Minutes - Human Relations - 2/20/2011
City of Boulder
Human Relations Commission Minutes
Thursday, February 20, 2011
1720 13'h Street, Boulder, CO
6:00 p.m.
Leisha Conners Bauer (joined meeting at 6:20 p.m.)
Jonathan Dings
John Paul Harris
Susan Geshundheit
Rayford Stewart (excused)
Carmen Atilano
Karen Rahn
Beth Van Dusen
Erika Mazza
1. Call to Order
The February 17, 2011 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by J. Dings.
II. Agenda Adiustments
Add Boulder Gang Task Force as 6B, add NAHRW Conference under Work Plan,
Item 6 D-4.
III. Approval of Minutes
J. P. Harris moved to accept the January 20, 2011 minutes. S. Gesundheit
seconded. The motion passed 3-0.
IV. Community Participation
V. Action Items
A. Community Event Fund Request- Out Boulder- C. Busha presented Out
Boulder's proposal for funding from the CIF to bring a traveling
exhibit from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.
to Boulder from April 16, 2011 through May 22, 2011. Two meetings have been
held with other community groups, serving as co-sponsors for the event.
Six associated events are confirmed and five are pending during the exhibit.
J. Dings asked if the co-sponsors are committing funds toward the project.
C. Bushy explained that they do not have funds to contribute, but are committed
to in-kind services such as outreach and to providing volunteers for the events.
J Dings asked if the proposal were funded at less than the requested amount,
would outreach be done in lieu of [the cost] of advertising. C. Busha affirmed
and outlined the groups involved in the coalition. S. Gesundheit inquired about
demographics of attendees at past exhibits and J. Dings expressed concern with
being the sole [financial] sponsor of the event. J. P. Harris moved to fund the
Out Boulder CIF request in the amount of $3,000, which will cover the cost of
shipping and the cost to rent the exhibit. S. Gesundheit seconded the motion.
The motion passes 3-0.
VI. Discussion and Informational Items
A. 2011 Budget- C. Atilano presented an updated HRC budget as requested and
detailed funding, committed funds, expenses and carry-over of funds from 2010.
J. Dings requested a multi-year budget to show a baseline over time, specifically
to determine the source(s) of the carry-over of funds. L. Conners Bauer asked
for a break down of funds for the SID visual project. C. Atilano provided the
break down and informed the HRC that SID will meet in March at which time the
committee will discuss the visual project, which has not been finalized. The HRC
funding for the project was not specific to a calendar year. An update will be
provided at the March meeting.
B. March, April HRC meeting dates- The meetings will be held on Monday,
March 21, 2011 and on Monday, April 18, 2011.
C. 2011 Work Plan-
t. 2 010 Census- C. Atilano explained that the only data available at this point
is limited to ethnicity and race by state, not specific to county and city. We
will present more census data as it becomes available. Chris Meschuk from
the city's planning department is conducting census data analysis for the city
as the Census releases more details and can be scheduled to do a presentation
at future HRC meeting. J. Dings requested a short report or presentation
specifically with regard to informational items. L. Conners Bauer prefers
written materials in advance with a shortened version of the highlights.
2. Clarification of HRC Funds: CEF and CIF- J. Dings commented that the
guidelines for the proposals are open-ended and review and revision may help
applicants to better prepare their proposals. L. Conners Bauer commented
that she was on the HRC when the guidelines were established and feels that
perhaps the names [of the funds] are too similar and that this may cause
confusion. J. P. Harris commented on the difficulty of adherence with regard
to the youth element. There was discussion and consensus regarding language
revision to the CEF and CIF guidelines. Staff will work on the changes and
present the language revision to the HRC as an action item at the March
3. HRC committee representation: TRC, SID, and MLK- J. P. Harris
currently serves on the MLK Planning Committee and is interested in
continuing to serve on the committee. R. Stewart currently serves on the
SID committee. In the past there have been two HRC members on the SID
subcommittee. L. Conners Bauer is interested in serving on the SID
subcommittee. There is currently a vacancy on the TRC K. Rahn
highlighted the process and dates and corrected what was reported at the
November 2010 HRC meeting. If an HRC member's term expires, and is
seated on the TRC, the member can finish as a TRC member at large.
4. NAHRW Conference- The conference will be held in the fall of 2011 in
Aurora, CO. There is a planning conference call scheduled for March 9, 2011
at 9:30 a.m. J. Dings, S. Gesundheit and C. Atilano will participate in the
5. I Love Boulder Campaign- The I Love Boulder Campaign has been
launched and promotional flyer has been included in the HRC packet. This
will be a future action item in the future to determine what the HRC
would like to highlight. K. Rahn suggested that HRC members could
include personal profiles, i.e. background, role in city, what you love about
Boulder, and issues that the HRC has worked on.
6. Boulder Gang Task Force- C. Atilano provided an update on recent reports
of alleged gang activity. BVSD has offered to hold meetings in a school
location if necessary. We will continue to provide updates as information
becomes available.
VII. Action Items.
No immediate action items and no announcements.
VIII. Summary of follow-uu tasks:
Staff will prepare CIF contract for Out Boulder, a multi-year budget for further
analysis and discussion, additional information on the I Love Boulder campaign
and revise CIF/CEF criteria guidelines for the March meeting. Staff will provide
contact information for the NAHRW conference call scheduled for 3/9/11.
VIII. Adiournment -
L. Conners Bauer moved to adjourn the February 17, 2011 meeting. J. P.
Harris seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of
4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Attested: Approved:
Board Secretary rHRC Chairperson