Agenda_8_20_12 Human Relations Commission Monday, August20, 2012 City Council Chambers 1777 Broadway Boulder, Colorado 6:00p.m. I.Call to Order II.Agenda Adjustments III.Approval of Minutes A. July 16,2012 IV.Community Participation (non-agenda action items) V.Action Item A.Community Impact Fund Proposals: 1.Bridge House 2.Latino Task Force of Boulder County 3.PERL B.Diversity Report, Stephanie Greenberg VI.Discussion/Informational Items A.HRC Work Plan: 1.HHS Senior Services Report, Betty Kilsdonk 2.IAOHRA Conference Report, Amy Zuckerman 3.Meeting with Mexican Consulate 4.Event Reports B.Follow Up Task, Carmen Atilano VII.Immediate Action Items VIII.Adjournment Attachments: Minutes: July 16, 2012 Proposal:2012 Homeless Persons’ Memorial Proposal: Latino Task Force of Boulder County Proposal:PERL Report:What Does Diversity Look Like in the City of Boulder? Memo:HHS Senior Services Report:IAOHRA Conference Spread sheet:Human Relations 2012 Work Plan with Budget Items