Item 5D - Downtown Urban Design Guidelines - attachment B CITY OF BOULDER Community Planning & Sustainability Historic Preservation Program 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791 Boulder, Colorado 80306 Phone: 303.441.1880 Fax: 303.441.3241 Notice of Rule-Making The Landmarks Board of the City of Boulder proposes to adopt the following rule by the rulemaking procedures set forth in Chapter 1-4 of the Boulder Revised Municipal Code, 1981. The Secretary of the Board filed three copies of the proposed rule with the City Clerk, located in the Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado, on February 4, 2016. Those copies are available for public review and comment until February 22, 2016. Written comments should be submitted to James Hewat at hewatj@bouldercolorado.gov, or the above address, by February 22, 2016. The proposed rule was approved as to substance prior to publication by the Landmarks Board at its February 3, 2016 meeting. The proposed rule was approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office on January 22, 2016. Notice of intent to adopt the rule was published in the Daily Camera on February 7, 2015. REGULATION RULE Revisions to the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines to streamline the document for usability, remove redundant items, clarify language, improve graphics, remove lengthy code references that are not relevant for inclusion in the guidelines in favor of direct hyperlinks, and to update the technical information. Several sections have been reorganized and/or merged to create a more coherent and easy-to-use document. This regulation is established to provide guidance for the review of Landmark Alteration Certificates in the Downtown Historic District to ensure that proposed alterations of designated properties will not adversely affect or destroy their historic character or architectural integrity and that all changes are consistent with the spirit and purpose of the Historic Preservation Ordinance. The City Manager of the City of Boulder proposes to adopt a regulation to amend Section 1 “The Historic District,” of the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines. As proposed, the amended design guidelines will continue to provide guidance in preserving and protecting the historic character of the district. A full and complete copy of the revised guidelines are available for public review at Central Records at the Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway Street 2nd floor, Boulder Colorado, 80302 or online at www.boulderhistoricpreservation.net.