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Comprehensive MP for Sept. HRC
Human Relations Commission Monday, September 16, 2013 City Council Chambers 1777 Broadway Boulder, Colorado 6:00 p.m. I.Call to Order II.Agenda Adjustments III.Approval of Minutes A. August 19, 2013 IV.Community Participation (non-agenda action items) V.Action Items: A. Community Impact Fund Proposals: 1. Americas Latino Festival 2. Family Learning Center 3. Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art B. Request for Letter of Support, CU Boulder Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement C. One Colorado Pathway to Marriage Town Hall D. Intercambio Uniting Communities Fiesta VI. Discussion/Informational Items A. Work Plan Updates: 1. Ballot Issue on Board and Commission Qualifications 2. Celebration of Immigrant Heritage 3. Children, Youth and Families, October Presentation 4. Council 2013 Work Plan B. Multicultural Awards Banquet C. Event Reports D. Follow Up Tasks VIII. Immediate Action Items IX. Adjournment Attachments (1-7): Minutes (1): August 19, 2013 Proposal (2): Americas Latino Festival Proposal (3): Family Learning Center Proposal (4): BMoCA Vitae (5): Sylvester Bongani Maphosa Memo (6): One Colorado Pathway to Marriage Town Hall Flyer (7): Intercambio Uniting Communities Fiesta City of Boulder Human Relations Commission Minutes Monday, August 19, 2013 City Council Chambers 1777 Broadway, Boulder 6:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Jonathan Dings Peter Osnes Emilia Pollauf Shirly White COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Amy Zuckerman STAFF PRESENT: Carmen Atilano Kelly Williams I.Call to Order J. Dings The August 19, 2013 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by II.Agenda Adjustments None III.Approval of Minutes P. Osnesmoved . S. White seconded to accept the July 17, 2013 minutes the motion. Motion carries 4-0. IV.Community Participation None. V.Action Items A.Community Impact Fund Proposals: 1. Americas Latino Festival The accountant for the Americas Latino Festival (ALF) did not provide an itemized budget for the Commission to review. Therefore, the Commission requested that Irene (President of ALF) email the Commission an amendment to their budget specific to their events that are free and open to the public - prior to the next HRC meeting. Request for Proposal will be considered at the next HRC meeting on September 16. 2. CU/City Diversity Summit Dr. Alphonse Keasleya member and representative of theDiversity Summit Planning Committee submitted a Request for Proposal in the amount of $2,500 to help fund a collaborative event between the University of Colorado at Boulder (C.U.) and the City of Boulder that Boulder County, City of Boulder, and the local communities. This year, the diversity and inclusion on various communities. Funding from the HRC would help cover the cost of the keynote speaker. S. White moved to accept the Request for Proposal in the amount of P. Osnes seconded Motion carries 4-0. $2,500.00. the motion. VI.Discussion/Informational Items A.City Council Chamber Improvements, Facilities Assets Management The current design and instruction manager with FAM - Glenn McGhee provided the HRC with current design for upcoming renovations to Council Chambers and requested their feedback/suggestions. Glenn noted that the previous remodel did not include technological upgrades which are what sparked the current redesign project. Improvements to Council Chambers will include:sound amplification (to include a sound augmentation loop for the hearing impaired), enhanced video capabilities, updated analogue feeds to digital feeds, a secure door which will enhance security, the audience, LED lighting, etc. The HRC and Staff provided several suggestions, to include: paperless capabilities, sign-in kiosk/station for public participation, podium placement, visual screens, computer monitors and a web feed. B.Work Plan Updates: 1.Ballot Issue on Board and Commission Qualifications This matter is scheduled for third reading at City Council on August 20, 2013 and is on the consent agenda. E. Pollauf inquired about an opportunity to write an op-ed piece in regards to the Elector Issue. This raised several questions about rules and regulations for HRC members in regards to - 1.) Expressing/writing an individual position for an issue (as a member of the HRC) versus as a representative opinion of the HRC, 2.) Advocacy versus education, and 3.) When public notice applies to commissioners gathering. Office. 2.Celebration of Immigrant Heritage Immigrant Advisory Committee is planning a kick-off event on September 28, 2013 in the City Bandshell and the different grantees will be promoted throughout the week of October 1-6. Boulder Asian Pacific Alliance (BAPA) had to decline their grant award because their key event organizer fell ill and BAPA did not feel they could pulloff a successful event. 3.Community Foundation TRENDS Report Annualreport conducted on various trends within Boulder County and City of Boulder will be released on September 30, 2013. Community Foundation requested to attend the October HRC meeting to present their report. Prior to October meeting, Commission will be provided with an electronic copy for review and a hard copy at the meeting. plan. 4.Council 2013 Work Plan C. Atilano and Karen Rahn provided HRC with action and information items of interest/concern/significance to the HRC. Carmen Atilano requested that the commission review two additional information items not listed on their worksheet and assess relevance to the HRC:1.) Sustainable Agriculture and Local Food Systems and 2.) Safe Streets Boulder. S. White inquired about quarterly updates from the Department of Human Services. C. Atilano suggested Human Services Planning (HSP) for the September HRC meeting since 2014 work plan is on the horizon. C.Event Reports S. White volunteered at the Boulder Asian Pacific Alliance event on Aug 10and 11. She worked the trash station and received in depth knowledge about the differences in trash, compost and recyclable items. D.Follow Up Tasks 1. Make revisions to July minutes and have ready for September meeting. 2. Get itemized budget from Americas Latino Festival for family day event. 3. Execute contract for CU/City Diversity Summit. 4. Contact CAO regarding participation on ballot issues. 5. Update 2013 work plan on action and information items. 6. Invite Human Services Planning Department to next HRC meeting. Comment : J. Dings notified the commission of his candidacy for City Council. VII.Immediate Action Items None. VIII.Adjournment P. Osnes movedE. Pollauf seconded to adjourn the August 19, 2013 meeting. the Motion carries 4-0. motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. Attested: Approved: Board Secretary HRC Chairperson HRCCommunity ImpactFund( cover sheet) Agency/Organization The Americas for the Arts, Inc. 501c3 Street Address 854 15th Street CityZip Code Boulder CO 80302 TelephoneFaxWebsite 303-330-6597 www.americaslatinofestival.org ProjectName 1st Americas Latino Festival of Colorado Nov. 15-19, 2013 BOULDER & DENVER (Hosts: CU Boulder, BPL, BHS, Longmont Theater, Denver McNichols Civic Center, DPL, DIA) Contact Person Ms./Mr./Dr. Ms. Irene Vilar, Festival Director E-Mail Address irene@americaslatinofestival.org irenevilar@gmail.com Project Description (please do not exceedspace provided) We are reqesting $10,000 from CIF to help present Boulder Family Day on Nov. 17thand the Panel Series (20 panels), both to take place at CU Boulder and Boulder Canton Library. These components are free and open to the Public.The mission of the Americas Latino Festival is to promote environmental awareness and create a platform of dialogue and mobilization for a just society to ensure that everyone has access to a healthy environment. This will be the first environmental justice Latino themed festival in the U.S. with novel programming components bridging the gap between academia, k-12, arts, policy, business and Latino and non-Latino communities. The festival unites diverse communities for a sustainable future through dialogue on the environment, health, education, culture, and small business entrepreneurship. For four days and throughout two cities, the festival will unite and illuminate the "Latino corridor" between Boulder and Denver with a variety of events, performances and activities for all ages, races, economic backgrounds and interests. The major components comprise an enviromental and soicla justice documentary Film Forum, a 30 Panel Series, ECO K-12 Exhibits, Family Day and Performances. Lots of support and valuable alliances are already in place for the Festival. Whole Foods, Western Disposal, Telemundo, Univision, Comcast, Denever Post, KBNO Radio, GLOBE, Marcos Foods, VIVA, Denver Arts and Venues (co producing the Festival), The Brett Family Foundation, have come on board. The festival is produced by Americas for Conservation and the Arts, is a Colorado based Pan-American, 501 (c)(3) non-profit multidisciplinary arts organization dedicated to uniting diverse communities for a sustainable future. http://www.americaslatinofestival.org/downloads/AmericasLatinoFestival_OverviewBrochure.pdf http://www.americaslatinofestival.org/downloads/AmericasLatinoFestival_EducationInitiativeBrochur e.pdf HRC Community Impact Fund ( cover sheet) Agency/Organization The Family Learning Center Street Address th 3164 34 Street CityZip Code Boulder Colorado 80301 Telephone Fax Website 303-442-8979 303-442-0901 www.flcboulder.org Project Name Contact Person Ms./Mr./Dr. Ms. Brenda J Lyle (circle one) blyle@flcboulder.org E-Mail Address Project Description (please do not exceed space provided) community showings of the award wi documentary tells the story of the educational, economic, emotional and social challenges facing low- income and or minority students, parents, and their communities in closing the achievement gap, and increasing pathways for success in school, college and in the world work. The goal of the project is, to convene youth, parents, school officials, community leaders to see the documentary, participate in public discussions and brainstorm community workable solutions needed community presentations that will be open to the public and will be free of charge. We will be working in partnership with film maker, Jyllian Gunther and The New Public organization. We are currently working with members of the Boulder International Film Festival, Crystal Gray among others who originally brought the documentary to Boulder as part of their International film festival. The following is a synopsis of the documentary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roposalBudget Table Budget Item Projected Expense Postage 100.00 Advertising 500.00 newspaper ads Copying 100.00 flyers Office Supplies (Please specify) 1) 2) 3) 4) Total Office Supply Space Rental 1,000.00 Food 50.00 ( water for panel) Other Direct Expenses 1400.00 (Please specify) 1) licensing fees for the movie ( $350.00 per showing) 2) 3) 4) Total Other Direct Costs Total Expenses 2700.00 Revenue Sources Revenue Amount Amount Requested from HRC 2,050.00 Other Sources of Revenue 350.00 1) Kevin and Robin Luff Family Foundation 300.00 2) Private donations 3) 4) Total Revenue2700.00 ,6''SQQYRMX]-QTEGX*YRH GSZIVWLIIX %KIRG]3VKERM^EXMSR &SYPHIV1YWIYQSJ'SRXIQTSVEV]%VX &1S'% 7XVIIX%HHVIWW XL 7XVIIX 'MX]>MT'SHI &SYPHIV 8IPITLSRI*E\;IFWMXI [[[FQSGESVK [[1358,1093,1408,1150][12][,,][Arial]] 4VSNIGX2EQI 1IIX1IEX1S1%)HYGEXMSR8SYVWERH;SVOWLSTW 'SRXEGX4IVWSR 1V(EZMH(EHSRI )1EMP%HHVIWW HEZMH$FQSGESVK &1S'%MWWIIOMRKJVSQXLI'SQQYRMX]-QTEGX*YRHXSYRHIV[VMXI 4VSNIGX(IWGVMTXMSR IHYGEXMSRXSYVWERH[SVOWLSTWXLEXEHZERGIXLIQYWIYQ¬WIJJSVXWXSWIVZIHMZIVWIEYHMIRGIWXLVSYKL MXWI\LMFMXMSRWERHTVSKVEQW3R7ITXIQFIV&1S'%[MPPTVIWIRXE 1IIX1IEX1S1% TVSKVEQXLEXTVSZMHIWWTIGMEPM^IHXVEMRMRKERHTVSJIWWMSREPHIZIPSTQIRXJSVQYWIYQIHYGEXSVW HSGIRXWERHGEVITVSZMHIVW+YIWXWEVIMRZMXIHXSNSMR&1S'%ERH(IRZIV%VX1YWIYQJSVESRIHE] 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8SXEP6IZIRYI CITY OF BOULDER HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT September 11, 2013 TO: Human Relations Commission FR: Carmen Atilano Manager of Community Relations and Office of Human Rights RE: Request by Dr. Alphonse Keasley Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement ODECE At the August HRC meeting, Dr. Alphonse Keasley mentioned to you that he would like to ask the HRC for a letter of support for the application process of a potential CU Scholar In Residence candidate. His name is Sylvester Maphosa. will explain his request in details to you at your September meeting. Meanwhile, I itae. Attachment: Curriculum Vitae ͳͳͲͳǡʹ nd ǡ ǣ͵Ͳ͵-441-4357 ǣ͵Ͳ͵-441-3148 Ƭ ǣ͵Ͳ͵-441-3140 www.bouldercolorado.gov Curriculum Vitae Dr Sylvester Bongani Maphosa Contact Details 1 Embassy House, Cnr Edmond St/Bailey Lane, Arcadia P O Box 630, Pretoria, 0001 Tel. (W): +27 (0) 12 304 9700 Fax: +27 (0) 12 323 8153 Mobile: +27 (0) 79 369 7172 Email: SMaphosa@ai.org.za OR Maphosasb@gmail.com General Profile Ph.D. in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies; M.A. in Peace and Governance; B.Ed. in Environmental Sciences; and, a D.Ed.; More than 10 years professional experience and extensive knowledge of politics and society in Africa, with significant field experience in research, community-based peacebuilding entrepreneurship; higher education; and, non-government work; Proven skills in strategic decision-making; networking and building partnerships; Proficiency in conflict resolution, conflict prevention and peace building, including democracy and governance work; Researcher, with excellent writing, reporting, editing and analytical skills and ability to formulate well- targeted policy recommendations; Demonstrated planning and organising skills; with accuracy and attention to detail; external (stakeholder) orientation; and, creativity; Policy analyst; advocacy and public educator, and trainer; Peacebuilding participant monitoring, evaluation and learning (PME&L) expert; Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including good public presentation skills, and a very strong capacity for effective teamwork and inspirational leadership; Possess ability to work and multi-task in violently divided and multi-cultural environments. Referees 1. Prof Phindile Lukhele-Olorunju CEO Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) Pretoria, South Africa Tel. +27 (0) 12 304 9755 Cell: +27 (0) 82 230 0804 Fax: +27 (0) 12 326 1785 Email: PLukhele-Olorunju@ai.org.za 2. Prof Nwabufo Uzodike Professor and Head of School of Politics University of KwaZulu-Natal Pietermaritzburg Campus Tel. +27 (0) 33 260 6317 Fax: +27 (0) 33 260 6479 Email: Uzodike@ukzn.ac.za 3. Dr Alphonse Keasley Assistant Vice Chancellor University of Boulder Colorado Boulder CU, USA Tel. +1 303 666 5226 Cell: +1 303 437 2140 Email: Alphonse.keasley@Colorado.EDU 4. Dr Tony Karbo Senior Programme Officer & Associate Professor UPEACE Africa Programme Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel. +251 (0) 11 618 0991 Fax: +251 (0) 11 618 0993 Email: tonyrebdoral@yahoo.com ƌ^DĂƉŚŽƐĂͲsͲϮϬϭϯ Personal Information 20/4/1968; English (Excellent), Ndebele (Native), Zulu (Excellent), Date of Birth:Languages: Xhosa (Good), Sotho (Good), French (Basic), Portuguese (Basic), Swahili (Basic); Marital Single, two children (daughter and son). Status: Education Ph.D. in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (2009); MA Degree in Peace and Governance, Institute of Peace, Leadership & Governance at Africa University, Zimbabwe (2005); B. Ed Degree in Environmental Sciences, Solusi University, Zimbabwe (2002); Diploma in Education, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe (1993); Several trainings and education in Mixed Methods Research (2004 to present); Conflict Modelling, Mediation and Resolution (2004 to 2006); and, Participant Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PME&L) Tools (2005 to present). Professional Experience at the Africa Institute of South Chief Research Specialist & Head of Unit: Peace and Security, Africa (AISA), Pretoria (July 2010 to present) Conceptualize and conduct research on peace and security issues on African continent by undertaking field research trips for applied and basic research to address topical peace and security issues such as: the causes of civil wars in Africa, regional security complexes, mediation and dialogue in African conflicts, peace processes and peace agreements, regional peacekeeping operations with focus on the African Union and regional arrangements, security sector reform (SSR), post-war democratization and election-related violence, and mechanisms for transitional justice and reconciliation; Prepare papers for seminars, conferences, lectures, workshops, and articles for journal and policy brief publications; Engage with media, the diplomatic community, internal and external stakeholders including the African Union (AU), United Nations (UN), Government of South Africa, the AU Pan-African Parliament, the Department of International Relations (DIRCO) and state security agencies like DOD, SANDF and SAPS. Research and Publications Committee Member (RPC) at AISA to review research proposals and ensure quality research and ethical conduct; Administration and programme management through development of strategic direction and operation of the Programme/Unit to ensure quality research; monitor progress of the Unit team, manage Unit research budget and research output including daily management of the mission, including logistics, strategy development, programme implementation as well as supervision of all financial and administrative issues of the Programme/Unit research team; Engage in capacity building and fund-raising efforts; network and develop research partnerships on peace, security, and governance issues at regional, national and local levels; and, mentor young researchers. Amongst other achievements at AISA, I initiated and coordinated a project in which I edited a book volume Within: An Examination of Community-based and assisted by Dr Laura DeLuca and Dr Peacebuilding and Transitions Alphonse Keasley. An emerging outreach programming from this volume is another on-going project on I am coordinating with Dr Alphonse Keasley. Peace Education ƌ^DĂƉŚŽƐĂͲsͲϮϬϭϯ Key Milestones 1. I serve in the Research and Publications Committee (RPC) at the Africa Institute of South Africa, appointed in 2010 undertaking project proposal review, quality assurance and grant giving. 2. Among many academic and professional achievements I initiated and edited a book volume and assisted by Dr Within: An Examination of Community-based Peacebuilding in Africa, Laura DeLuca and Dr Alphonse Keasley. The book will be out not later than September 2013. An emerging outreach programming from this volume is an on-going project on Peace Education and I am currently coordinating with Dr Alphonse Violence Prevention in Violently Divided Societies Keasley. 3. I am an Examiner with local universities and I have also directed a number of Honours and Master degree dissertations, with: University of KwaZulu-Natal; University of Pretoria, University of Venda, and University of Limpopo. In 2009 designed (and taught) a Research Methods course POLS 716 Political Inquiry for graduate studies including pooling outline and material for the School of Politics, University of KwaZulu-Natal. Major contribution and assistance in 2009 to Professor John Moolakkattu the associate professor of the Ghandi-Luthuli Peace Chair including developing course templates for the Conflict Transformation programme from undergraduate to master degree level in the School of Politics, University of KwaZulu-Natal. Coordinated Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies modules for Honours and Master Degree level programme at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus): CRPS 704 Demilitarisation, CRPS 706 Security Alternatives, CRPS 804 Forgiveness and Reconciliation, CRPS 806 Conflict Transformation (February 2007 to December 2009). 4. Key advisor to the Department of Arts and Culture on Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development Framework for engaging post-conflict countries on the continent (2011). 5. Consultant work with the African Union Liaison Office in South Sudan (AULOSS) including analysing political, military, human rights, and humanitarian situation based on in-depth interviews, field observations, and review of secondary sources and write reports for field team and headquarters and conducted in-depth briefings (2012/13). 6. Consultant work with the Department of Defence (DOD South Africa) researching civil and international wars, international interventions (Peace support operations), and African politics, and disseminate through executive seminar programmes and conferences purposely for DOD (since 2010 to present). 7. Consultant work for CENTRE UBUNTU: An Appraisal Report work conducted in Burundi. (Report available on request +257 22 245045) titled A review of CENTRE UBUNTU peace building work: Burundi. (October to December 2008). 8. Between 2010 and 2012 I was part of a team of expert academics, researchers and practitioners drawn across Africa working on an Institute of Security Studies (ISS Pretoria, South Africa) and Kofi Annan Institute of Peace & Training (KAIPT Accra, Ghana) project on proxy cross-border conflicts in Africa. My contribution was a co-authored chapter based on research conducted on Africa Republic (CAR), and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The project put together narratives on issues of proxy border conflicts in Africa and suggested policy actions. 9. Special Awards In November 2011 awarded the Fulbright Specialist Program (FSP) FSP Project Award DeLuca 2011 Ref. No. 4754. In October 2012 awarded the Fulbright Specialist Program (FSP) FSP Project Award Keasley 2012 Ref. No. 5267. ƌ^DĂƉŚŽƐĂͲsͲϮϬϭϯ Select Publications Journal and Policy Articles 1.Thinking creatively about methodological issues in conflict affected societies: A primer from the field, Journal of Peace and Development, 2013, Vo. 8 No. 2 (upcoming August publication); 2. Intervention (Under review with Africa Insight) 3. complex peace support operations, 2013, Africa Insight, Vol. 42 No.2, p104-123; 4.Preparing for peace: The AU regional cooperation initiative for the elimination of the LRA in Central Africa, 2013, AISA No. 85 http://www.ai.org.za/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2013/04/Preparing-for-peace.-The- AU-regional-cooperation-initiative-for-the-elimination-of-the-LRA-in-Central-Africa.pdf; 5.Building peace in the midst of violence: Revitalizing security and engendering reconciliation in South Kivu, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2013, Africa Peace and Conflict Journal (accepted for December issue); 6.Transnational dimensions of African civil wars: The role of state and non-state actors in conflict prevention and peacebuilding in northern Uganda and Southern Sudan, in ISS September/October 2012 special publication on Proxy Conflicts in Africa; 7.Natural Resources and Conflict: Unlocking the economic dimension of peace-building in Africa, 2012, AISA No. 74 http://www.ai.org.za/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/04/No.-74.-Natural- Resources-and-Conflict.-Unlocking-the-economic-dimention-of-peace-building-in-Africa.pdf; 8.Democratic Progress and Regress: How can Elections in Africa Nurture Human Security and Better Livelihoods, 2012, AISA No.73 http://www.ai.org.za/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/04/No.-73.-Democratic- Progress-and-Regress.-How-can-Elections-in-Africa-Nurture-Human-Security-and-Better- Livelihoods.pdf; 9.Robbers or rebels? Understanding the role of greed and grievance in fragile societies, 2011, Africa Insight, Vol. 40 No. 4, p.90-103; 10.Analysing programme strategies using the reflective peace practice matrix and the seven functions of civil society in peace building: reflections on a case study from Burundi, 2010, GhandiMarg Journal, Vol. 31 No. 4, p.711-736; 11.Malema wants power, Mugabe a pawn, 2010, Africa Review http://www.africareview.com/Special%20Reports/Malema%20just%20wants%20power/- /979182/1016150/-/sfqsd5z/-/index.html; 12. elections, 2010, IDASA http://www.statesintransition.org; 13.Problems of democratic transition and consolidation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2010, IDASA http://www.statesintransition.org (An edited version of this article is currently under review with the Journal of Democracy); 14.Assessing whether the reforms aimed at integrating institutions of traditional leadership into the democratic system of governance have been successful. (A publication from the Summit 2010: Building sustainable partnerships between traditional councils & local -7 May, Protea Edward Hotel, Durban), 2010, IDASA http://www.statesintransition.org; 15.Building peace from below: the CENTRE UBUNTU in Burundi, 2009, Africa Peace and Conflict Journal, Vol. 3 No. 1, p.58-71; 16.Strengthening civil society for more effective peace building work: Perceptions of women and men in Burundi (Under review with the Peace and Conflict Review PCR); ƌ^DĂƉŚŽƐĂͲsͲϮϬϭϯ Books and Book Chapters 17.Building Peace from Within: An Introduction, 2013, in Peace from Within: An Examination of Community-based Transitions and Peacebuilding in Africa, edited by S.B. Maphosa, L. DeLuca and A. Keasley; 18.Elections and Community Regeneration: Implications for Democracy and Peacebuilding in the DR-Congo, 2013, in Peace from Within: An Examination of Community-based Transitions and Peacebuilding in Africa, edited by S.B. Maphosa, L. DeLuca and A. Keasley; 19.Building Peace from Within and Beyond: Conclusion, 2013, in Peace from Within: An Examination of Community-based Transitions and Peacebuilding in Africa, edited by S.B. Maphosa, L. DeLuca and A. Keasley; 20.Civil society organisations and peace building in Burundi. (Book developed from PhD thesis currently under review for publication by the University of KwaZulu-Natal). Select Training and Conference Presentations The United Nations and Peacekeeping Operations: An introductory overview. A paper presented at the South African National War College (SANWC): MILITARY OPERATIONS OTHER THAN WAR (MOOTW) COURSE (JSCP 11/2012), 7th August, 2012; Introduction to the African Union and Peace Support Operations. A paper presented at the SANWC: MILITARY OPERATIONS OTHER THAN WAR (MOOTW) COURSE (JSCP 11/2012), 7th August, 2012; The Changing Nature of Peace Support Operations and Conflict in Africa. A paper presented at the SANWC: MILITARY OPERATIONS OTHER THAN WAR (MOOTW) COURSE (JSCP 11/2012), 6th August, 2012; Agrarian Reform, Rural Development and Governance in Africa. A paper presented at the Agrarian Transformation, Economic Development & Land Reform Conference, Birchwood Hotel, Boksburg, 1-3rd August, 2012; Disaster and community resilience. A paper presented at the Conference on World Affairs, 13th April, 2012, University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A.; The tipping point: When social movements become revolutions. A paper presented at the Conference on World Affairs, 12th April, 2012, University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A.; Sovereignty: If and when to violate it. A paper presented at the Conference on World Affairs, 11th April, 2012, University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A.; This is Africa. A paper presented at the Conference on World Affairs, 11th April, 2012, University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A.; Africa: Peace building from within. A paper presented at the Conference on World Affairs, 10th April, 2012, University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A.; From Arab Spring to Nuclear Winter. A paper presented at the Conference on World Affairs, 10th April, 2012, University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A.; Give peace a chance: A primer from the field. A paper presented at the Conference on World Affairs, 9th April, 2012, University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A.; The ultimate governance challenge: Mitigating violence where states cannot. A paper presented at the Reinventing Governance Conference, 8-10th October 8-10, 2010, Millennium Harvest Hotel, Colorado Boulder, U.S.A.; Multi-lateral Organizations: The African Union. A paper presented at the South African National Defence Force College to address elite security members of the Executive National Security Programme (ENSP 22/10), in Thaba-Tshwane, Pretoria, 6th October, 2010; Whither Africa? Reflecting on conflict trends and dilemmas of conflict prevention. A paper presented at the Pan-African Parliament Third Ordinary Session of the 2nd Parliament for the Committee on Cooperation, International Relations and Conflict Resolution, 6th October, 2010, Johannesburg; ƌ^DĂƉŚŽƐĂͲsͲϮϬϭϯ Conflict Management. A lecture presented at The Peace Mission Training Centre for -Tshwane, Pretoria, 19th March, 2012; Geopolitical Briefing of Conflict in Africa. A lecture presented at The Peace Mission Training Centre -Tshwane, Pretoria, 19th March, 2012; Typology of Conflict. A lecture presented at The Peace Mission Training Centre for -Tshwane, Pretoria, 19th March, 2012; Academic research writing: From field research to getting published. A paper presented at the University of Fort Hare (Bisho Campus), Eastern Cape, 22nd February, 2012; Making peace in the midst of violence: local peace-building in South Kivu. A paper Campus), Eastern Cape, 22nd February, 2012; DRC Presidential elections: An imperfect but necessary step? The missing link in the National Library of South Africa in Pretoria, 31st January, 2012; Conference on Peace from Below: Community-based peace building. Colloquy for the - the Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA), Pretoria, 9-11th January, 2012; The PSC of the African Union and the United Nations SC: A comparative analysis. -20th May, 2011; Regional Security: Concepts of Regional Security Complexes. A lecture presented at the Regional Security: Continental and Regional Organisations. A lecture presented at the Natural resources and conflict: unlocking the economic dimensions of peacebuilding in Complex economic emergencies and human security: actual and potential changes. A paper presented for the Senior Defence Intelligence personnel, SADIC, Pretoria, 12th August, 2011; The African Union. A lecture presented at the South African National Defence Force - Tshwane, Pretoria, 5th October, 2011; Security Policy in Africa with a special focus on SADC countries. A paper presented at the (AISA), Pretoria, 24th October, 2011; Making peace in the midst of violence: local peace-building in South Kivu. A paper presented at the Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA), Pretoria, 27th October, 2011; Making peace in the midst of violence: local peace-building in South Kivu. A paper 2nd November, 2011; Idasa, Pretoria, August, 2010; -Natal province, ƌ^DĂƉŚŽƐĂͲsͲϮϬϭϯ Support to and development of training and mediation material for KwaZulu-Natal Ch-Natal province, Other Employment History Senior Analyst: Africa States in Transition Observatory (SITO) Project in the Political Idasa Kutlwanong Democracy Centre in Pretoria, November Governance Programme (PGP), 01, 2009 to June 30, 2010. At Idasa, among other achievements, I: Conceptualized and conducted research to provide in-depth political and security analysis and generate articles and policy reports in line with SITO Unit objectives in the focus countries: Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Madagascar, Burundi, DRC, and South Africa; Developed analytical framework for observing and tracking transitions in the focus countries; Conducted research on democracy, governance and security issues in transition countries; Provided analysis through research outputs and political briefings and seek to initiate possible programmatic or institutional responses/interventions in relation to the focus countries; Facilitated dissemination of analysis and research outputs through diplomatic briefings and policy briefs; Initiated relevant interventions in conjunction with the project coordinator and based on research and analysis conducted; Established strong partnerships and networks in the focus countries and region to facilitate and strengthen the work of the Project. African Centre for Conflict Resolution and Disputes (ACCORD), Durban, South Researcher, Africa (April 2006 to July 2006). Library and desktop research tracking conflict situation in West and Central Africa; Workshop and seminar preparation and presentation; Undertake research to write articles for Conflict Trends and Occasional Paper Series; Coordination of ACCORD Peace Agreements and Capacity Building projects; Write weekly reports on conflict situation in West and Central Africa. Mass Public Opinion Institute (MPOI), Harare, Zimbabwe (January 2005 to April Researcher, 2005). Rigorous literature search and review; Instrument design and instrument piloting; Data collection questionnaire surveys, in-depth individual interviewing, focus group discussions and, data entry and analysis using SPSS; Team recruitment and training; budgeting, financial control and reporting; Report preparation, write-up and presentation of results. in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies (CRPS), University of KwaZulu- Ph.D. Researcher Natal, Durban (September 2006 to June 2009). School of Politics, University of KwaZulu-Natal: at Honours/Master degree POLS 716 Lecturer, Political Inquiry (Research Methods); at Undergraduate POLS 303 Political Change of Developing Regions (January 2009 to December 2009). Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies programme, University of KwaZulu-Natal: at Lecturer, Honours degree CRPS 704 Demilitarisation, CRPS 804 Forgiveness and Reconciliation; and, at ƌ^DĂƉŚŽƐĂͲsͲϮϬϭϯ Master degree CRPS 706 Security Alternatives, CRPS 806 Conflict Transformation (February 2007 to December 2008). undertook fieldwork for PhD study under the auspices of CENTRE Doctoral Researcher UBUNTU, Bujumbura, Burundi (August 2008 to December 2008). Designed instruments for data collection; Collected data and analysed the data gathered; Provided consultancy services to CENTRE UBUNTU for peace building impact evaluation; Prepared and produced an appraisal report for CENTRE UBUNTU. for a social capital and HIV/AIDS research project under the auspices of the Field Supervisor University of KwaZulu-Natal and Oslo University schools of Psychology and Health (May 2008 to July 2008). Undertook field preparation, instrument design and adaptation, and training research assistants; Supervised field data gathering; Quality control and data cleaning. for Human Science Research Council of South Africa (HRSC) project in Research Assistant Durban researching the health seeking behaviour of migrants living in Durban (February 2008 to March 2008). Conducted rigorous search and reviewing of literature; Designed research methods, setting up and conducted focus groups discussions; Analysed the data, prepared a write-up report. for NRF-funded research, University of KwaZulu-Natal (July 2007 to August Research Assistant 2007). Design participatory action research (PAR) methods of data gathering to generate quantitative and qualitative data; Pilot test the methods on socio-economic issues such as water, power, housing and health service delivery in KwaMakhutha high density residential area in Amanzimtoti, Durban; Collected data on the occurrence, distribution, density and size of the sardine fish; and how this over years has impacted on the livelihoods of communities along the coast in the Eastern Cape region of Transkei right up to Durban; Ascertained traditional theories communities hold about weather associated with sardine occurrence and climate change. for a John Hopkins University funded research with the Culture and Media Research Assistant Studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, on Understanding responses to the ABC strategy in the Higher Education Sector in South Africa: towards an advocacy framework to influence policy and practice for prevention of HIV infection among university students (April 2007 to June 2007). Collected data among post-graduate students at the Westville campus using questionnaire survey; Captured data using SPSS; Organised and facilitated focus group discussion session; Transcribed the focus group data; Produced a write-up report. Mass Public Opinion Institute (MPOI) Harare, Zimbabwe, for Idasa- Field Supervisor, Afrobarometer Network Round 3 survey project in Zimbabwe (September 2005 to November 2005). ƌ^DĂƉŚŽƐĂͲsͲϮϬϭϯ Recruit and train research assistants; Sampling, pre-test of questionnaire, data collection; Quality control and data cleaning; Field team management; Fieldwork debriefing. Africa University Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Geography: Lecturer, Undergraduate ENVS 303 Environmental Hazards, and, ENVS 107 Research Methods (August 2004 to December 2004) Lectured undergraduate students in Research Methods and Environmental Hazards; Marked assignments and examinations; Attended department workshops. Minda Catholic Mission School, Bulawayo High School Teacher and Administrator, Advanced Level Geography (Physical, Human and Economic) (May 1993 to July 2003). Teach high school students in Advanced Level Geography; Humanities head of department. External examiner with Cambridge University Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) and the Zimbabwe Examinations Board (ZIMSEC) for Ordinary Level and Advanced Level Geography. ƌ^DĂƉŚŽƐĂͲsͲϮϬϭϯ CITY OF BOULDER HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT September 11, 2013 TO: Human Relations Commission FR: Carmen Atilano Manager of Community Relations and Office of Human Rights RE: One Colorado Pathway to Marriage Town Hall Out Boulder and Boulder PFLAG are working with One Colorado to schedule a town hall meeting about Marriage Equality on November 21, 2013 in Boulder. One Colorado is developing this Town Hall format in multiple communities across the state to talk with local community members about what are the next steps in Colorado to successfully bring full marriage equality to the LGBT community. One Colorado is a statewide advocacy organization dedicated to securing and protecting equality and opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Coloradans and their families. One Boulder and Boulder PFLAG would like to include the HRC among the list of event sponsors. Please see attached article by Brad Clark, the executive director of One Colorado. Attachment: Article: Speak Out: The path toward marriage determined as a community ͳͳͲͳǡʹ nd ǡ ǣ͵Ͳ͵-441-4357 ǣ͵Ͳ͵-441-3148 Ƭ ǣ͵Ͳ͵-441-3140 www.bouldercolorado.gov Speak Out: The path toward marriage determined as a community By Brad Clark July 2, 2013 | 12:00 am (Updated: July 2, 2013 | 5:10 pm) On June 26, we celebrated as the so-called Defense of Marriage Act met its long overdue demise before the Supreme Court and the freedom to marry was finally restored in the state of California. Here in Colorado, though, our celebration has come face-to-face with an important reality: with a state ban on marriage equality currently in place, our families still lack critical federal protections available only to married couples. In other words, our fight is not over. We cannot rest until we have secured the freedom to marry in the state we call home. So the question is what happens next? What is the pathway forward to marriage equality in Colorado? The answer is one we must determine together as a community. But whatever road we choose, one thing is clear: defeat is not a path to victory. our families and our rights brought up for a vote success. For One Colorado, that means we are dedicated to achieving marriage equality in the quickest manner possible but in a manner that still ensures the likelihood of victory. And as our community comes together to identify when and how we will reach that critical threshold, there are a few things we know from looking at states that have won the freedom to marry at the ballot states like Maine, Maryland and Minnesota. We know that in every single one of those campaigns, building the foundation for victory required tremendous energy, time and resources: millions of dollars, and tens of thousands of volunteers having hundreds of thousands of conversations with our friends, neighbors, and co- workers about why marriage matters to our families. We also know, from looking at Proposition 8 and similar battles, that fighting for marriage equality in our courts is a very expensive, lengthy, and unpredictable process. So, without a doubt, our community has some important decisions to make. As an organization, One Colorado is now working to help facilitate that process starting with an online survey and assess the Later this summer and into the fall, we will be traveling across the state to engage our community through town hall meetings and coalition roundtables all aimed at discussing the path forward. charge is to work hand in hand to ensure we achieve that mission for all our families. ƌĂĚůĂƌŬŝƐƚŚĞĞdžĞĐƵƚŝǀĞĚŝƌĞĐƚŽƌŽĨKŶĞŽůŽƌĂĚŽ͕ĂƐƚĂƚĞǁŝĚĞ>'dĂĚǀŽĐĂĐLJŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶ͘dŚĞ ŽƉŝŶŝŽŶƐĞdžƉƌĞƐƐĞĚŚĞƌĞĂƌĞŚŝƐŽǁŶ͘ La Fiesta October 12th, 2013! BUY TICKETS ONLINE (processing fee for online tickets sales) Or buy tickets at the following locations: Intercambio Boulder Office Interambio Longmont Office Casa Alverez CU SWAP Office Restaurante 100% Mexicano Intercambio is excited to announce a prize drawing. For $1 each, you can purchase tickets and enter to win a variety of prize Enter the drawing at La Fiesta and you could be one of the lucky winners! comfy t-shirt and sandals. Come join the fun and get your tickets now. Tickets are $20 in advance, or $30 at the door. What: La Fiesta Where: Boulder Elks Lodge (3975 28th Street, Boulder Colorado) When: Saturday October 12, 2013 from 7 pm-12:30am Who: Thrown by Intercambio Why: All proceeds go directly to Intercambio, and help the organization build understanding, respect and friendship across cultures through educational and intercultural opportunities. La Fiesta 2013 Line Up: 7:30 Logo Ligi (African Drumming) 8:15 Conjunto Colores (Salsa and Merengue) 9:30 Intercambio Performance 9:45 Grupo Kaoba (Cumbia and Tropical) 10:45 Bateria Alegria (Brazilian Percussion) 11:00 Los Cheesies Commissioners The following (in red) Hopefully this covered all of the questions you had expressed at the last HRC meeting. Item number 2 might be of particular interest. Let Karen or me know if you have any questions. Carmen 1-Can HRC members advocate on behalf of ballot initiatives as HRC members: No As individual citizens? Yes 2- Can the HRC write an op-ed piece in the Daily Camera representing the HRC? No As individual citizens? Yes (they should disclose they are a member of the HRC, but are speaking as an individual, and not for HRC). HRC could also ask that the city council adopt a resolution in support or opposed to any ballot measure, but HRC cannot adopt such a resolution. Putting it on the ballot does not necessarily mean council wants it to pass. The resolution usually includes recitals of all of the reasons why the council is taking the position it is so is the only opportunity for council as a whole to give its reasons for supporting or opposing an issue. Legally, the city can distribute the resolution in the same way it distributes other city documents adopted by council. Usually those resolutions are useful to organizations that have the same position to include with their advertising. The recitals in the resolution are helpful information to voters trying to find out more information about various ballot issues. 3-Can city funds (HRC budget) be used to create neutral educational materials re: this ballot issue? Note: the materials would not express an opinion. Factual summaries are allowed of ballot issues if they contain arguments for and against the proposal and do not have a conclusion or urge a vote one way or the other. The CAO will review all drafts to make sure it complies with the law. 4-Does public notice apply to commissioners gathering to discuss public education on this ballot issue as individuals? No, there is no notice or minute requirement if more than 3 members are together discussing ballot measures so long as the topic is not something HRC has an agenda item on. While the open meetings law should not apply to meetings 3 or more members may have about city issues ƚŚĂƚ ĂƌĞŶŽƚŵĂƚƚĞƌƐĚĞĐŝĚĞĚďLJƚŚĞ,Z, the CAO has suggested that members not prevent any public that wants to hear their discussion from doing so. If they are meeting in a public place and someone wants to join them, they should not stop them. However, there is no requirement they meet in a public place. 5- What are the constraints for the HRC to discuss the ballot item at HRC meetings, if any? HRC members can discuss the factual summary but should not have any conversations that sound anything