Item 6A - Update memoDATE: February 3, 2016
TO: Landmarks Board
FROM: James Hewat, Marcy Cameron
SUBJECT: Update Memo
Landmarks Board Retreat Follow-up
Heidi Brinkman will be contacting Board members to conduct short interviews. Staff will be looking
at alternate times for Ldrc meeting and scoping ways to provide for more administrative reviews.
Next retreat will be held in April when new board member(s) appointed.
Glen Huntington Band Shell
On January 19, 2016 the City Manager gave an update to the City Council on the Band Shell. The city
will not move forward at this time with the conditionally approved Landmark Alteration Certificate
to remove the seats and modify the landscaping. The city plans to move forward with other
initiatives in the surrounding area, including the Complete Streets planning project and the Market
Hall Feasibility Study. In 2016, the Band Shell will continue to be programmed and the fee structure
will be reevaluated. If changes are proposed within the band shell landmark boundary, they will be
submitted for review in a separate landmark alteration certificate application.
On January 19, Historic Preservation staff received a letter from Barbara Wyatt, National Register of
Historic Places Reviewer (attached). Update at meeting.
University Hill Commercial District – National Register Nomination
On Dec. 8, the City Council reviewed the University Hill Reinvestment Strategy Update (click for
memo). As part of the strategy, the city is pursing National Register designation for the commercial
district. In October, History Colorado determined that the University Hill Commercial District is
eligible for National Register designation. The city will be issuing an RFP to hire a consultant to
prepare and submit the nomination in 2016. Update at meeting.
Certified Local Government Grant – Historic Resource Survey Plan
The city has issued an RFP for a consultant to assist in the preparation of a Historic resource Survey
Plan. Update at meeting.
Colorado Preservation Inc. Saving Places Conference
The Saving Places Conference will be held in Denver on February 3-6. The conference schedule is
available to view online: 2016 Saving Places Conference Agenda
Comprehensive Planning and Sustainability Calendar
See attached.
Land Use Review Comments