Item 5B - 2303 Bluff StM E M O R A N D U M March 2, 2016 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: Lesli Ellis, Comprehensive Planning Manager Debra Kalish, Senior Assistant City Attorney James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner William Barnum, Historic Preservation Intern SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of an application for a Landmark Alteration Certificate to construct a 397 sq. ft. one-car garage at the Landmarked Perry White property located at 2303 Bluff St. , per section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981 (HIS2014-00172). STATISTICS: 1.Site:2303 Bluff St. 2.Zoning:RMX-1 (Residential-Mixed 1) 3.Lot size:8,363 sq. ft. 4.Existing House:2,578 sq. ft. 5.Proposed Garage:397 sq. ft. 6.Applicant/Owner:Steve Montgomery, Madeline Vogenthaler 7.Date of Construction:1875 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the applicant complies with the conditions listed below, staff considers the proposed construction of a new one-car garage on the property will be generally consistent with the conditions specified in Section 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981, and the General Design Guidelines. Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board adopt the following motion: I move that the Landmarks Board adopt the staff memorandum dated March 2nd, 2016, as the findings of the board and approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate for the proposed construction and relocation shown on plans dated 03/02/2016, finding that they generally meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the following conditions: Agenda Item # 5B Page 1 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant shall be responsible for constructing a new one-car garage in compliance with the approved plans dated 03/02/2016, except as modified by these conditions of approval. 2. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall revise plans to: a. Eliminate the half-timbered motif at the portico; b. Change the man door windows to single light; and c. Show a reduced amount of driveway/paving area and the use of crusher fines or similar in front of the garage. 3. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit the following, which shall be subject to the final review and approval of the Landmarks design review committee: window and door details, wall material details, siding material details, paint colors, roofing material details and details regarding any hardscaping on the property to ensure that the approval is consistent with the General Design Guidelines and the intent of this approval. SUMMARY: • On January 20, 2016 the Landmarks design review committee (Ldrc) reviewed and issued a landmark alteration certificate for the property calling for modifications to remodel the attached garage to living space and to relocate the curb cut north on the property. • On January 11, 2016, the applicant submitted Landmark Alteration Certificate to construct a new 397 sq. ft. garage on the property at 2303 Bluff Street. Because the application calls for new free-standing construction over 340 sq. ft., review by the Landmarks Board is required. • Staff finds the proposed new construction to be generally consistent with the criteria for a Landmark Alteration Certificate found at Section 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981, and the General Design Guidelines. • This recommendation is based upon the recommendation that, pursuant to the conditions of approval, the stated conditions will be reviewed and approved by the Landmarks design review committee (Ldrc) prior to the issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate. PROPERTY HISTORY: Agenda Item # 5B Page 2 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Figure 1. 2303 Bluff St. Tax Assessor Card photograph 1929. Photograph Courtesy the Carnegie Branch Library for Local History. Constructed in 1875, the Perry White House is one of the earliest extant buildings in Boulder. The 1994 Landmark designation documentation for the Perry White House describes the property’s first owners: This building is significant for its association with Perry White. Perry White and his wife Rachel Barlow White came to Colorado in 1860 by wagon train and homesteaded on land five miles west of Longmont at a way station called Pella. Here they planted fruit trees, berry bushes and a truck garden around their log house. White, together with George Webster, is credited with starting the first tree nursery in the area. He also had interests in mines near Springdale and in Leadville. In 1874, Perry sold his farm and bought land from Granville Berkley, Sr. and built this house at 2303 Bluff Street, then some distance from the town of Boulder. White planted an orchard and vegetable garden on the property. The Rachel White sold the house in 1891 and moved to 1824 17th Street (since demolished) where she lived until her death. The Whites had four daughters: Safronia, Alice, Clarissa, and Mariette. Clarissa Barlow White married Granville Berkley, Jr. in 1869, a prominent Boulder pioneer. Granville established and operated Boulder's first ice business at 2108 Walnut Street. This house was built in 1875 when this area was located outside of the city limits. As late as 1931, this house was located at the edge of the city limits. The house is a visual landmark on Bluff Street and represents the type of rural development which took place in what was fareast Boulder during the 1870's. Agenda Item # 5B Page 3 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. DESCRIPTION: The property is located on the north side of Bluff St. between 23rd and 24th Streets, in the East Boulder addition to the city in the Whittier neighborhood, an identified potential local historic district. The approximately 2,578 sq. ft. house is located on an 8,363 sq. ft. lot. Figure 3. Location Map, 2303 Bluff St. The "T-shaped" brick and stone house has steep side and cross gables. Unusual decorative molded concrete keystones are found above what used to be the house's two front doors. One keystone depicts a woman's face with a small fruit and flower basket above her head. The other keystone depicts a man's face with a basket of large fruit above his head. Other window and door decorations are simple keystones. The corners of the house display decorative quoining. The front porch has simple wooden balustrades. There have been minor alterations to the house over time. In the 1920's, a rear addition with lap siding was added to the original house. In the 1960's, the lap siding was covered with cedar shingles. Dormers were added to the front and west elevations sometime during the 1960's or 1970's. In the 1960's, a sun deck was added above the front porch. The front elevation of the house used to have two doors; the door to the west was converted to a bay window in the 1970's. In 1985 an attached garage was added to the rear of the house; this addition incorporated the molded keystone and quoin elements found on the original house. In 1993, the attic of the attached garage was converted to living space and Agenda Item # 5B Page 4 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. a new dormer was added to the west elevation. (Source: City of Boulder Building Permit History.) While there have been numerous alterations to the house, the original structure is still preserved and clearly delineated from newer additions. Perhaps the most compromising alterations are those made to the front porch. These alterations, however, have the potential for restoration. Figure 4. South (front) elevation of 2303 Bluff St., 2016. Agenda Item # 5B Page 5 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Figure 5. West elevation of 2303 Bluff St., 2016. PROPOSED ADDITION Drawings show a 397 sq. ft. garage to be constructed at the northeast corner of the existing 2,578 sq. ft. house. The 1985 garage addition is located in the north wing of the house and taking access from 23rd Street. In January of 2016, the Ldrc approved remodeling the rear addition of the house to provide for more living area and relocating the curb cut north on the property. The floor area of the existing house is calculated to be approximately 2,578 sq. ft. with the estimated lot coverage estimated at 1,639 sq. ft. on the 8,363 sq. ft. lot. The application states with the proposed garage, the total floor area (FAR) for the will be 2,975 sq. ft. where the maximum floor area for this property is 4,081 sq. ft Agenda Item # 5B Page 6 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Figure 7. April 4th, 2015 (left) and Proposed Site Plans (right). Not to scale In plan, the southeast corner of the proposed garage is shown to be located approximately 8’ from the northwest corner of the house. A large concrete driveway/apron is shown to link the garage to the new curb cut. Figure 8. Proposed West Elevation Agenda Item # 5B Page 7 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Figure 9. Proposed South Elevation (façade) Figure 10. Proposed North Elevation (façade) Figure 11. Proposed East Elevation Agenda Item # 5B Page 8 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Figure 12. Proposed Northwest View 2303 Bluff St. New Garage Figure 13. Proposed View from Bluff St. Elevations show the 397 sq. ft. one-car garage to be simply designed with a gable roof with pitch similar in proportion to the main house. The west face of the garage is shown to be located approximately 50’ east of the west property line and to be accessed by way of a new curb-cut at the northwest. A simulated two- leaf door is shown be set slightly asymmetrically on this face below a centrally located four light window set in the gable end. There is no adjacent alley and the Agenda Item # 5B Page 9 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. unadorned north face of the garage is set back approximately 4’ from the north property line. A small shed-roof addition is proposed at the east side of the garage. The east face of the shed is shown to feature a set of three, 2/2 double-hung windows while the south elevation of this portion of the building is shown to be accessed an eight-light man door. Three double hung windows, a small portico enclosing a similar man-door is proposed on the main portion at the south elevation. Plans call for the new building to be sheathed in wood shingle. Figure 22. South and East Elevations of proposed garage. Figure 24: North and West Elevations of proposed garage. CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD’S DECISION Subsections (b) and (c) of Section 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981, set forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate. (b) Neither the Landmarks Board nor the City Council shall approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate unless it meets the following conditions: Agenda Item # 5B Page 10 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. (1) The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within an historic district; (2) The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site or the district; (3) The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed constructions are compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site or the historic district; (4) With respect to a proposal to demolish a building in an historic district, the proposed new construction to replace the building meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) above. (c) In determining whether to approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate, the Landmarks Board shall consider the economic feasibility of alternatives, incorporation of energy-efficient design, and enhanced access for the disabled. ANALYSIS 1. Does the proposed application preserve, enhance, or restore, and not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within an historic district? Staff finds that, provided the listed conditions are met, the proposed construction of a new one-car garage will preserve the historic character of the property and be consistent with the General Design Guidelines (see Design Guidelines Analysis section). 2. Does the proposed application adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the district? Staff finds that, provided the listed conditions are met, the proposed application will not adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark property as it will be generally compatible with the General Design Guidelines in terms of mass, scale, height, design and color (see Design Guidelines Analysis section). 3. Is the architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures compatible with the character of the historic district? Agenda Item # 5B Page 11 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Staff finds that, provided the listed conditions are met, the proposed construction of a new one-car garage will be generally compatible with the architectural form, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials will be generally compatible with the character of the landmark property in terms of mass, scale, height, setback, and design (see Design Guidelines Analysis section). 4. Does the proposal to demolish the building within the Mapleton Hill Historic District and the proposed new construction to replace the proposed demolished building meet the requirements of paragraphs 9-11-18(b)(2), 9-11-18(b)(3) and 9-11-18(b)(4) of this section? Not applicable. DESIGN GUIDELINES ANALYSIS: Chapter 9-11, Historic Preservation, B.R.C. 1981, sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate. The Board has adopted the General Design Guidelines to help interpret the historic preservation chapter. The following is an analysis of the proposed new construction with respect to relevant guidelines. Design guidelines are intended to be used as an aid to appropriate design and not as a checklist of items for compliance. The following is an analysis of the proposal’s compliance with the appropriate sections of the General Design Guidelines. General Design Guidelines 7. GARAGES & OTHER ACCESSORY STRUCTURES 7.2 New Accessory Buildings New accessory buildings should follow the character and pattern of historic accessory buildings. While they should take design cues from the primary buildings, they must be subordinate in size, massing, and detailing. Alley buildings should maintain a scale that is pleasant to walk along and comfortable for pedestrians. Location and Orientation .1 It is inappropriate to introduce a new garage or accessory building if doing so will detract from the overall historic character of the principal building, and the site, or if it will require removal of a significant historic building element or site feature, such as a mature tree. The proposed construction of a new garage is generally in keeping with the design of the main house, and location at the rear will not impact the character of the principal building or the landmark site. Yes Agenda Item # 5B Page 12 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. .2 New garages and accessory buildings should generally be located at the rear of the lot, respecting the traditional relationship of such buildings to the primary structure and the site. The property takes access from 23rd Street. Location of new garage behind house is appropriate. Yes .3 Maintain adequate spacing between accessory buildings so alleys do not evolve into tunnel-like passageways. No alley N/A .4 Preserve a backyard area between the house and the accessory buildings, maintaining the general proportion of built mass to open space found within the area. Construction of proposed one-car garage will not affect general proportion of built mass to open space of the property or streetscape. Currently, there is little yard space at the rear of the property. Consider reducing the amount of driveway and parking apron area and using soft (crusher fines) material, (review details at the Ldrc). Maybe Mass and Scale .5 New accessory buildings should take design cues from the primary building on the property, but be subordinate to it in terms of size and massing. Proposed design relates to existing house and garage; size and massing are appropriate. Yes .6 New garages for single-family residences should generally be one story tall and shelter no more than two cars. In some cases, a two-car garage may be inappropriate. Proposed one-car garage is one- story tall. Massing proportionate to built mass and open space on property. Yes .7 Roof form and pitch should be complementary to the primary structure. Roof form is complementary to the main house. Yes Materials and Detailing .8 Accessory structures should be simpler in design and detail than the primary building. As shown, garage is simpler than main house in design, material, and detailing. Staff recommends simplifying design to remove half timbering at portico, (review details at the Ldrc). Yes .9 Materials for new garages and accessory structures should be compatible with those found on the primary structure and in the district. Proposed materials (wood shingle, windows, and doors) will be compatible with character of landmark. Details not provided on Maybe Agenda Item # 5B Page 13 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Vinyl siding and prefabricated structures are inappropriate. siding at rear shed. Staff considered windows on doors should be simplified to single lights. Review details of windows doors (including garage door) at Ldrc. .10 Windows, like all elements of accessory structures, should be simpler in detailing and smaller in scale than similar elements on primary structures. Proposed design of windows on appears to be compatible in terms of window type, size and detailing with similar elements on the primary building. Yes .11 If consistent with the architectural style and appropriately sized and located, dormers may be an appropriate way to increase storage space in garages. N/A N/A .12 Garage doors should be consistent with the historic scale and materials of traditional accessory structures. Wood is the most appropriate material and two smaller doors may be more appropriate than one large door. Garage doors appear to be consistent in terms of scale and materials. Review final details at Ldrc. Maybe .13 It is inappropriate to introduce features or details to a garage or an accessory building in an attempt to create a false historical appearance. Proposed design does not attempt to recreate a false historic appearance. Yes .14 Carports are inappropriate in districts where their form has no historic precedent. Carport not proposed. N/A FINDINGS: Provided the conditions outlined in the staff recommendation are met, staff recommends that the Landmarks Board approve the application and adopt the following findings: 1. The proposed new construction will meet the standards in 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981. 2. The proposed construction will not have an adverse effect on the value of the landmark property, as it will be generally compatible in terms of mass, scale, or orientation with other buildings in the district. 3. In terms of mass, scale, and orientation, the proposal will be generally Agenda Item # 5B Page 14 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. consistent with Section 9-11-18, B.R.C.1981, and the General Design Guidelines. ATTACHMENTS: A: Tax Assessors Card B: Photographs C: Applicant’s Materials D: Plans, Elevations and Massing Model Agenda Item # 5B Page 15 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Attachment A: Tax Assessors Card Agenda Item # 5B Page 16 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 17 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 18 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Attachment B: Current Photographs 2303 Bluff St., view of south (front) elevation, 2016. 2303 Bluff St., view of west elevation, 2014. Agenda Item # 5B Page 19 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. 2303 Bluff St., Location of proposed garage, 2016 2303 Bluff St., view of south east corner, 2016. Agenda Item # 5B Page 20 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 21 Attachment C: Applicant’s Materials Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 22 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 23 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 24 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 25 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 26 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 27 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 28 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 29 Attachment D: Plans, Elevations and Massing Model Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 30 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 31 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 32 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 33 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 34 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 35 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 36 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 37 Memo to the Landmarks Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2303 Bluff St. Agenda Item # 5B Page 38