7B - 12.03.14 update memo DATE: December 3, 2014 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: James Hewat, Marcy Cameron SUBJECT: Update Memo Landmark Designation of the Colorado Building, 1919 14 St. th At its November 6 meeting, City Council adopted an ordinance to designate the property at th 1919 14 St. as an individual landmark. th Pending 12 St. Historic District Designation th The property owners have withdrawn their application to designate the 700 block of 12 St. as a th historic district. 2015 Certified Local Government Grant Application Staff has submitted a grant application to History Colorado for review. The grant (the same as re-survey and types of underrepresented resources. Civic Area Plan Landscape designers HR & A the Tom Leader Studio have been chosen to develop specific planned for October. Update at meeting. Housing Boulder (Comprehensive Housing Strategy) Jay Sugnet is scheduled to give an update on Housing Boulder (the Comprehensive Housing meeting. rd University Hill Moratorium Historic Preservation staff attended an open house for the University Hill moratorium on Nov. 19. Angela put together a great board on the history of the University Hill Commercial District. Update at meeting. Board Subcommittees Update at meeting. Pool Design Guidelines The Design Guidelines Subcommittee (Fran Sheets and Mike Schreiner) have working on the draft Pool Design Guidelines. Update at meeting. Comprehensive Planning and Sustainability Calendar See attached.