Minutes - Human Relations Commission - 02/27/2012 City of Boulder Human Relations Commission Minutes Monday, February 27, 2012 2160 Spruce, Boulder, CO 6:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Leisha Conners Bauer Jonathan Dings Amy Zuckerman Susan Gesundheit COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Carmen Atilano Beth Van Dusen 1. Call to Order The February 27, 2012 HRC meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by J. Dings. II. Agenda Adiustments None. III Approval of Minutes A. Zuckerman moved to accept the January 23, 2012 minutes, S. Geshundheit seconded. The motion passes 4-0. L. Conners Bauer joined the meeting in progress at 6:07 p.m. IV. Community Participation None. V. Action Items A. 2010 Census Analysis, Stephanie Greenberg This is an action item that requires a motion for staff to negotiate a contract agreement for research and analysis. There was dialogue with S. Greenberg regarding issues surrounding poverty and how data can be extracted from the 2010 census data. For example, how poverty impacts citizens (L. Conners Bauer) and prevalence in the community (S. Gesundheit). There was discussion regarding the standard in defining poverty, the poverty thresholds including qualifying factors such as, food stamps, TANF, Medicaid and Head Start programs. There was further discussion regarding how to trace the impacts to poverty. L. Conners Bauer suggests 200% of federal poverty level as a threshold. S. Gesundheit suggests that the data should not come exclusively from census data. For example, the national survey indicates that two in every fifty households are at poverty level and the estimates are less reliable the more you drill down. L. Conners Bauer commented on the socio-economic stratification in Boulder and the homeless/poverty relationship. In discussing the homeless/poverty relationship, S. Greenberg commented that quantitative local data may not exist and thus, she will likely need to conduct a literature review. I Dings suggested using the census data to look at trends and patterns with regard to diversity in Boulder and to use the data in a way that would be useful to policy makers. L. Conners Bauer concurs that we need to be able to use the data as a tool especially with regard to poverty and diversity and how it relates to the HRC's mission. A. Zuckerman commented on including the following categories, age, income, race, ethnicity and language barriers. S. Greenberg will put together a proposal for the March 19, 2012 HRC meeting. I Dings moved to approve the negotiation of a contract with Stephanie Greenberg to analyze data from the community survey and the 2010 census data with regard to poverty and homelessness in Boulder. S. Gesundheit seconded the motion. The motion carries 4-0. B-1. 2011 Community Self Evident Truths Project Kate Lesta presented a summary of the proposal and the history of the project to the HRC. I Dings asked about the specifics of the proposal with regard to Boulder. K. Lesta explained that there will be a five day festival with a public awareness campaign, which will include outreach, media and portraits of individuals. L. Conners Bauer asked where the event will take place and where the portraits will be displayed. The event will take place all over the city, including the University of Colorado campus, Farmers Market, Fox Theatre, Pearl Street Mall etc. The portraits will be displayed at a traveling exhibition, in books and on the website. L. Conners Bauer asked about other sources of funding. K. Lesta explained that the funding from the HRC will serve as seed money to bring the event to Boulder. To bring the event to Boulder it is necessary to pay travel related expenses for the photographer and production assistant. A. Zuckerman recommended that Kate contact Aicila Lewis with Out Boulder with regard to social media for the event. L. Conners Bauer moved to provide funding for the project in the amount of $2,000. 1 Dings seconded the motion. The motion carries 4-0. B-2. Poverty Simulation Workshop- E. Mendoza presented information on the Poverty Simulation Workshop at the January 23, 2012 HRC meeting and has subsequently submitted an application for a CIF grant in the amount of $1404.00 (included in packet). S. Gesundheit moved to fitnd the Circles Poverty Simulation Workshop as requested. A. Zuckerman seconded the motion. The motion carries 4-0. B-3. Boulder County Latino Task Force- Carmen Ramirez and Perla Delgado presented a Community Impact Fund request in the amount of $5,000.00 for the Latino Assessment of Boulder County. The first assessment was conducted ten years ago and provided much needed data for the City and the County. The objective is to identify values and contributions made by the Latino Community that have improved the quality of life for all Boulder County residents and to identify needs for improving the quality of life for Boulder County Latino residents. L. Conners Bauer moved to fund the proposal as requested. J. Dings seconded the motion. The motion carries 4-0. B-4. Boulder-Nablus Sister City Project- The applicant was not present at the meeting. J. Dings moved to table the application until the March 19, 2012 HRC meeting. L. Conners Bauer seconded the motion. The motion carries 4-0. VI-A. 2012 Work plan 1. Committee Reports- C. Atilano presented the budget for the 2012 MLK Day celebration. 2. Pilot RFP- Annual Immigrant Heritage Week- C. Atilano provided an update on the Annual Immigrant Heritage RFP. The RFP was launched on February I" with a deadline for proposals on March 26, 2012. J. Dings will determine how to best distribute the RFP at BHS. 3. Circles Campaign Date Change- The date for the Circles Campaign has been changed to April 5. Five City Council members have committed to attending the event C. Atilano will send an e-mail reminder with the date change. 4. Age Discrimination- C. Atilano discussed age discrimination and the range of ages for consideration as a protected class. There has been considerable research throughout the country with regard to removing the cap of age sixty five, predominantly due to the fact that many people are working past the age of sixty five. This is a good time for the HRC to look at this issue. B. NAHRW Update- John Bunzli, Human Rights Specialist with the Office of Human Rights and Community Relations attended his first NAHRW board meeting via teleconference on January 26, 2012. The prayer issue was discussed and a motion was made and subsequently passed unanimously, to eliminate organized prayer at conferences and to allow for a moment of silence or reflection prior to meals. This was considered to be a reasonable compromise and is in alignment with the views expressed by the HRC. C. State Income Protection Act- Informational only (included in packet) D. Follow up Tasks- 1. Funding contracts for Communikey, Circles-Poverty Simulation Project and the Latino Task Force of Boulder County. 2. Copy of (changes) in NAHRW by-laws and meeting related documents. 3. Follow-up with Boulder-Nablus-Sister City Project. VII. Action Items- No immediate action items. VIII. Announcements- A. Zuckerman announced that she will not be present at the March 19, 2012 IX. Adiournment - J. Dings moved to adjourn the February 27, 2012 meeting. A. Zuckerman seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Attested: Approved: Board Secretary HRC Chairperson