Agenda_7_16_12 Human Relations Commission Monday, July16, 2012 City Council Chambers 1777 Broadway Boulder, Colorado 6:00p.m. I.Call to Order II.Agenda Adjustments III.Approval of Minutes A.June 18, 2012 IV.Community Participation (non-agenda action items) V.Action Items A.Community Impact Fund Proposals: 1.Intercambio de Comunidades 2.Boulder Immigrant Legal Center B. Community Impact Fund Reports: 1. Communikey CIF Report C. IAOHRA Conference VI.Discussion/Informational Items A.2012 Work Plan Review: 1.2011 Cases Statistics: B.R.C Title 12 2. 2013 MLK Event B.Follow Up Tasks VII.Immediate Action Items VIII.Adjournment Attachments: Minutes: June 18, 2012 Proposal (funded):Communikey (Note: copy of proposal is for background review) Proposal:Intercambio de Comunidades Proposal:Boulder Immigrant Legal Center Print Out:IAOHRA Conference Report:2011 Case Statistics