Minutes - Human Relations - 01/23/2012
City of Boulder
Human Relations Commission Minutes
Monday, January 23, 2012
2160 Spruce, Boulder, CO
6:00 p.m.
Leisha Conners Bauer
Jonathan Dings
John Paul Hams
Amy Zuckerman
Susan Gesundheit
Carmen Atilano
Beth Van Dusen
1. Call to Order
The January 23, 2012 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by
L. Conners Bauer.
II. Agenda Mustments
Add Announcements as Agenda item #8.
III Approval of Minutes
A. Zuckerman moved to accept the November 14, 2011 minutes with the
following correction, change the date to read November. S. Geshundheit
seconded. The motion passes 4-0. J. P. Harris joined the meeting in progress
at 6:40 p.m.
IV. Community Participation
V. Action Items
A. 2012 HRC Work Plan-
J. Dings moved to accept the 2012 HRC Work Plan with the following changes,
correct the grammatical error in 4-C, and change the language in 1-C to be more
affirmative and to read: create opportunities rather than look for opportunities,
specifically with regard to awareness of homeless issues. S. Gesundheit
seconded the motion. The motion carries unanimously.
B. 2011 Community Event Fund Report- Village Arts Coalition (VAC)
Melba Shepherd distributed copies of the report the HRC. Overall, the event
was very successful, attendance was very good at the 2011 event numbering in the
thousands. VAC did suffer a financial loss, there were fewer vendors and they
did not do as well as in previous years. There were no food vendors. The largest
expenses include the tent rental, overnight security and rental of the sound
equipment and the cost of the sound technician. L. Conners Bauer asked if the
event was translated into Spanish. Melba Shepherd replied that yes, it is always
translated into Spanish. A. Zuckerman asked if VAC paid for advertising in the
Daily Camera Melba Shepherd responded, yes, it is in the budget. J. Dings
moved to accept the 2011 VAC report. S. Gesundheit seconded the motion. The
motion carries 40.
VI. A. Community Event Fund Interviews-
Village Arts Coalition- Melba Shepherd thanked the HRC for the opportunity to
present the project. VAC is a non-profit organization, whose mission is to
promote culture through folk arts and dance. A key element in fulfilling this
mission is to host the International Festival. The event promotes diversity and
intercultural understanding. Funds for the event are drawn from membership,
sponsors and vendors. The event is promoted through ads in the Daily Camera,
public broadcast announcements and flyers. L. Conners Bauer asked if VAC
plans to do anything significantly different from last years event. Melba
Shepherd replied that the event will be largely unchanged. L. Conners Bauer
asked how the financial loss aspect will be handled Melba Shepherd explained
that VAC purchased T-shirts for volunteers last year and that they will not be
purchasing shirts again this year. While most of the costs associated with ruining
the event have increased, VAC does have reserves if there is a shortfall.
V. 2012 Community Events Fund Decision-
J. Dings moved to approve funding in the amount of $1600 for the 2012 VAC
International Festival. A. Zuckerman seconded the motion. The motion carries
VI. B. Work Plan-
1. Poverty Simulation Project-
L. Conners Bauer reported that with the approval of the 2012 Work Plan, one of
the items stated in the Work Plan is to support community impact issues and
initiatives, specifically the Boulder County Circles Campaign. The HRC is
supportive of the Poverty Simulation Project and invited Eliberto Mendoza to
give a presentation and to discuss what type of support the HRC can give to the
project. Eliberto Mendoza, Coordinator of the Boulder County Circles Campaign
briefly discussed the campaign and explained what takes place at a Poverty
Simulation event. The event concept was developed by the Missouri Community
Action Program. It is a one hour long event, where participants are invited to role
play in the lives of real people who are living in poverty. There are four fifteen
minute periods and each period represents one week. There are a maximum of 85
participants and the event includes an additional hour at the end for debriefing.
Each participant is randomly selected with regard to the "family" they are to role
play in. The scenarios are real and each participant has stated that they left the
event with greater awareness of poverty issues. It takes at least 20 volunteers to
put on the event. A. Zuckerman asked if there are a minimum number of
participants required to hold the event. E. Mendoza replied that although there is
not a stated minimum number, you would probably need twenty people to run the
event. C. Atilano asked about Pay Day Loans. E. Mendoza reported that the
pay day loan issue is a potential scenario in the simulation event. Emergency
loans are available to Circle leaders in the amount of $300 with no interest. It is
hoped that the Poverty Simulation Project will raise awareness and educate people
that poverty can happen to anyone, it may be generational or situational and there
are many factors that play in to the cause. With regard to HRC sponsorship, the
Circles campaign needs volunteers and help promoting the event. L. Conners
Bauer asked about specific expenses incurred for the event. E. Mendoza replied
that with the exception of the space to hold the event, which is often donated,
expenses include childcare, printed materials and Circle Leaders are each given a
$25 gift card for volunteering their time. L. Conners Bauer asked when the
event will be held? E. Mendoza stated that they would like to hold the event
before school is out. J. Dings recommends holding the event in April rather than
in May and that a proposal be brought back before the HRC. L. Conners Bauer
asked C. Atilano if there are any items that the HRC cannot cover. C. Atilano
stated that with regard to childcare, it is would be preferable to provide children's
activities or use a drop off center to best deal with childcare licensing
requirements. L. Conners Bauer asked E. Mendoza to bring back a budget for
the event in February and that the city will look into potential meeting spaces. E.
Mendoza also called attention to the Circles Campaig invitation which HRC
members received in their packets. The "Big View Team" deals with systemic
issues inherent in poverty. Circles leaders havebeen invited to meet with state
legislators and to discuss these issues with elected officials. It is hoped that the
HRC will encourage City Council to participate as they too have received
2. Committee Reports
MLK Day Celebration.
C. Atilano reported that invoices are still being paid from the event and there
will be a budget prepared for the February meeting. The event continues to be
successful and well attended. The MLK Planning Committee will meet later
this week for a debriefing of the event.
3. Pilot RFP: Annual Immigrant Heritage Week-
C. Atilano presented the Draft RFP. It will be launched on February 1, 2012
with a deadline for proposals on March 26, 2012. A. Zuckerman asked if the
HRC needs to set a maximum amount per event. C. Atilano stated that in
previous discussions the HRC did not want to limit the amount per event but
rather a maximum amount for total allocation. J. Dings commented that he
feels that maximum amounts provide good information to applicants with
regard to the scope and size of the event. A. Zuckerman recalls discussing
$3000-$5,000 per event. I Dings stated that the amount of $1500 has worked
well with the CEF, however, since it is a fast time event he is comfortable
allocating more thad this. C. Atilano commented that it is not likely that the
events will have multiple sponsors and that they will likely be sole funded. I
Dings commented that May is late to accept proposals for events to be held in
October. C. Atilano replied that we can change the application deadline to
the end of March and the HRC can hold interviews in April. L. Conners
Bauer asked if we will be responsible for advertising for the event(s).
C. Atilano replied that once we have the applications the City will advertise
for the events.
4. 2010 Census-
Stephanie Greenberg will be contracted with now that the 2012 HRC Work
Plan has been approved. C. Atilano stated that we will be requesting more
detailed information with regard to the following demographics: race,
ethnicity, age and income.
5. Top Priorites for City Council.
The HRC Memo was included in the City Council packets.
C. SB12-002: Concerning Authorization of Civil Unions
C. Atilano provided background information on the HRC's recommendation
to city council regarding the authorization of civil unions.
D. Board and Commission Recruitment.
There are two open seats on the HRC.
The deadline to apply is February 16, 2012 and interviews will be held in
March. John Paul Harris announced his resignation effective immediately.
He has accepted a position in Fort Collins and will be relocating. He thanked
the HRC for the meaningful experience.
E. Follow up Tasks-
1. Change the Date on the (November) minutes.
2. 4-C change the language to create opportunities rather than looking for
opportunities on homeless issues.
3. 2012 budget/MLK budget
4. Funding contracts for VAC and SPAN
5. Pilot RFP for Annual Immigrant Heritage Week
6. Contact Stephanie Greenberg re: 2010 census data.
VII. Action Items-
No immediate action items and no announcements.
VIII. Announcements.
L. Conners Bauer presented I P. Harris with a plaque and thanked him for his
service on the Human Relations Commission from April of 2010 to January of
M A iournment -
J. P. Harris moved to adjourn the January 23, 2012 meeting. S. Gesundheit
seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 5-0. The meeting was
adjoumed at 7:42 p.m.
Attested: Approved:
v Board Secretary HRC Chairperson