City Council Goals 2012
City Council Goals –2012
Top Priorities:
1. Boulder’s Energy Future
The top priority for the City in 2012 is the development of a framework for planning
the energy future for the city of Boulder. This framework will focus on the idea of
localization, the overarching goal of which is:
To ensure that Boulder residents, businesses and institutions have access to
energy that is increasingly clean, reliable and competitively priced.
2. Climate Action Plan
Outline the next generation of climate action efforts in Boulder
Consider extension of CAP tax
3. Affordable Housing
Receive report of the Task force created in 2010 to evaluate goals and the approach to
affordable housing and Based on Council review and discussion of these recommendations,
develop an action plan to improve the availability of affordable housing in the city
Consider policies regarding inclusionary housing for rental units
4. Civic Center Master Plan
Study and develop a master plan for the area between 15th and 9th Streets, with a focus on
Farmer’s Market and area between Broadway and 15th Street.
Next Tier Priorities:
1. University Hill Revitalization
Continue work of Ownership Group to develop comprehensive revitalization strategy
Investigate formation of a generalimprovement district, including the commercial area and
part of the residential area to control trash and other problems
Change boundaries of BMS land use to coincide with UHGID through BVCP process
Support private development and investment in Hill area
Partner with CU to consider opportunities for properties in the Hill area
Provide an opportunity to explore big ideas
2. Homelessness
Participate in Ten Year Plan to Address Homelessness
Balance long term and short term approaches to address needs
Invest new resources in Housing First model
Work with partners, such as BOHO, to address approaches to immediate needs
3. Boulder Junction Implementation
Work with RTD and selected developer of site to maximize mixed use urban center
Invest in planned infrastructure
Achieve goals of plan while ensuring flexibility in working with developers
Prioritize city actions to facilitate private investment
Focus additional planning work on reconsidering use for Pollard site