Feb17'11 Agenda
Human Relations Commission
Thursday, February 17, 2011
13 Street Conference Room
1720 13 Street
Boulder, Colorado
6:00 p.m.
I.Call to Order
II.Agenda Adjustments
III.Approval of Minutes
IV.Community Participation (non-agenda action items)
V.Action Item
A.2011 Community Impact Fund Request: Out Boulder
VI.Discussion/Informational Items
A. 2011 Budget
B. March, April HRC meeting dates
C. 2011 Work Plan:
1. 2010 Census
2. Clarification of HRC Funds: CEF and CIF
3. Committee Representation:
4. I Love Boulder Campaign
D. Summary of Follow-Up Tasks, C. Atilano
VII. Immediate Action Items
VIII. Adjournment
Minutes: January 20, 2010
Application: Community Impact Fund: Out Boulder
Guidelines: CEF and CIF
Flyer: I Love Boulder Campaign
Data: 2010 Census Data
Budget: HRC Budget Information