Minutes - 12/17/2012
City of Boulder
Human Relations Commission (HRC) Minutes
Monday, December 17, 2012
1777 Broadway, Boulder, CO
6:00 p.m.
Jonathan Dings
Shirly White
Leisha Conners Bauer
Peter Osnes
Amy Zuckerman
Carmen Atilano
1. Call to Order
The December 17, 2012 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm by Deputy
Chairperson J. Dings.
11. Agenda Adiustments
Community Event Fund Report by Community Cycles was added to Agenda Item 5.
III. Approval of Minutes
November 2012 minutes will be reviewed and approved at the January 2013 meeting due
to lack of quorum.
IV. Community Participation
V. Action Items
A. Celebration of Immigrant Heritage Report:
1. YWCA of Boulder County: An event report was provided by YWCA. Because of
lack of quorum, the HRC will vote on the report at its January 2013 meeting.
B. 2012 Community Event Fund (CEF) Report:
1. Community Cycles:
An event report was provided by Community Cycles. Because of lack of quorum, the
HRC will vote on the report at its January 2013 meeting.
C. Community Impact Fund Requests: The HRC heard presentations for the
following CIF proposals in the total of $10,050. Because of lack of quorum, the HRC will
vote on the two proposals at its January 2013 meeting.
1. Out Boulder Marketing Campaign ($5,000)
The Out Boulder Marketing campaign's purpose is to spread awareness about programs
offered and expand the audience of these programs. They aim to reach and connect all
GLBTQ and allied people of Boulder County. With limited funds, Out Boulder has
reduced capacity for advertising, attending events, and spreading knowledge about
GLBTQ understanding and acceptance. Out Boulder hopes to increase its marketing
efforts to more adequately reach those in the community who will benefit from its
services and programs. The funding request includes:
1- a one-panel brochure insert (that could be included with a regular Out Boulder
brochure) entirely devoted to Speaking Out that would be direct-mailed to schools.
2- LGBTQ 101 cards with facts and education about the community and how to offer a
safe space at work or in community spaces to be welcoming to this segment of the
community that can be shared with businesses, organizations and schools as part of
LGBTQ 101 trainings.
3- more marketing materials, flyers, produce a pull-up banner for outreach tabling at
events, and an advertising campaign in the Daily Camera to promote the overall
organization in general.
2. Community Cycles ($5,050)
This proposal is to fund 4-5 Rolling Bike Clinics (RBCs) in low income neighborhood
for adults and a large Kids' Bike Day at the Community Cycles shop that will serve about
200 children.
Seeing a rise in the number of adult bikes fixed at RBCs, for 2013, Community Cycles
plans to run RBCs geared to adults in four neighborhoods with historically high adult
RBC participation. Community Cycles has seen an increase in the numbers of low-
income families, particularly Latinos, riding or wanting to ride with their children.
Community Cycles will host its first annual kids' cycling event at our community bike
shop with the goal of helping children and their families gain access to safe bikes and
cycling skills. An on-site kids' event will allow Community Cycles to offer bike repair,
safe riding skills classes, and other fun bike-oriented activities to a larger number of
Using its wide community network, Community Cycles will be able to reach underserved
families and distribute 300 bikes at our annual kids' holiday bike giveaway. They will
use this same network of schools, neighborhoods, agencies serving children and new
collaborators to attract an even wider audience to our kids' event.
VI. Discussion/Informational Items
A. Parks and Recreation Master Plan: HRC provided more ideas on community
engagement. Ideas included outreach to Family Resource School coordinators, local
churches, particularly Sacred Heart of Jesus where HRC has held well attended public
B. 2013 HRC Work Plan: HRC will discuss at its January 2013 meeting.
Commissioners Dings and White finalized the HRC responses to the 2013 City Council
Retreat Questions.
C. 2013 HRC Meeting Dates: Meetings are scheduled for the third Monday of the
month with exception of January and February which are scheduled for the fourth
D. 2013 MLK, Jr. Celebration: An update was provided to the HRC with a budget.
The HRC acknowledged and appreciated that the MLK celebration expenses are being
met more widely by CU-Boulder and other supporters.
VII. Immediate Action Items-
No immediate action items.
VIII. Adiournment-
Adjournment - J. Dings adjourned the December 17, 2012 meeting at 7:38 p.m.
Attested: Approved:
Board Secretary HRC Chairperson