8_20_12_HRC _extended _meeting minutes
City of Boulder
Human Relations Commission Minutes
Monday,September 17, 2012
1777 Broadway, Boulder, CO
Leisha Conners Bauer
Jonathan Dings
Shirly White
Peter Osnes
Amy Zuckermanexcused
Karen Rahn
Carmen Atilano
Beth Van Dusen
I.Call to Order
TheSeptember 17, 2012 HRC meeting was called to order at 5:35p.m.by
L. Conners Bauer.
II.Agenda Adjustments
Latino Task Force of Boulder County has withdrawn their application.
IIIApproval of Minutes
P. Osnes J. Dings
moved to accept the August 20, 2012minutesas corrected. seconded
the motion. MOTION carries 4-0.
IV Community Participation
V.Action Items
A. Community Impact Fund Proposals
1. Bridge House: Emily Hime , B
ridge House
2. Latino Task Force (LTFBC) of Boulder County:
Application withdrawn
3. PERL: Perla Delgado
B. Conflict Resolution Declaration, Shirly White Diversity Report:
C. Multicultural Awards Banquet-Leisha Conners Bauer
VI. Discussion/Informational Items
A. Boulder Civic Area Project, Lesli Ellis, Senior Planner, Project Coordinator
B. Work Plan Updates
1. Budget Update, Carmen Atilano
2. IAOHRA Conference Report: A. Zuckerman
was not present at the
meeting. Her notes from the conference and several handouts have been distributed to
the HRC.
3.Meeting with Mexican Consulate: C. Atilano
reported thatthereis meeting
S. White C.
scheduled on Friday, August 24, 2012. will attend the meeting with
4. Celebration of Immigrant Heritage, Peter Osnes and Shirly White
5. Age Discrimination Update, Carmen Atilano
7. Civic Area Plan Update: Karen Rahn
reported to the HRC that the City has
begun a Master Plan to develop the Civic Area, which includes the area between 9and
17and Arapahoe and Canyon. The primary reasons include relocating city buildings
that are in a high hazard flood zone and to create an attractive civic center with
amenities. Lesli Ellis, Planner with the City of Boulder, Community Planning and
Sustainability will be present at the September 17, 2012 HRC meeting to give an
overview of the project and planning efforts. There is a community visioning process
that will take place at Boulder High School on September 12, 2012.
VII. Follow Up Tasks, Carmen Atilano S. White
attendedthe Boulder Asian Festival
J. Dings
and attendedRocks Karma Arrows.
B.Follow Up Tasks
VIII. Adjournment
J. Dings S. White
moved to adjourn the September 17, 2012 meeting. seconded the
motion. The motion passed with a vote of 4-0.The meeting was adjourned at 7:00p.m.
Board SecretaryHRC Chairperson