Minutes - Human Relations - 09/19/2011
City of Boulder
Human Relations Commission Minutes
Monday, September 19, 2011
1777 Broadway, Boulder, CO
6:00 p.m.
Leisha Conners Bauer
Jonathan Dings
John Paul Harris
Amy Zuckerman
Susan Gesundheit
Carmen Atilano
Beth Van Dusen
I. Call to Order
The September 19, 2011 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm by L.
Conners Bauer.
II. Agenda Adjustments
Agenda item 5-B will be moved to the October 17 HRC meeting.
III Approval of Minutes
J. Dings moved to accept the July 18, 2011 minutes as corrected (typo on page 2),
J. P. Harris seconded the motion. The motion passes 5-0.
IV. Community Participation
V. Action Items
A. CIF Application- Janis Bohan- Boulder Valley Safe Schools Coalition, Anne
Guilfoile and Kevin Correra, University of Colorado GLBT Resource Center
presented the proposal for the day long event, "Celebrating Queer Identities:
Living Great, Being Terrific" to be held on October 15, 2011. The amount
requested is $1,860.00. It is hoped that this event will bring a different tone to the
discussion, specifically that LGBTG identity is a happy, fulfilling experience.
The event will be focused around keynote speakers that have extensively
researched and interviewed many people. L. Conners Bauer asked where the
event will be advertised and how will the event organizers know if a "celebration"
has occurred. The event is open to the community and will be widely advertised
through the Daily Camera, the Longmont Times Call, a LGBTG newspaper in
Denver, the Out Boulder website, through the Colorado Health Department,
through e-mail notification and on KGNU. The event organizers plan to have
focus groups of 6-10 students from each session to determine the participants
experience from the event. Janis Bohan stated that they may have an interactive
theatre project at the end of the event and ask participants what their experience
was regarding the event. S. Gesundheit commented that the interactive theatre is
not in the budget presented. Janis Bohan stated that it is hoped that a benefactor
will provide support for an on campus (student) event.
J. Dings asked if the event were funded at less then the amount requested, is there
something that could be excluded, perhaps the water bottles. Janis Bohan stated
that the water bottles are important for visibility, there are not very expensive and
they are environmentally sound. A. Zuckerman asked what the plan is to involve
people who are under the age of eighteen. Janis Bohan replied that they plan to
involve younger people through Oasis, the St. Vrain Valley School District,
Boulder Valley School District, Safe Schools Coalition, the Out Boulder website
and e-mail list, the Fairview student newspaper and that they also plan to target
seniors through Boulder County Aging Services. S. Gesundheit moved to
approve funding for the amount requested. A. Zuckerman seconded the motion.
The motion passes 5-0.
B. CIF Report- Carriage House Community Table- Postponed until October.
C. Draft RFP: Celebration of Boulder Immigrant Heritage- C. Atilano
explained that the RFP being proposed would be in conjunction with the
Immigrant Heritage Celebration to be held the first week of October 2012 which
will likely include a series of events. The Immigrant Advisory Committee is
hosting the first annual event to be held on October 5, 2011. The RFP is
presented for review and consideration. L. Conners Bauer asked how the
amount of funding will be determined and if action is needed on this agenda item
as it is listed as an action item. C. Atilano replied that the action can be to review
the RFP and after review, a decision can be taken at the October meeting.
J. Dings asked for clarification regarding the dates. C. Atilano- the first week of
October. J. Dings asked if any events sponsored in the past were single event
proposals. C. Atilano explained that applicants/organizers of events will conduct
the event during a specific time frame, i.e. the first week of October in celebration
of Immigrant Heritage week. L. Conners Bauer commented that it is fortuitous
due a report in the current issue of Trends regarding community survey results
regarding minorities and immigrants feeling welcome in the community and that
this is a positive way to deal with it. L. Conners Bauer asked that the RFP be
brought back for final approval. S. Gesundheit commented that she finds the use
of immigrant and minority confusing in the Trends report. C. Atilano explained
that the Immigrant Heritage celebration specifically recognizes immigrants, not
necessarily minorities. For example, 30% of original inhabitants were of German
descent. J. Dings moved to table the RFP consideration until October and a
review of the budget. J. P. Harris seconded the motion.
D. Annual Multicultural Awards Banquet- C. Atilano announced that L.
Conners Bauer is receiving an award this year and asked the HRC if they would
like to reserve a table at the banquet. L. Conners Bauer commented that we will
need to notice the event if three or more HRC members attend. J. P. Harris
moved to approve funding to cover the costs associated with the dinner.
S. Gesundheit seconded the motion. The motion passes 4-0- with L. Conners
Bauer abstaining.
E. Approval of Revisions to the HRC Handbook- C. Atilano reviewed the
changes to the HRC handbook. J. P. Harris asked if the HRC has the authority to
revise qualifications. C. Atilano explained that the HRC can revise the HRC
application. There was discussion regarding differential abilities. J. Dings
commented that the language needs to match what is required by ordinance. See
4A-1. J. Dings suggests on page 13, B3-A, add annual to title and on page 14,
delete Commission members. J. Dings moved to accept the above changes and
the changes reviewed by C. Atilano to the HRC Handbook. A. Zuckerman
seconded the motion. The motion passes 5-0.
A. 2011 Budget- C. Atilano presented an updated 2011 HRC budget as
requested with committed funds, expenses and carry-over of funds from 2010. C.
Atilano explained the .15% sales tax, the general fund and allowable carry-over.
There is $12,894 in the 2011 budget that can be expended on grants and the work
plan. J. Dings asked if the money can be spent on the MLK Day celebration. C.
Atilano explained that if the invoices for services in 2011 are received before the
end of the year the 2011 budget can be used to pay them. L. Conners Bauer
commented that if the appropriation does not change, we need to be careful
funding ICW out of the carry-over because it is not a constant source of funds. C.
Atilano advised the HRC that they can change the allocation amounts at any time.
L. Conners Bauer recommends considering a spending plan based upon
appropriations so that there is a set allocation for the CEF, the CIF and planning
purposes and that it makes sense to have a budget discussion as part of the Work
Plan. C. Atilano explained that the annual budget allocation can change from
year to year and that with regard to the newest consideration, the Immigrant
Celebration Week, perhaps it could be funded out of the carry-over for one year.
J. Dings suggests 3-5K for ICW and feels it works best as a community event if
there are matching funds. C. Atilano also questions the feasibility of a sole
(under and feels that in-kind contributions rather than matching funds may be
better due to the fact that matching funds would require additional grant writing
and fund raising. L. Conners Bauer commented that if the HRC is the sole
funder it would indicate that the community is not taking this on.
D. The Community Foundation Trends Report- C. Atilano told the HRC that
staff from CF can do a presentation at the October HRC meeting if requested.
E. 2011 Work Plan
Committee Reports- C. Atilano explained the process for the MLK Community
Cafd, the notes will be included in next month's packet. The MLK Planning
Committee will begin meeting every other week. A. Zuckerman gave an update
report on the TRC, final recommendations for funding have been made and the
TRC is awaiting appeals, if any. S. Gesundheit reported that the Crime Free
Multi-Housing Task Force has met and they are trying to schedule a meeting with
the manager of San Juan del Centro for the pilot project. The property manager
has been attending some of the gang prevention task force meetings.
VII. Action Items-
No immediate action items and no announcements.
VIII. Summary of follow-ua tasks:
Staff will prepare CIF contract for Boulder County Safe Schools Coalition
Staff will make final revisions to the HRC handbook. Staff will contact the CF
for a presentation to the HRC. Staff will request information from City Manager
on Domestic Partnership. C. Atilano provided an update on the NAHRW
conference. I Dings commented on the election year policies. C. Atilano
handed out a flyer for an HRC retreat to be held 10/28/11 in Colorado Springs.
VIII. Adiournment -
I Dings moved to adjourn the September 19, 2011 meeting. I P.
Harris seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of
5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
Attested: Approved:
Board Secretary HRC Chairperson