6_18_12_extended_minutes_final City of Boulder Human Relations Commission Minutes Monday,June 18, 2012 1777 Broadway, Boulder, CO 6:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Leisha Conners Bauer Jonathan Dings Peter Osnes Shirly White Amy Zuckerman COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Carmen Atilano John Bunzli Beth Van Dusen I.Call to Order TheJune 20, 2012 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:02p.m.by L. Conners Bauer. II.Agenda Adjustments None . IIIApproval of Minutes S. White moved to accept the May 21, 2012minuteswith the following correction, replace the acronym CIF with CEF in agenda item 5-C. IV Community Participation Laurel Herndon-Director, Immigrant Legal Center (ILC) addressed the Commission regarding the recent DREAM Candidate—Deferred Action affirmative registration Ms. Herndon program enacted by President Obama. informed the HRC that the ILC would like to request grant assistance for outreach efforts and workshops. ILC will submit a CIF application. V.Action Items A. Community Impact Fund 1.Poverty Simulation WorkshopReport-ElibertoMendoza, Circles Campaign Coordinator provided a report as per contractual agreement on the Poverty J. Dings P. Osnes Simulation Workshop held on 4/21/12. moved to accept the report. MOTION CARRIES 5-0.Discussion: C. Atilano seconded the motion. asked E. Mendoza E. Mendoza if he there is a need to enhance the Boulder effort. replied that the Circles Campaign is committed to enhancing public awareness with regard to poverty S. White E. Mendoza issues. asked about the participants who attended the event. replied that there were attendees from the general public as well as elected officials who E. Mendoza attended the event.reported thatthe state legislators who attended expressed interest in holding an eventfor elected officials. 2. CU Diversity Summit Proposal-S. White moved to approve funding as requestedin the amount of $2500 for the Diversity Summit to be held November 13-15, A. Zuckerman MOTION CARRIES 4-0. 2012.seconded the motion. L. Conners Bauer is a member of the planning committee and recused herself from the discussion and the vote. VI. Discussion/Informational Items A. 2012 Work Plan 1.Age as a protected classin B.R.C. Title 12-J. Bunzli provided an overview of the memo prepared for the HRC. The HRC discussed their interest in proceeding forward with the process of developing a recommendation to City Council for revision to B.R.C. Title 12, Human Rights Ordinance. Staff will contact the City Attorney’s Office for draft language. 2.Annual Celebration of Immigrant Heritage- The Immigrant Advisory Committee (IAC) would like to host a kick-off event for the celebration of Immigrant Heritage S. White Week. There was discussion regarding the HRC co-sponsoring the event. P. Osnes and will attend the next IAC meeting to discuss the logistics. 3.Work Plan Budget Items- There was discussion regarding items/issues on the 2012 Work Plan that would benefit from additional funding. Issues identified include: homelessness,including increasing awareness, potential conflict resolution anda case managementneeds assessment with regard to the city’s newly formed Homelessness Planning Group. An awareness campaign of issues identified by the Latino Task Force Needs Assessmentand possible recommendations for systemic changes within the city. A public education campaign regarding the Human Rights Ordinance, and the Failure to Pay Wages Ordinance. Continue to partner with theCommunity Action Program-Circles Campaign to increase awareness of poverty issues in the City of Boulder. Identify ways to increase diverse representationon city boards and commissions.2012 Census analysis-issuesidentified in Stephanie Greenberg’s J. Dings forthcoming report and the 2012 NAHRW/IAOHRA conference. reported that he attended the 2012 Boulder Jewish Festival on June 10, 2012. The event was well attended. Boulder Jewish Festival will give a report on the event at the October 15, 2012 HRC meeting. B.2008 Ballot Question 2-EQualifications for Appointments to City Boards and Commissions-C. Atilano provided an overview of the memo included in the HRC packet. There was discussion regarding next steps in consideration ofrecommending C. Atilano a Charter amendment to City Council. explained the process with regard to a referendum. The issue is referred to a charter committee comprised of city council members. In order to advance the issue, the committee will make a recommendation to city councilregarding the consideration of a referendum. S. White C. Atilano asked if the charter can be amended without a vote.will research this issue and report back to the HRC. C.Follow up Tasks- 1.Revise minutes. 2.Prepare contract for CU Diversity and Inclusion Summit. 3.Continue work on the Office of Human Rights age discrimination protection provision. 4.Contact City Attorney regarding draft language. S. WhiteP. Osnes 5.Meeting with and and the IAC regarding Celebration of Immigrant Heritage Week. 6.Prepare chart of HRC 2012 Work Plan budget items. 7.HRO report for July packet. C. Atilano 8.will research potential changes to the charter with regard to city boards and commissions. A. ZuckermanP. Osnes 9.Contact and regarding the MLK Planning Committee meeting scheduled for July. VII.Action Items- No immediate action items. VIII. Adjournment- P. Osnes S. White moved to adjourn the June 18, 2012 meeting. seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 5-0.The meeting was adjourned at 7:05p.m. Attested:Approved: Board SecretaryHRC Chairperson