8 - 11.14 Department Calendar Community Planning and Sustainability/Planning and DevelopmentServices DepartmentCalendar November 2014 Amended: November 21, 2014 LastPlanning BoardMeeting: November 20, 2014 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat Oct 2014Dec 2014 SMTWTFSSMTWTFS 1234123456 56789101178910111213 Monthly Planner 1213141516171814151617181920 1920212223242521222324252627 26272829303128293031 34567 DMC Mtg, 5:30Election DayBJAD, 9 am., CC CC Meeting, 6 p.m. in CC p.m., CC *2nd reading Landmark Designation LB, 6 p.m. in CC Ordinance for1919 14th St. (J. Hewat) EAB 6-8pm, 1777 West *2nd reading Short-term Parking Code Changes & Bike Parking (K. Guiler) Conference Room *2nd reading Concept Plan Review for City *Environmental Effects fromFlood Council (K. Guiler) Update (C. Meschuk) *2nd reading Ordinance for vacation of public access easements at 28th St. and *Add EmeraldAsh Borer(K. Alexander) Canyon Redevelopment (J. Woodward) PB Meeting, 6pm in WBSC *Climate Committment (B. KenCairn) *Flood-related Annexations(B.Johnson) *Smoking Ban Proposal (E. Ameigh) *PB Discussion: Annual Letter to CC 1011121314 City Holiday BDAB, 4 p.m. in 1777 West BOZA Meeting, 5p.m. in CC Conference Room CC SS, 6 p.m. in CC *Boulder's Energy Challenge Reception, 5-6 p.m., Municipal Building Lobby (J. Harkins) *Climate Commitment Update (B. KenCairn) 1718192021 CC Meeting, 6 p.m. in CCUHCAMC, 9am, 1777 WestPB Meeting, 6pm in CC ConfRm *Study Session Summary for 10/14 *PB Discussion: Annual Letterto CC BVCP (L. Ellis) *IP: Potential Call-up for LAC for 711 Pine (M. Cameron) *IP: Potential Call-up for LAC for 2250 6th (M. Cameron) *IP: Potential Call-up for LAC at Union Pacific Depot(M. Cameron) *IP: Call-up and Concept Plan Review for the redevelopment of6 acre site at 3000 Pearl Pkwy (E. McLaughlin) 2425262728 CC SS Cancelled City Holiday December 2014 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 12345 DMC Mtg, 5:30CC Meeting, 6 p.m. in CCBJAD, 9 am., CCPB Meeting, 5pm in CC p.m., CC *1st reading Flood Related AnnexationsLB, 6 p.m. in CC*5675 Arapahoe extension (E. McLaughlin) (B. Johnson) Monthly Planner EAB 6-8pm, 1777 West *Pearl Place Site Review (E. *1st reading Valuation Land Use Code Conference Room McLaughlin) Change (K. Guiler) *Resilience (B. KenCairn) *1st reading of a Correction Ordinance to the 2130 Tamarack Annexation (C. *ZWSP Work Plan (Harkins & Mertz) Meschuk) *2nd reading Ordinance Rezoning 5400 Spine Rd. (E. McLaughlin) 89101112 PB/BDAB SessionCC SS, 6 p.m. in CCBDAB, 4 p.m. in 1777 WestBOZA Meeting, 5p.m. in CC with Victor Dover,Conference Room *Design Excellence Study Session 5-8pm, Location with Victor Dover (S. Assefa) Public Workshop and TBD Discussionwith Victor Dover, 6-8pm, BMoCA 1516171819 CC Meeting, 6 p.m. in CC UHCAMC, 9am, CCPB Meeting, 6pm in CC *Study Session Summary for 11/12 Climate *PB Discussion: Annual Letterto CC Commitment Update (B. KenCairn) *BVCP Update (L. Ellis) *2nd reading Valuation Land Use Code *University Hill MoratoriumProject Change (K. Guiler)Options(R. McHeyser) *BVCP2015 Update (L. Ellis) *IP: Update on Implementation to Secure Trashand Curbside Compost fromBears(V. Matheson) 2223242526 CC SS CancelledCity HolidayCity Holiday 1 - 5 p.m. 293031 Nov 2014Jan 2015 SMTWTFSSMTWTFS CC SS CancelledCity Holiday 1123 234567845678910 1 - 5 p.m. 910111213141511121314151617 1617181920212218192021222324 2324252627282925262728293031 30 January 2015 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 12 Dec 2014Feb 2015 CITY HOLIDAY SMTWTFSSMTWTFS 1234561234567 Monthly Planner 78910111213891011121314 1415161718192015161718192021 2122232425262722232425262728 28293031 56789 CC Meeting CANCELLEDBJAD, 9 am., CCPB Meeting, 5pm in CC LB, 6 p.m. in CCJ. Putnamabsent EAB 6-8pm, 1777 West*Cunningham FarmAnnexation Agreement Amendment (Walbert) Conference Room *1029 Broadway Site and Nonconforming Use Review (E. McLaughlin) *2030 Vassar Site Review (VanSchaack) *1900 FolsomConcept Plan & Rezoning (VanSchaack) 1213141516 CC SS, 6 p.m. in CCBDAB, 4 p.m. in 1777 WestBOZA Meeting, 5p.m. in CC Conference Room *Council Pre-retreat& Financial Update 1920212223 CITYHOLIDAYCC Meeting, 6 p.m. in CCUHCAMC, 9am, 1777 WestPB Meeting, 6pm in CCCity Council ConfRm *2nd reading Flood Related Annexations*Draft ordinance to change BMS Retreat, zone/University Hill Moratorium(K. (B. Johnson)January Guiler) 23 &24 *2nd reading of a Correction Ordinance to the 2130 Tamarack Annexation (C. Meschuk) 2627282930 CHS Symposium-CC SS, 6 p.m. in CC Why Housing *University Hill Issues and Updates (R. Matters! 6-8pm, McHeyser) eTown Hall. February 2015 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 23456 CC Meeting, 6 p.m. in CCBJAD, 9 am., CCPB Meeting, 6pm in CC LB, 6 p.m. in CC Monthly Planner EAB 6-8pm, 1777 West Conference Room 910111213 CC SS, 6 p.m. in CCBDAB, 4 p.m. in 1777 WestBOZA Meeting, 5p.m. in CC Conference Room 1617181920 CITY HOLIDAY CC Meeting, 6 p.m. in CCUHCAMC, 9am, 1777 WestPB Meeting, 6pm in CC ConfRm *Study Session Summary for 1/27 University Hill Issues and Updates (R. McHeyser) *1st reading proposed zoning changes - University Hill Moratoriumproject (K. Guiler) 2324252627 CC SS, 6 p.m. in CC *EEA - ReviewDraftVisionPlan(L. Ellis) Jan 2015Mar 2015 SMTWTFSSMTWTFS 1231234567 45678910891011121314 1112131415161715161718192021 1819202122232422232425262728 25262728293031293031