07.10.13 OSBT jewel-complete CITY OF BOULDER OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEESAGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE:July 10, 2013 AGENDA TITLE: Consideration of a motion to approve disposal ofOpen Space and Mountain Parks land described as two permanent easements on 6,405 square feet (.15 acres) and fourtemporary construction easements on 18,500 square feet (.42 acres) to Public Service Company of Colorado for a natural gas pipeline and valve set ontheJewel Mountain Open Space land at theimmediate northwest corner of State Highways 72 and 93. This is a disposal of openspace land under City Charter Section 177. PRESENTER/S MichaelPatton, Director, Open Space and Mountain Parks JamesSchmidt, Property Agent EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The granting of twonew easementsto PublicService Company of Colorado (PSCo) for a valve set and a buried gas pipeline covering 6,405square feet and the associated temporary construction easementsnecessary for the project,willenable PSCo to abandon in place its existing gas pipeline that traversesthe Jewel Mountain Open Space property. The existing gas line is in needof beingreplaced.However,if the new line were to be buried within the existing easement,construction activity would cause serious surface disturbances on the Open Space parcel, which is characterizedby its extremely rare xeric tallgrass prairie. It would also causeimpacts to the Coal Creek drainagelying immediately west of the Jewel Mountain property on land that is owned by Jefferson County Open Space. Staff believes that the realignment option is a much-preferred alternative to having PSCo replace its gas line within its existing easement. Staff is recommendingthat the city not seek compensation from PSCo for the new easements in exchange for PSCo terminating its existing gas line easement across the Jewel Mountain Open Space. AGENDA ITEM 7 PAGE 1 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Open Space Board of Trustees pass a motion and also recommendsthat council pass a motion approvingthe disposal of Open Space land described as two permanent easements on 6,405 square feet (.15 acres) and four temporary construction easements on 18,500 square feet (.42 acres) to PSCo for a natural gas pipeline and valve set onthe JewelMountain Open Space land, conditioned upon PSCo quit claiming its existing gas line easement back to the City of Boulder. COMMUNITY SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENTS AND IMPACTS Environmental: Open Space and Mountain Parksis a significant community- supported program that is recognized worldwide as a leader in preservation of open space lands contributing to the environmental sustainability goal of the City Council. The department's land acquisition, land and resource management and visitor service programs help preserve and protect the Open Space values of the surrounding publicly-owned lands. Economic: Open Space and Mountain Parks contributes to the economic vitality goal of the city as it provides the context for the diverse and vibrant economic system that sustains services for residents. The land system and the quality of life it represents attract visitors and help businesses to recruit and retain quality employees. Social: Because Open Space and Mountain Parks lands, facilities and programs are equally accessible to all members of the community,they help to support the city's community sustainability goal because all residents "who live in Boulder can feel a part ofand thrive in" this aspect of their community. OTHER IMPACTS Fiscal –none Staff time –This disposal process is part of the normal work plan for the Open Space staff. PUBLIC COMMENT AND PROCESS This item is being heard as part of this pubic meeting advertised in the Daily Camera on July 7, 2013. A Notice of Disposal of Open Space lands was published in the Daily Cameraon June 28 and June 29, 2013 pursuant to Section 177 of the City Charter. ANALYSIS Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) holds an easement for a gas pipeline acrossthe Jewel Mountain Open Space land in Jefferson County. The easement is 20 feet in width and runs approximately 4,000 feet westerly from State Highway 93. A gas line was installed within this easement in 1969,whichnow needs to be replaced. PSCo approached Open Space staff about securing a new 30-foot wide easement parallel to its existing gas line easement in order to install the replacementpipeline without disrupting service through the existing one.In order to avoid surface disturbance on Jewel AGENDA ITEM 7 PAGE 2 This page is intentionally left blank. 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