Minutes - Human Relations - 4/18/2011 City of Boulder Human Relations Commission Minutes April 18, 2011 172013` Street, Boulder, CO 6:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Leisha Conners Bauer Amy Zuckerman John Paul Harris Susan Geshundheit COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jonathan Dings (excused) STAFF PRESENT: Carmen Atilano Karen Rahn Beth Van Dusen I. Call to Order The Aprill8, 2011 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by L. Conners Bauer. II. Oath of Office Beth Van Dusen administered the oath of office to Amy Zuckerman. III. Approval of Minutes S. Gesundheit moved to accept the March 21, 2011 minutes. L. Conners Bauer seconded. The motion passed 3-0. IV. Community Participation None. V. Action Items A. George Crochet presented the highlights of a comprehensive report and budget that was previously submitted to staff and gave an overview of the bias incident tracking. Meetings that continue to address these issues are still being held at Boulder High School and a strategic planning process has been implemented. There are between ten and fifteen organizations involved in addition to MIC. L. Conners Bauer asked if the community group that planned the initial event is still continuing to meet. George Crochet explained that some of the original members of the group have broken off to address concerns with more focus on specific issues. S. Gesundheit moved to accept the funding report from MIC and A. Zuckerman seconded the motion. The motion carries 3-0 with J. P. Harris recusing himself. B. OF Proposal, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA) - David Dadone and Susan Tranbaugh presented their CIF funding proposal and provided background on The Diversity Project to be held this summer in Boulder. David Dadone discussed the concept of diversity addressed through visual representation. There are several events planned that will focus on different aspects of diversity in the Boulder community, including a relay race, and a three dimensional map of the city to show connectivity through the concept of Wi-Fi connections. Susan Tranbaugh discussed BMoCA's commitment to youth and adult education through studio projects such as the Teen Diversity Awareness Project that created and produced a short film. S. Gesundheit asked how the participants will be chosen for the relay race. Mr. Dadone explained that the event is open to all of the community and that BMoCA has been in touch with YWCA, I Have a Dream Foundation, Intercambio, and the Family Learning Center among others to encourage participation. J. P. Harris moved to fund BMoCA's CIF request in the amount of $5,000.00. S. Gesundheit seconded the motion. The motion passes 4-0. C. Revisions to CIF/ CEF - L. Conners Bauer provided some history on the two funds and why revisions are recommended. C. Atilano presented and outlined the changes to each fund. Youth involvement was omitted as criteria in the CIF. A. Zuckerman asked if an event can be held more than one time or do applicants infer one event per year. C. Atilano explained that the HRC can consider funding for a one time event or a series of events in a calendar year and that the maximum amount under CIF is $1500.00/year. Staff will prepare a funding criteria checklist for the HRC that will assist the HRC in their decision making process and will also provide clarity to applicants. J. P. Harris suggested removing free and open to the public from the first paragraph of the CEF proposal guidelines. L. Conners Bauer suggests deleting the word "community" from the CIF proposal guidelines. S. Gesundheit moved to make the aforementioned changes to the CIF and CEF proposal guidelines. A. Zuckerman seconded the motion. The motion carries 4-0. VI. Discussion/Informational Items A. 2011 Work Plan - 1. HRC Handbook, Chapter IX - C. Atilano recommended the following change to chapter nine of the HRC handbook remove specific allocation due to the fact that it varies so much each year. S. Gesundheit asked for clarification regarding the publicity in Spanish provision under the Community Impact Fund. C. Atilano explained that a separate motion is required to provide an additional $100.00 in funding for translation into Spanish for written promotional materials. After discussion, there was consensus to change the sentence to read, publicity for the event must be available in Spanish. L. Conners Bauer suggested that Celebration be changed to Community to be consistent with the Community Events Fund. C. Atilano explained that changes will be made to each of the chapters reviewed, and changes will be presented cumulatively as an action item after review of the HRC handbook is complete. 2. 1 Love Boulder Campaign- C. Atilano informed the HRC that staff would like to shoot a thirty second video of each commissioner prior to the May HRC meeting highlighting what they love about Boulder in relation to their work on the HRC. Additionally each commissioner will be presented with an I Love Boulder T-shirt and we will take a group photo. Before proceeding with this project however, C. Atilano asked I P. Harris if he had more information on the accessibility issues with the I Love Boulder website that he brought up at the March 21, 2011 HRC meeting. I P. Harris stated that he has not had time to do an assessment of the website to determine if it is content accessible and that he will look into it and let staff know of any issues that he finds. K. Rahn explained that the work in the website was done pro bono and that it is not a City of Boulder website. 3. May 12a' Appreciation Dinner for Ray Stewart- Commissioner Stewart's appreciation dinner is scheduled for Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 5:00 at Ras Kassa's, 2111 30a' Street, Boulder. B. HSF Technical Review Committee (TRC) - A. Zuckerman is interested in serving on the TRC. K. Rahn will discuss the details and requirements with Amy before she makes a final decision. C. 2011 MLK Day Celebration Budget Report - C. Atilano presented the budget MLK Day 2011 expenses. L. Conners Bauer asked for additional information with regard to in-kind contributions or monetary sources from other organizations. C. Atilano explained that the city has an MOU with Boulder High School for use of the facilities for the event, which equates to an in kind contribution of $1500.00. Lexmark donated 800 bottles of water and 300 cartons of juice, numerous sheet cakes and bookmarkers. The ADL donated $2800.00 for the purchase of T-shirts. There were over 50 volunteers who donated their time for the event as well. D. NAHRW Update - C. Atilano provided the highlights from the second in a series of planning conference calls. There is an opportunity to promote our HRC at a national level. There is interest on a preliminary level and there was discussion regarding forming a subcommittee to plan a workshop for the conference. We will bring more information after the conference call scheduled in May. E. Circles Campaign - Eliberto Mendoza provided an overview of the Circles campaign and explained how Circles has partnered with the Bridges Out of Poverty program, the goal of which is to end poverty in our lifetime. Circles will be launched in Boulder in June. There is a Bridges Out of Poverty training that will be held on April 27, 2011. C. Atilano asked how the HRC can be of assistance. Eliberto explained that at this point awareness of the program is of utmost importance. L. Conners Bauer recommends the training to HRC members who are interested. F. Gang Prevention Scholarships - L. Conners Bauer provided information on the Gang Task Force meeting that was recently held. There was discussion regarding two different programs, GRIP, which is a program that is lead by members of the community and is taught to all students and GREAT which is administered through the Bureau of Justice, taught by police officers and targeted to at risk students.. There was discussion about the curriculum program, teaching life skills, prevention and a non- competitive sports league. It was determined that the money set aside for the scholarships may be better spent by supporting one of the prevention programs. HRC will continue to follow this issue. VII. Action Items- Staff will prepare BMoCA contract for $5000.00. Staff will update revisions to CEF and CIF guidelines. Staff will make changes to chapter nine of the HRC handbook and will bring back to the HRC for final approval. There are no additional announcements. VIII. Adjournment - L. Conners Bauer moved to adjourn the April 18, 2011 meeting. J. P. Harris seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m. Attested: Approved: Board Secretary HRC Chairperson