Minutes - Human Relations Commission - 08/20/2012 City of Boulder Human Relations Commission Minutes Monday, August 20, 2012 1777 Broadway, Boulder, CO 6:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Leisha Conners Bauer Jonathan Dings Shirly White COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Peter Osnes excused Amy Zuckerman excused STAFF PRESENT: Karen Rahn Carmen Atilano Beth Van Dusen 1. Call to Order The August 20, 2012 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by L. Conners Bauer. IT. Agenda Adjustments Reschedule PERL for the September 2012 meeting. Add Civic Area Plan under Item 6A- K. Rahn will provide an update. III Approval of Minutes S. White moved to accept the July 16, 2012 minutes as corrected. J. Dings seconded the motion. MOTION carries 3-0. IV Community Participation Sophie Duncan, 4884 Franklin Drive, Boulder, CO and Sophie Browning, 3186 Gallina Way, Boulder, CO both representing YOAB addressed the HRC regarding possible revisions to the Human Rights Ordinance, they are particularly interested in potential changes to the age discrimination protection specifically with regard to employment. Regarding increasing the age to 65 YOAB feels that the HRC should also consider lowering the age for employment and public accommodations. L. Conners Bauer asked when will the recommendations for the modifications for age discrimination come back to the HRC? C. Atilano stated, in September. C. Atilano stated that depending upon the consideration of the HRC we can delay the recommendations further and include them in an analysis for later consideration. V. Action Items A. Community Impact Fund Proposals 1. Bridge House: C. Atilano reported that there was some cross communication with Bridge House and that they will give a presentation at the September meeting. C. Atilano asked the HRC if they feel comfortable moving forward on the proposal without a presentation. L. Conners Bauer responded that the HRC would like to have a presentation prior to approving funding as the HRC is the only funding source for this event. 2. Latino Task Force (LTFBC) of Boulder County: Carmen Ramirez and Perla Delgado presented a Community Impact Fund request in the amount of $5,000.00 for the Latino Assessment of Boulder County. The first assessment was conducted ten years ago and provided data for the City and the County. The objective is to identify values and contributions made by the Latino community that have improved the quality of life for Boulder County residents and to identify needs for improving the quality of life for Boulder County Latino residents. The Latino Task Force is requesting additional funding which will be specific to the City of Boulder. LTF has conducted a secondary data review, are beginning to form focus groups and conduct surveys and will finalize the assessment by the end of the year. The LTF is requesting additional funds to conduct additional focus groups. S. White asked for clarification on the type of information being gathered in the focus groups. Carmen Ramirez replied that they (LTFBC) will be asking the groups what kind of things have changed in the last 10 years in the County and in their own communities and what kind of contributions have Latinos made in the community. What are the needs, issues and challenges facing Latinos. Following the focus group, a survey will be conducted. J. Dings asked if LTFBC has secured funding from any other source. Carmen Ramirez replied that the focus groups will only be conducted in the City of Boulder and that issues within high schools have been identified. J. Dings asked for additional information on the cost of the focus groups and the benefit to the City. J. Dings recused himself from a vote on this proposal. This proposal will be rescheduled for the September 17, 2012 HRC due to a lack of a quorum. L. Conners Bauer requested additional budget information as the previous $5,000 HRC grant was not listed as a source of revenue and this grant request from the HRC is for $5,130.00. 3. PERL: Grant request deferred until the September 17, 2012 meeting. B. Diversity Report: Stephanie Greenberg provided details from her data analysis and her report entitled "What Does Diversity Look Like in the City of Boulder". During her presentation, Stephanie focused on economic status and living situation(s) with an emphasis on age, race, linguistic status, household type, income status, homelessness, disability, and GLBTQ status. The primary quantitative data sources were the 2010 census and the American Community Survey, which is sample survey of 3% of residential addressed nationwide. L. Conners Bauer asked Stephanie to highlight key findings with regard to the homeless population. The primary source of data is from the Point in Time count conducted on January 23, 2012. Veterans, persons of color and Latinos were over represented. There were 750 homeless individuals counted in the City of Boulder. Forty percent of those surveyed, who were homeless had at least one person in their family employed. There were twice as many newly homeless as there were chronically homeless. Five hundred children were served in the BVSD under the McKinney Vento Act S. White asked if there is additional ethnicity information available for the categories where primary data is provided. Stephanie Greenberg replied that the estimates likely will not be reliable to large sampling errors and that this data is a very small piece of the population and is hard to capture with the sampling tools employed. Some of this data has been captured in the County Homeless and Poverty report. .I. Dings asked about validating LGBQT data with other sources. Stephanie replied that the only other source may be the county data and that the GLBTQ population in BVSD is about 5%. 1 Dings moved to accept the report from Stephanie Greenberg. S. White seconded the motion. Motion carries 3-0. VI. Discussion/In formational Items A. HRC Work Plan 1. HHS Senior Services Report: Betty Kilsdouk, Manager, Senior Services Division introduced herself and provided an overview of the Senior Services Division, their mission and scope of services provided. L. Conners Bauer asked if Senior Services are restricted to citizens or residents? Some programs are specifically for residents and some programs that are administered countywide. K. Rahn specified that programs are for residents unless there are state or federal eligibility criteria. S. White asked if documentation is required for programs that are administered with regard to state and federal programs. Yes, it is a requirement. You must be a legal resident. S. White commented that the City Community Mediation Services provides conflict resolution and is not listed as a resource for senior services. L. Conners Bauer asked if there is outreach to GLBTQ seniors. Outreach to the GLBTQ population is provided through case-workers. S. White asked if there are specific measurable outcomes that the Senior Services Division is striving toward and how the HRC can assist with these goals. B. Kilsdonk cited that the Bilingual Outreach Coordinator position as an example. This position is funded through a grant and therefore there are specific measurable outcomes associated. K. Rahn commented that there is a Master Plan revision scheduled which will likely lead to substantive changes with regard to community indicators. L. Conners Bauer asked about increased demand for Senior Services with regard to changing demographics. B. Kilsdonk commented that this a well known trend and will be addressed in the revisions to the Master Plan. 2. IAOHRA Conference Report: A. Zuckerman was not present at the meeting. Her notes from the conference and several handouts have been distributed to the HRC. 3. Meeting with Mexican Consulate: C. Atilano reported that there is meeting scheduled on Friday, August 24, 2012. S. White will attend the meeting with C. Atilano. 4. Civic Area Plan Update: Karen Rahn reported to the HRC that the City has begun a Master Plan to develop the Civic Area, which includes the area between 9ch and 17'h and Arapahoe and Canyon. The primary reasons include relocating city buildings that are in a high hazard flood zone and to create an attractive civic center with amenities. Lesli Ellis, Planner with the City of Boulder, Community Planning and Sustainability will be present at the September 17, 2012 HRC meeting to give an overview of the project and planning efforts. There is a community visioning process that will take place at Boulder High School on September 12, 2012. 5. Event Reports: S. White attended the Boulder Asian Festival and J. Dings attended Rocks Karma Arrows. B. Follow Up Tasks 1. Analysis of youth in age discrimination in employment and public accommodations. 2. Reschedule CIF proposals for the September 17, 2012 meeting. 3. Close contract with Stephanie Greenberg VII. Action Items No immediate action items. VIII. Adiournment J. Dings moved to adjourn the August 20, 2012 meeting. S. White seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m. Attested: Approved: Board Secretary HRC Chairperson