of Chautauqua as commercial/industrial and Kinnikinic Road is
classified as a Local road in the city’s road classification system; these two
factors call for a five-foot wide sidewalk
ii. Note: Changing to a detached sidewalk allows for a vegetative buffer to be
installed between the sidewalk which will help screen and soften the
appearance of the sidewalk from Kinnikinic Road.
iii. Note: Limiting access to Chautauqua is not part of the Chautauqua project
1. The 2016-2017 Chautauqua Access Management Plan planning process
will address access management through a holistic, comprehensive and
area-wide approach using existing access management strategies as
well as pilot programs to test potential for innovative solutions, when
2. Questions about the amount of visitor use on Open Space and
Mountain Parks land are also beyond the scope of the Chautauqua
project. City Council has asked OSMP to understand the sustainability of
current visitor levels throughout the OSMP system and trends in overall
visitation, which will be explored as part of an update to the Visitor
Agenda Item #6A Page 39
Master Plan (VMP). The VMP addresses all OSMP lands, including
Chautauqua. The update is scheduled to begin in 2017.
4. The following diagram shows where the project improvements, inside and outside of the historic
district boundary, are proposed:
Agenda Item #6A Page 40
Plans for improvements along Baseline Road, 2015.
Agenda Item #6A Page 41
Plans for improvements along Baseline Road, 2015.
Agenda Item #6A Page 42
Design Concepts for Baseline Road improvements, 2015.
Agenda Item #6A Page 43
Design Concepts for Baseline Road improvements, 2015.
Agenda Item #6A Page 44
February 3, 2016
1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room
6:00 p.m.
The following are the action minutes of the February 3, 2016 City of Boulder Landmarks Board
meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of
seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to
the recording on-line at:
Kate Remley, Chair
George Clements, Vice Chair
Briana Butler
Fran Sheets
Deborah Yin
*John Gerstle, *Planning Board representative without a vote
Debra Kalish, Senior Assistant City Attorney
James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner
Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner
Lesli Ellis, Comprehensive Planning Manager
Holly Opansky, Landmarks Board Secretary
William Barnum, Historic Preservation Intern
The roll having been called, Chair K. Remley declared a quorum at 6:01 p.m. and the
following business was conducted.
On a motion by K. Remley, seconded by B. Butler, the Landmarks Board approved (5-0) the
minutes as amended of the January 6, 2016 board meeting.
There were no public speakers for items not on the agenda.
Statistical Report
Agenda Item #6A Page 45
A. WITHDRAWN: Public Hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate
application for changes to the south face of Mt. St. Gertrude’s Academy, 970 Aurora
Ave., an individual landmark, including the installation of balconies and modifying
windows to door openings, per Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981
(HIS2015-00313). Owner / Applicant: Academy Equities, LLC / Jonas DiCaprio
This application was withdrawn prior to the public hearing.
B. Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate application to
make improvements at the north end of Chautauqua Park, 900 Baseline Rd., including
construction of a sidewalk, retaining wall and drainage swale along Baseline Road
(improving accessibility at King’s Gate) and installation of new lighting from Baseline
Road to the Auditorium, per Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981
(HIS2015-00355). Owner / Applicant: City of Boulder / City of Boulder, Public Works
Ex-parte contacts
K. Remley, F. Sheets, D. Yin, G. Clements, and B. Butler made site visits.
J. Gerstle, even though he is not a voting member, he mentioned that on advice of
council rescued himself from the conversation because a possible conflict and will wait
outside during this discussion.
Staff Presentation
J. Hewat, presented the case to the Board, with the staff recommendation that the
Landmarks Board conditionally approved the request. He mentioned that the Board is
asked to comment upon the items not within the historic district and to vote upon the
items within the historic district.
Applicant’s Presentation
Melanie Sloan, City of Boulder, Transportation Planner, , spoke in support of Landmark
Alteration Certificate application and answered questions from the board and the public.
Brian Wiltshire, City of Boulder, Engineering Project Manager, answered questions
about the when the lights would be on and about the retaining walls, the Queen’s gate
social trail the other application for the Ranger swale, the crusher fine sidewalk, City
code for the width of the sidewalk, the anticipation of bike traffic, and separation of the
sidewalk from the road.
David Roederer, Clanton & Associates, Inc., 4699 nautilus Court South, Suite 102, ,
answered questions regarding the King’s Gate lighting, the style of acorn fixtures, and the
height of the fixtures.
Public Hearing
Abby Daniels, Historic Boulder, Inc., 1200 Pearl Street, suggested regardless of the
board’s vote, the application come back to the Landmarks Board meeting and not to the
Landmark Design Review Committee so that the process is more widely available to the
For items within the historic district the Board offered these suggested
Agenda Item #6A Page 46
1. Swale
B. Butler – supports matching the field stones
2. Queens Gate social path
B. Butler, G. Clements, K. Remley and D. Yin – support
F. Sheets - does not support social path without more research
3. Lighting
a. General
D.Yin does not support the acorn style lighting just because it matches the
donated 80’s light fixtures. She noted that since it is a park and camp and that you
should be able to look up and see the stars (sighting the Dark Skies Initiative).
K. Remley mentioned that there’s no data stating lighting is needed; lighting
degrades the rural quality of Chautauqua; She supports no additional lighting
except at the King’s gate.
b. Acorn lighting
D.Yin – requested that the fixtures have a simple design.
c. King’s Gate / trolley
Butler, G. Clements, and D. Yin – support the lighting as long as it marks the
spot, instead of generally illuminating the area.
d. Arbor
G. Clements – supports
B. Butler, K. Remley, F. Sheets, and D. Yin – do not support
e. Majority and supported summary
Keep the light fixtures at the King’s Gate, on Sumac, at the Tennis court and only
one in the parking lot, and remove the lights along the path.
4. Kinnikinic Road sidewalk
B. Butler, G. Clements, D. Yin and F. Sheets - supports the 5’ width. They support
the idea of a separation between the road and the sidewalk, as well as a transition from
the concrete sidewalk on Baseline to a crusher fine sidewalk on the east side of the
entrance, matching the narrower crusher fine sidewalk to the west side entrance
K. Remley - does not support the 5’ width, but likes the idea of crusher fine
5. Diagonal Parking
B. Butler and G. Clements - supports this for general safety and safety of bikers
D. Yin, K. Remley and F. Sheets - do not support
Since the Board indicated that the majority would not support approval of the application,
the applicants chose to withdraw their application, integrate the suggested modifications
then re-submit.
C. Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit for the house and accessory
building located at 717 17th St., non-landmarked buildings over 50 years old, pursuant to
Agenda Item #6A Page 47
Section 9-11-23 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2015-00337). Owner / Applicant:
Lazzarino Living Trust / Stephen Brown
Ex-parte contacts
B. Butler, G. Clements, K. Remley, and D. Yin made site visits.
F. Sheets did not have ex-parte contacts.
Staff Presentation
M. Cameron, presented the case to the Board, with the staff recommendation that the
Landmarks Board place a stay of demolition for 180 days. She highlighted that the 1939
home was an example of Art Modern / International style, a rare find for the area. M.
Cameron noted alternations made in the 1960s to the windows, garage roof, and entrance.
She shared the reports detailing the extent of the deterioration of the structure.
Applicant’s Presentation
Stephen Brown, 145 South Ivy St., Denver, expressed his interest in demolition and
rebuilding, because it has been altered and the cost to buy the property, remodel and
refurbish the exiting building would be economically unfeasible to purchase the property.
Public Hearing
Abby Daniels, Historic Boulder, Inc., 1200 Pearl St., expressed her support for staff’s
recommendation for a stay of demolition, because the building’s unique qualities to the
On a motion by G. Clements, seconded by K. Remley, the Landmarks Board issued (5-
0) a stay of demolition for the buildings located at 717 17th St., for a period not to
exceed 180 days from the day the permit application was accepted by the city manager,
adopting the staff memorandum with the findings listed below, in order to further analyze
information on the condition of the buildings.
D. Public hearing and consideration of revisions to the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines,
Section 1, The Downtown Historic District.
Staff Presentation
Sam Assefa, City of Boulder, Senior Urban Designer, introduced the project to the board.
Kalani Pahoa, City of Boulder, Urban Designer, presented an overview of the revision
process to the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines.
Public Hearing
There were no public speakers for item.
On a motion by B. Butler, and seconded by G. Clements, the Landmarks Board voted
(5-0) to adopt the proposed revisions to Section 1, “The Historic District: of the
Downtown Urban Design Guidelines” pursuant to the rule making procedures set forth in
Agenda Item #6A Page 48
Chapter 1-4, B.R.C 1981 and adopted the staff memorandum dated February 3, 2016,
including the following as the findings of the Board:
Suggested Revisions:
Section 1 The Historic District
1. Kate Remley suggested changing the order of the sub-sections in Section 1 The
Historic District , to place the general guidelines for the district first, and the
minor guidelines (i.e. awnings and building colors) to the last part of the section;
2. Kate Remley suggested changing the wording on page 4, from “Human-scaled
space” back to “human-scaled buildings;”
3. Kate Remley suggested changing the wording on page 17, from “differentiated
yet compatible” back to “subtlety distinguishable;”
4. Edits to the entire document to increase the sidebar notes column contrast
between the background and the white font for improved legibility.
5. Page 17 – 1.3.A changes the bullets to an alphanumeric list and merge with the
preceding “A”.
6. Page 19 – Figs 7-8 – Fix the figure ordering in the captions.
7. Fig 9 – Add historic district note to the caption.
Items to be recorded for consideration in a future revision to Section 1 The Historic
District :
1. Reorganize Section 1: The Historic District subsection order. Move 1.1 general
building requirements for all areas of the historic district to end of the section and
move 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 forward in the order. The working group reorganized to
move common building elements in front; however, the first few subsections are
now the less-important building features (building colors, awnings, mechanical
equipment). 1.1 is important, but not the heart of the guidelines (1.2 – 1.4 are the
heart). LB consensus to reorganize the subsections.
2. Page 17 – Landmarks Board discussed the revising language regarding
"differentiated but compatible" vs. "subtly distinguishable”. K. Remley expressed
concern that this was a significant change. Majority of the board did not want to
change the guidelines back to “subtly distinguishable”. D. Yin noted
“differentiated, yet compatible” fits Secretary of the Interior Standards. Page 17 –
Fig. 5 – Figure shows a rather large addition that does not seem subordinate.
Comments from the Landmarks Board include the size of the addition, confusion
in the differentiation of the new versus original buildings. Landmarks boards
expressed a consensus to revise this image or provide a different image. D. Yin
suggested possibly showing two images.
3. Page 21 - Fig. 9 - K. Remley commented that in her opinion the figure does not
follow any of the guidelines for historic building elements. D. Yin commented
that she considers the figure to comply with the guidelines for new construction,
and the list of historic building elements is not a checklist for new construction.
Agenda Item #6A Page 49
4. K. Remley inquired as to why the examples of the Neo-traditional building
examples she submitted to the working group were not incorporated. K. Remley
requested that it would be helpful to show range of acceptable styles.
5. Pages 19-23 – Figures – D. Yin noted the images are too big and have too much
prominence. Consider the resizing the images to four images per page. K.
Remley noted this may address concerns regarding Figure 9.
6. The Board agreed that it, if appropriate the Board could make some or all of the
changes above to Section 1 of the Guidelines through the Rulemaking process
after the entire document has been reviewed and adopted by the City Council.
7. Page 4 – K. Remley prefers “human scale buildings” to “human scale space”. The
Board agreed that this was not an item it could change as it is not in Section 1 of
the Guidelines and not subject to its change through the rulemaking processi.
Per 9-11-24, B.R.C., Landmarks Board and City Manager Authorized to Adopt Rules.,
the landmarks board and the city manager are authorized to adopt rules and regulations
under chapter 1-4, "Rulemaking," B.R.C. 1981, that the landmarks board or the city
manager determine are reasonably necessary to implement the requirements of this
chapter. Ordinance No. 7225 (2002)
A. Update Memo
B. Subcommittee Update
1) Design Guidelines and Code Revisions
2) Outreach and Engagement
3) Potential Resources
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Approved on _______________, 2016
Respectfully submitted,
, Chairperson