Minutes - 11/19/2012
City of Boulder
Human Relations Commission (HRC) Minutes
Monday, November 19, 2012
1777 Broadway, Boulder, CO
6:00 p.m.
Leisha Conners Bauer
Jonathan Dings
Amy Zuckerman
Peter Osnes
Shirly White
Carmen Atilano
1. Call to Order
The November 19, 2012 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm by L. Conners
II. Agenda Adiustments
III. Approval of Minutes
J. Dings moved to accept the October 15, 2012 minutes. A. Zuckerman seconded the
motion. The HRC approved 3-0.
IV. Community Participation
V. Action Items
A. 2012 Community Event Fund (CEF) Reports:
1. Acorn School- J. Dings moved to accept report. A. Zuckerman seconded. The
HRC approved 3-0.
2. Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA):
a. Multi-Lingual Public Exhibition Tours: J. Dings moved to allow for an
extension of the grant period to December 2013 to allow completion of the tours.
BMoCA will present a written report at that time. A. Zuckerman seconded.
The HRC approved 3-0.
b. Dia del Nino: J. Dings moved to accept the report. A. Zuckerman
seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
3. Out Boulder: J. Dings moved to accept the report. A. Zuckerman seconded. The
HRC approved 3-0.
4. Village Arts Coalition: J. Dings moved to accept the report. A. Zuckerman
seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
B. 2013 CEF Decisions: The HRC awarded the following 2013 grants in the total of
1. Acorn School: J. Dings moved to fund 3rd Annual Fall Festival at $800. A.
Zuckerman seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
2. Boulder County Aids Project (BCAP): J. Dings moved not to fund the 2013
National HIV Testing recognizing the valuable nature of the project but does not meet
CEF guidelines. A. Zuckerman scconed. The HRC approved 3-0.
3. Boulder Asian Pacific Alliance (BAPA): A. Zuckerman moved to fund the 18th
Annual Asian Festival at $1,600. J. Dings seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
4. Boulder Jewish Festival: A. Zuckerman moved to fund the 2013 Boulder Jewish
Festival at $1,600. J. Dings seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
5. Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA):
a. Dia del Nino: J. Dings moved to fund $1600 for Traditional Mexican Holiday
Children's Day at $1,600. A. Zuckerman seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
b. Open Wall Exhibitions of 75 artists: A. Zuckerman moved to not fund. J.
Dings seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
c. PrideFest: J. Dings moved to not fund the free admission to PrideFest
attendees as discussed in the 2011 CEF funding decision. A. Zuckerman
seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
d. Guided Tours for Youth & Adults with Disabilities: J. Dings moved to not
fund. The motion failed for lack of a second. A. Zuckerman moved to fund free
hour-long guided tours at $750. J. Dings seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
e. Spanish Translations: J. Dings moved to fund the Bilingual Exhibition
Didactics at $750. A. Zuckerman seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
6. Boulder Writing Studio: A. Zuckerman moved to not fund the Literacy Family
Happy Hour recognizing the valuable nature of the project but does not meet CEF
guidelines. J. Dings seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
7. Center People with Disabilities (CPwD): J. Dings moved to not fund the Thank-a-
thon Harvest. The motion failed for lack of a second. A. Zuckerman moved to fund at
$500. J. Dings seconded. The HRC did not approve 2-1. L. Connors Bauer moved
to fund the Thank-a-thon Harvest at $200. A. Zuckerman seconded. The HRC
approved 3-0.
8. Out Boulder: J. Dings moved to fund PrideFest at $1,600. A. Zuckerman
seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
9. Posteley: J. Dings moved to fund $1,650 for Folk Dancing on the Plaza at $1,650. A.
Zuckerman seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
10. Sigma Psi Zeta: J. Dings moved to fund Culture Shock at $500 to pay advertising.
A. Zuckerman seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
11. Village Arts Coalition: J. Dings moved to fund the VAC International Festival at
$1,600. A. Zuckerman seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
12. Veterans Helping Veterans Now: A. Zuckerman moved to fund the Family Talk
Series at $1,600. J. Dings seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
C. Community Impact Fund Requests: The HRC awarded the following CIF grants in
the total of $8,150:
1. Bridge House: A. Zuckerman moved to fund the Resource Center for Homeless at
$4,000. J. Dings seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
2. The Circles Campaign: J. Dings moved to fund the Getting Ahead Program at
$4,150. A. Zuckerman seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
3. Out Boulder Marketing Campaign: This grant request will be considered at the
December 17, 2012 meeting.
D. Celebration of Immigrant Heritage Grant Reports:
1. Celebrating Boulder Latino History: J. Dings moved to accept the report. A.
Zuckerman seconded. The HRC approved 3-0.
2. Immigrant Cultures in Music and Dance: $500 was returned from the organization
to the HRC fund. J. Dings moved to accept the report. A. Zuckerman seconded. The
HRC approved 3-0.
VI. Discussioniln formational Items
A. 2013 Community Event Fund Interviews: Applicants provided information on the
proposed projects and an opportunity for questions and discussion. Interviews included
Acorn School, BMoCA, Out Boulder, Village Arts Coalition, and Veterans Helping
B. Parks and Recreation Master Plan: Presentation and request for input on
community engagement. The HRC will reflect on avenues for community engagement
and discuss further at its December 17`h meeting.
C. Event Reports: No reports were given.
D. 2013 Work Plan Meeting: The HRC will discuss at its December 17`h meeting.
E. Follow Up Tasks:
Awards letters and contracts for 2013 CEF decisions and 2012 CIF awards;
contact Downtown Business Administration Review Committee re: CEF events;
2013 HRC Work Plan preparation.
VII. Immediate Action Items-
No immediate action items.
VIII. Adjournment-
Adjournment J. Dings moved to adjourn the November 19, 2012 meeting. A.
Zuckerman seconded. The HRC approved 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25
Attested: Approved:
Board Secretary HRC Chairperson