2 - 11.05.14 LB Minutes - DRAFT
November 5, 2014
1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room
6 p.m.
The following are the action minutes of the November 5, 2014 City of Boulder Landmarks Board
meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven
years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to the recording
on-line at: www.boulderplandevelop.net.
Mark Gerwing, Chair
Kate Remley
Mike Schreiner
Fran Sheets
Deborah Yin
*Crystal Gray *Planning Board representative without a vote
Debra Kalish, Senior Assistant City Attorney
James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner
Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner
Lesli Ellis, Comprehensive Planning Manager
Angela Smelker, Historic Preservation Intern
M. Gerwing
The roll having been called, Chair declared a quorum at 6:02 p.m. and the
following business was conducted.
M. GerwingM. Schreiner
On a motion by , seconded by , the Landmarks Board approved (5-0) the
minutes of the October 1, 2014 board meeting.
George Stark
, 1321 Marshall St., spoke in opposition of landmark designation of 445 College Ave.
Stephanie Stark,
1321 Marshall St., spoke in opposition of landmark designation of 445 College
Ave. and stated that the demolition and landmarking process implicates federal civil rights laws and
the policies behind them that are designed to protect the rights of the disabled and which prohibit
discrimination on the basis of disability.
405 Valley View Dr. Stay-of-Demolition expires November 23, 2014
Statistical Report
A.Continuation of a public hearing and consideration of an application for a Landmark
Alteration Certificate to construct a 1,459 sq. ft. addition to the main house, to relocate an
existing garage on the property, and to construct a 330 sq. ft. one-car garage at 711 Pine St. in
the Mapleton Hill Historic District, per section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981
(HIS2014-00172). Applicant: David Waugh. Owner: Kevin Deighan.
All board members visited the site.
Staff Presentation
J. Hewat
presented to the Board, with a staff recommendation to approve the application.
David Waugh,
71 Bowen St., Longmont, architect, spoke in support of the Landmark Alteration
Certificate application.
Public Hearing
Abby Daniels,
1123 Spruce St., Executive Director of Historic Boulder, spoke in support of the
Landmark Alteration Certificate application.
M. GerwingK. Remley
On a motion by , seconded by , the Landmarks Board approved (5-0) the staff
memorandum dated Nov. 5, 2014, as the findings of the board and approve a Landmark Alteration
Certificate for the proposed construction and relocation shown on plans dated Sept. 22, 2014, finding
that they generally meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-
18, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall be responsible for constructing the house, relocating the garage and
constructing a new one-car garage in compliance with the approved plans dated Sept. 22, 2014,
except as modified by these conditions of approval.
2.Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration
Certificate, the applicant shall provide details on the rehabilitation of the existing house
including, but not limited to, removal of vinyl siding and shutters, as well as details on the move
and rehabilitation of the existing garage. And the elimination of the coplanar condition of the
roof and west wall at the connector.
3.Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration
Certificate, the applicant shall submit the following, which shall be subject to the final review
and approval of the Landmarks design review committee: window and door details, wall material
details, siding material details, paint colors, roofing material, exterior lighting and details
regarding any hardscaping on the property to ensure that the approval is consistent with the
General Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Guidelines and the intent of
this approval
B.Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to construct a 308 sq.
ft. detached garage at 2250 6 St. in the Mapleton Hill Historic District, per section 9-11-18 of
the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2014-00309). Applicant: David Waugh. Owner: Bud and Chris
M. Schreiner M. Gerwing, K. Remley, F. Sheets and D. Yin
recused himself. made site visits.
Staff Presentation
M. Cameron
presented to the Board, with a staff recommendation to approve the application.
David Waugh,
71 Bowen,Longmont,architect, spoke in support of the Landmark Alteration Certificate
Public Hearing
Abby Daniels,
1123 Spruce St., Executive Director of Historic Boulder, spoke in support of the
Landmark Alteration Certificate application.
K. RemleyM. GerwingM.
On a motion by , seconded by , the Landmarks Board approved (4-0,
recused) the staff memorandum dated November 5, 2014, as the findings of the board and
approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate for the proposed construction of a garage as shown on plans
dated July 11, 2014 , finding that they generally meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark
Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the following conditions:
1.The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development is constructed in
compliance with approved plans dated July 11, 2014 on file in the City of Boulder Community
Planning and Sustainability Department, except as modified by these conditions of approval.
2.Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration
Certificate, the applicant shall submit the following, which shall be subject to the final review
and approval of the Landmarks design review committee: final details regarding roofing,
windows and pedestrian and garage door details. These design details shall be reviewed and
approved by the Landmarks design review committee prior to the issuance of a building permit.
The applicant shall demonstrate that the design details are in compliance with the intent of this
approval and the General Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design
C.Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to construct a 300 sq.
ft. addition and 150 sq. ft. screened-in mechanical area at the Union Pacific Depot at 30 and
Pearl St., and individual landmark, per section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2014-
00299). Applicant: James Bray.
M. Gerwing, M. Schreiner C. Gray
andmade a site visit.
K. Remley
reviewed the case at a Design Review Committee meeting.
F. Sheets
made no ex-parte contacts.
D. Yin
reviewed the case at a Design Review Committee meeting.
Staff Presentation
J. Hewat
presented to the Board, with a staff recommendation to approve the application.
Jim Bray
, 1300 Yellow Pine, spoke in support of the Landmark Alteration Certificate application and
answered questions from the board.
Public Hearing
Abby Daniels
, 1123 Spruce St., Executive Director of Historic Boulder, spoke in support of the
Landmark Alteration Certificate application but voiced concern about the height of the screen on the
trackside (east) elevation and questioned whether the amount of mechanical space could be reduced.
Scott Pederson
, 1310 College Ave, developer of Depot Square located at 2008 18 St., restaurateur,
spoke in support of the Landmark Alteration Certificate application.
John Ship,
2008 18 St., restaurateur, spoke in support of the Landmark Alteration Certificate
M. GerwingM. Schreiner
On a motion by , seconded by , the Landmarks Board approved (4-1, D. Yin
opposed) the staff memorandum dated November 5, 2014 in matter 5C (HIS2014-00299) as the findings
of the board and approves the construction of a 300 sq. ft. addition and 150 sq. ft. screened-in
mechanical area at the north and east elevations of the Union Pacific Depot as shown on plans dated
10/10/2014, finding that they generally meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration
Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the following conditions:
The applicant shall be responsible for constructing the addition and reconstruction of the alcoves in
compliance with the approved plans dated 10.10.2014, except as modified by these conditions of
1.Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark
Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit revised drawings for review and
approval by the Ldrc that show the trackside arch walls inset to a minimum depth of
approximately ration inside the arched openings to
more closely match that shown in historic drawings and an alternate to the concrete stair
2.Final details showing door and window details, roofing materials, wall materials and
proposed colors. These design details shall be reviewed and approved by the Landmarks
design review committee, prior to the issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall
demonstrate that the design details are in compliance with the intent of this approval and
the General Design Guidelines.
D. Yin did not support the proposal because she considers that the proposed work should
reflect a modern style to be of its time and meet design guideline 4.2, which speaks to
distinction and compatibility.
D.Public hearing and consideration of whether to initiate individual landmark designation for
the property located at 405 Valley View Dr., per Section 9-11-3 of the Boulder Revised Code,
1981 (HIS2014-00169). Owner: Samuel Slattery.
M. Gerwing, D. Yin, and M. Schreiner
All board members visited the site. attended alternatives
demolition meeting.
Staff Presentation
J. Hewat
presented to the Board, with the recommendation to issue a demolition permit for the property
at 405 Valley View Dr.
Public Hearing
David Cleveland,
425 Valley View Dr., spoke in support of the demolition permit and against the
Beverley Potter,
3201 11 St., spoke in support of initiation of landmark designation.
M. Schreiner M. Gerwing
On a motion by , seconded by , the Landmarks Board approved (5-0) the
staff memorandum dated November 5, 2014, as the findings of the board and approves to lift the stay of
demolition and directed staff to issue the demolition permit.
A.Update Memo
B. Subcommittee Update
1)Demolition Ordinance
3)Potential Historic Districts and Landmarks
4)Design Guidelines
The meeting adjourned at 9:51 p.m.
Approved on December 3, 2014
Respectfully submitted,