01.20.11 HRC Minutes City of Boulder Human Relations Commission Minutes Thursday, January 20, 2011 172013` Street, Boulder, CO 6:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Leisha Conners Bauer Rayford Stewart Jonathan Dings J. P. Harris Susan Geshundheit CMAS REPRESENTATIVE ABSENT: Amy Roldan Salas (excused) STAFF PRESENT: Carmen Atilano Karen Rahn Beth Van Dusen 1. Call to Order The January 20, 2011 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by J. Dings. II. Agenda Adjustments None. III. Approval of Minutes R. Stewart moved to accept the November 22, 2010 minutes. L. Conners Bauer seconded. The motion passed 5-0. IV. Community Participation None. V. Action Items A. Community Event Fund Report- The Carriage House Community Table The Carriage House Community Table held their Homeless Memorial Service on December 21, 2010. The event connects the community to the issue of homelessness. The event was attended by the homeless community, friends, relatives, faith organizations, and social workers. The name of each deceased person was read and photos were shown during the service. R. Stewart asked about the cost of advertising. J. Dings commented on the involvement of students and the timing of the event. L. Conners Bauer moved to accept the 2010 CEF report from The Carriage House Community Table, R. Stewart seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. B. Community Event funding Decision- J. Dings asked for justification in funding the CEF request for 2011. L. Conners Bauer asked how many years the event has been held and if the event had increased in attendance and suggested that perhaps it better meets the funding criteria for CIF. C. Atilano read the funding criteria for CEF and CIF and commented that the 2011 HRC Work Plan includes reviewing the funding criteria. L. Conners Bauer moved to fund the 2011 Carriage House Community Table funding request under CIF instead of CEF. R. Stewart seconded. Motion carried 3-2, with J. P. Harris and J. Dings opposed. C. 2011 Work Plan- L. Conners Bauer requested that 2011 Work Plan be corrected to reflect that the Bridges Out of Poverty and the Circles campaign are separate. C. Atilano will make the change and commented that the activities listed on the 2011 HRC Work Plan are not time sensitive, they are activities that will occur throughout the year. R. Stewart asked if an HRC Commissioner will serve on the SID subcommittee. C. Atilano commented that the vacancies on committees will be discussed in February as identified within the Work Plan. The standing committees with HRC members include: SID, MLK Planning Committee, TRC and possibly CDAC. The 2011 HRC Work Plan was reviewed for accuracy. L. Conners-Bauer moved to accept the 2011 HRC Work Plan as written with the corrections noted. R. Stewart seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 5-0. VI. Discussion and Informational Items A. Three HRC Goals to City Council- C. Atilano- The HRC goals were submitted to City Council and will be reviewed by City Council at their retreat which begins on Saturday January 22, 2011. K. Rahn discussed the "What I Love About Boulder" campaign and the possibility of the HRC using this as a tool to highlight their goals. J. P. Harris commented that the HRC took a proactive position on the immigration issue and may want to use marketing tools to highlight this as well. R. Stewart acknowledged K. Rahn for her dedication to the homeless community during the recent cold weather. J. P. Harris asked for clarification on CEF and CIF proposals and funding. VII. Action Items- C. Atilano- Staff will prepare the contractual agreement for The Carriage House Community Table CIF funding, gather information for criteria and guidelines for Channel 8- What I Love About Boulder television spots. VIII. Adjournment R. Stewart moved to adjourn the January 20, 2011 meeting. L. Conners Bauer seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 4-1, with J.P. Harris opposed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Attested: Approved: Board Secretary I3RC Chairperson