CIF Application.OutBoulder Boulder Human Relations Commission Community Impact Fund Proposal Guidelines Fund Description The Human Relations Commission (HRC) is committed to supporting community initiated activities that raise awareness on emerging civil rights issues and problems in Boulder or its neighborhoods, facilitating interaction and understanding between communities, encouraging collaboration among diverse communities, and promoting an inclusive society. In its effort to make city government responsive to the needs of all Boulder residents, the HRC seeks to fund endeavors that will have a high impact on improving social conditions within the city. The Commission will support community efforts that work to build trust and overcome barriers to collaborative interaction. The HRCs long-term vision is an inclusive, supportive and highly coordinated community that efficiently addresses its members needs. The HRC encourages funding requests that address or provide leadership development, youth involvement and collaborations with other groups to promote inclusivity and respect for diversity. Available Funds Annually, the HRC reserves the bulk of its available funds for the Community Impact Fund (CIF). This totals approximately $18,000 for all funded applications in a calendar year. Awards may be made in each month, so the amount of funding remaining available may decrease throughout the calendar year. Eligibility All not-for profit organizations and government agencies are eligible to apply for funding from the Community Impact Fund. All applications must propose to serve or impact Boulder city residents and all events of the proposed project funded by the HRC must be conducted within the city of Boulder. Application Deadlines There is not one specific time during the year when the HRC solicits requests for Community Impact Fund support. Community groups that have identified an issue of concern and have developed a project or program to address this concern may apply to the HRC at any time during the year. The HRC may consider proposals at any of its regularly scheduled business meeting, held monthly. Except for the months of January and February, the HRC typically holds its business meetings on the third Monday of each month. In order to be considered at a regular business meeting, proposals must be submitted to staff on or before the Wednesday prior to the TheHRC may determine a specific area of need and solicit proposals to address that need, with or without a proposal deadline date. If Your Proposal Is Approved for Funding If the HRC votes to award funds for your proposal, staff will negotiate a contract between the city and your agency or organization for completion of certain deliverables before any payment is issued. Depending on the award, total funding may be provided at the start of your program or project, or some portion may be withheld pending completion and submission and approval of a final report. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive informalities and irregularities in proposals received, and to accept any portion of any proposal or all items proposed if deemed in the best interests of the City. Proposal Guidelines All applications to the CIP must follow the guidelines presented below. Please submit your application in the following order: Cover Sheet (see attached) Narrative Each of the following five points must be addressed in the following order. All five responses should take no more than two single-spaced pages. 1.Describe the agency/organization applying for this funding. 2.Describe the need for this funding. What is the problem/opportunity this program/project would address? 3.What are the goals of the project? How many Boulder city residents will be impacted and what specific impacts or benefits will they receive? 4.How would this effort promote a more inclusive, engaged and respectful community? 5.How will the effort be promoted to Boulder residents? Budget Table (see attached): Using the attached budget sheet, provide a detailed, projected budget of expenses and funding sources for your project/program (including this source of funds). HRC funding may not be used for personnel expenses, though outside speakers may receive an honorarium with HRC money. Proposal Submission Submit one copy of your proposal in one of the following ways: U.S. Mail Hand Deliver HRC Community Impact Fund Office of Human Rights and Community Relations Office of Human Rights and Community Relations Department of Housing & Human Services nd Department of Housing & Human Services 1101 Arapahoe Avenue, 2 Floor City of Boulder Boulder, Colorado P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306 Email AtilanoC@bouldercolorado.gov HRC Community Impact Fund ( cover sheet) Agency/Organization Out Boulder Street Address th 2132 14 Street CityZip Code Boulder 80301 Telephone Fax Website 303.499.5777 303.380.6206 www.outboulder.org Project Name Out Boulder Marketing Campaign Contact Person Ms./Mr./Dr. (circle one) Jen Spolnik, Program and Marketing Manager, Out Boulder E-Mail Address jspolnik@outboulder.org Project Description (please do not exceed space provided) audience of these programs. We aim to reach and connect all GLBTQ and allied people of Boulder county. With limited funds, we have reduced capacity for advertising, attending events, and spreading knowledge about GLBTQ understanding and acceptance. We hope to increase our marketing efforts to more adequately reach those in the community who will benefit from our services and programs. Speaking Out is an all-volunteer LGBT that also includes helping to develop Ally Programs with interested schools. By utilizing storytelling and personal connections, S awareness and understanding of LGBT lives and experiences. We currently present about 60 panels per year and believe this very important program could expand its audience if more schools and teachers knew about it. We would like to develop a one-panel brochure insert (that could be included with our regular Out Boulder brochure) entirely devoted to Speaking Out that would be direct-mailed to schools. We recently had a volunteer develop a new logo for the program that we have used to brand Speaking Out that would be used in the design. We would also like to create LGBTQ 101 cards with facts and education about the community and how to offer a safe space at work or in community spaces to be welcoming to this segment of the community that can be shared with businesses, organizations and schools as part of LGBTQ 101 trainings. Our Health and Wellness activities will also be promoted through counseling centers, local papers, flyers, and at suitable events as outreach. We would also like to create more marketing materials, flyers, produce a pull-up banner for outreach tabling at events, and an advertising campaign in the Daily Camera to promote the overall organization in general. CIF ProposalBudget Table Budget Item Projected Expense Postage 750 Advertising, Daily Camera 2,000 Copying 300 Office Supplies (Please specify) 1) Print cartridges ($100 each x 4) x 2 for yearly use 800 2) Paper 100 3) 4) Total Office Supply 900 Space Rental 0 Food: Health & Wellness events (1/month x $25) + Speaking Out 500 Trainings (2/year) $100x2 Other Direct Expenses (Please specify) 1) Pull-up Banner for outreach tabling 200 2) Speaking Out one-panel insert 250 3) Direct mail postcards/flyers 1200 4) Entry to events for outreach tabling (5/year) 250 Total Other Direct Costs 1900 Total Expenses $6,350 Revenue Sources Revenue Amount Amount Requested from HRC $5,000 Other Sources of Revenue 1) We will seek donations $1,350 2) No formal funding source for Marketing or Speaking Out Total Revenue$6,350 Describe the agency/organization applying for this funding. The vision of Out Boulder is that Boulder County serves as a model of equality, respect, and well-being for LGBTQ people. To achieve our vision, our mission is to foster safe environments for self-expression, gathering, support, and dialogue; advocate for social justice; collaborate with others who share our vision; celebrate the contributions of the many facets of our community; and educate the public about the experiences of LGBTQ people. Describe the need for this funding. What is the problem/opportunity this program/project would address? We recently hired a Program and Marketing Manager. The Marketing role is new because of our need to better inform the county with our programs and offerings. However our ability to fund marketing in this economic climate is very challenged. Like many small non-profits, we continue to have to make very difficult decisions about what we can and cannot do in the service of achieving our vision and mission. Our largest event of the year, Boulder Pridefest, is our only event with a marketing budget and we have seen the benefit of that in its implementation. What are the goals of the project? How many Boulder city residents will be impacted and what specific impacts or benefits will they receive? expand the audience of these programs. We aim to reach and connect all GLBTQ and allied people of Boulder County. Speaking Out is an all- We would like to further spread the word of our Speaking Out program. community speaking engagements annually in local middle school, high school, and college classrooms. Speaking Out also talks with business, organizations and community groups. By cultivate awareness and understanding of LGBT lives and experiences. We currently have no funding for this program and do not formally market it. We get requests primarily through word of mouth. We believe this program has the potential to grow and reach many more students in Boulder County to connect our volunteers as role models, for support for questioning students, and to create better understanding and acceptance of the LGBT community. Our Health & Wellness activities aim to create healthy means for the LGBT community to socialize and take care of themselves through activities like hikes, bike rides, and yoga, as well as lectures on topics such as Acupuncture and stress relief. The LGBT community is at much higher risk for increased drug and alcohol use and one proven method to addressing this health disparity take on the traits of their peer and social group. By providing healthy activities we can counter the current norms in the LGBT community by creating new ones. A key factor in our success will be getting the word out about the program and creating a drive to these replacement activities. The estimated number of residents impacted through all of our marketing efforts will be 16,000. How would this effort promote a more inclusive, engaged and respectful community? Through education presented in our Speaking Out, Ally Program, and LGBTQ 101 sessions we aim to reach students, business, and the community to create better understanding and acceptance of the LGBTQ community. Through our Health and Wellness programs and events such as Happy Hours, we aim to unite and connect the LGBTQ community in new and healthy opportunities for engagement. Our Pridehouse is presented as a safe space for the community to be used to social events, programs, and support groups. How will the effort be promoted to Boulder residents? Out Boulder will have a multi-pronged approach to reach residents through local newspaper ads, direct mail, outreach at suitable events, meetings at schools and organizations, and online advertising. We have an expansive marketing plan for Pridefest and would like to recreate it for our other programming as well as going above and beyond by adding direct marketing efforts. With the overwhelming tactic of many businesses to use electronic advertising such as E- Newsletters and web site advertising and calendars (as we do also), we would like to also incorporate some traditional and fresh direct mail efforts to reach our supporters and community members to stand out above the barrage of online marketing efforts. We have found electronic advertising to have its limitations. Although it is cheap (which fits well into our budget), our need to expand has become evident. We also believe we will reach an audience who may not be touched by electronic advertising, primarily the elder population.